
hǎi yánɡ shí yóu
  • offshore oil
  1. 海洋石油平台用热轧H型钢生产工艺的优化

    Optimization of productive technology of H-beam used for offshore oil platform

  2. 海洋石油平台用H型钢的开发研究

    Development and research of h - beam using for offshore oil drilling platform

  3. 这种影响非常强大,以至于科学家们说,鸣禽和海鸟被陆地上的探照灯或海洋石油平台上的天然气火炬所"捕获"。

    The effect is so powerful that scientists speak of songbirds and seabirds being " captured " by searchlights on land or by the light from gas flares on marine oil platforms .

  4. DNA损伤可作为监测海洋石油污染的生物标志物。

    DNA damage can be a biomarker to marine oli pollution .

  5. 高强度高韧性海洋石油平台用热轧H型钢的开发

    Development of High Strength High Toughness Hot Rolling H-beam Using for Offshore Oil Drilling Platform

  6. 插销爬杆型液压自升式海洋石油钻井平台PLC控制

    PLC Control of Pin Climbing - Rod Hydraulic Self - Lift Ocean Oil Boring Platform

  7. ISO数学理论在海洋石油工程中的应用

    Application of ISO Mathematics Theory in Offshore Oil Engineering

  8. 中方合作方为中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)和中国石油化工集团公司。

    The Chinese parties are China National Offshore Oil Corporation ( CNOOC )

  9. CO2均匀腐蚀速率预测模型的建立对于海洋石油工程设计及安全生产具有重要意义。

    The establishment of predictive model for CO 2 uniform corrosion is very important to safety production and engineering design of offshore oil industry .

  10. “红筹公司”大部分是在海外成立公司并在香港上市的大型中国国有公司,比如中国移动(chinamobile)和中国海洋石油总公司(chinanationaloffshoreoilcorporation)。

    " Red chips " are mostly large state-owned Chinese companies , such as China Mobile and China National Offshore Oil Corporation , that have incorporated abroad and sold shares in the Hong Kong stock market .

  11. 海洋石油平台焊接接头大型CTOD试验

    Large-Sized CTOD Test for Welded Joints of Offshore Petroleum Platform

  12. 海洋石油开采平台35kV开关装置绝缘的参数

    Insulation Parameters of 35 kV Switch Cabinets Used at Marine Petrol Exploitation Platform

  13. 本文从分析海洋石油钻井行业既具有服务业的共性,又带有产品制造业某些重要特征出发,探讨如何结合钻井行业的特征,搞好ISO9000质量认证。

    The paper studies how to conduct quality verification of ISO 9000 standard according to the drilling characteristics starting from the analysis of drilling service and operation .

  14. 有人曾在2004年目睹中国能源巨头中海油(中国海洋石油总公司,CNOOC)的董事长兼首席执行官傅成玉到访过该地。

    Fu Chengyu , Chairman and CEO of China 's energy giant China National Offshore Oil Corporation ( CNOOC ) is seen here in2004 .

  15. 虽然布里达斯能源公司是私有企业,但是其50%股份由中国大型国有能源公司中国海洋石油公司(Cnooc)公司拥有。

    While it is privately held , half of the company is owned by CNOOC , one of the large state-controlled Chinese energy companies .

  16. NAVTEX及在海洋石油业中的应用

    NAVTEX and Its Application in Offshore Petroleum Industry

  17. 本文主要研究了中国海洋石油总公司的发展目标,目前所处的国际国内竞争环境,发展的制约因素,以及WTO对中国海洋石油总公司的影响。

    This paper mainly studies on the development objective of China National Offshore Oil Corporation , and describes the current domestic and international competition environment , the restricting factors of development and the influences of WTO on China National Offshore Oil Corporation .

  18. 本文论述液压自升式海洋石油钻井平台中为控制主缸及上、下插销缸做插销爬杆式的顺序运动,以推动桩腿升降或平台同步升降的PLC控制系统。

    PLC control system of hydraulic self - lift ocean oil boring platform is presented . The sequential motions of main cylinder , upper pin cylinder and lower pin cylinder are controlled by the system to elevate the legs or platform synchronously .

  19. 结合最近与国外工程公司合作实施的工程项目,对H级防火分隔和结构防火在海洋石油开发工程中应用的特点做了阐述,为今后海洋石油开发工程项目在被动防火方面的设计提供参考。

    Through the lately engineering projects cooperated with foreign companies , retrospection and conclusion have been made for class H fore protected division and structure fire protection , this can provide reference for the design of passive fire protection of offshore oil engineering projects .

  20. 浮式生产储油轮(FPSO)是当今海洋石油天然气开发的主流工程设施。

    FPSO ( Floating Production , Storage and Offloading ) has become a very popular solution in exploitation activities of ocean oil and gas resources in the world .

  21. 随着海洋石油工业向深水领域的拓展以及边际油田的开发,都将孕育着FPSO的潜在市场及广阔的发展空间。

    With the development of deepwater and marginal fields , it is believed that more and more FPSO will be deployed to accommodate the need of such development .

  22. 中国海洋石油(CnoocLtd.)去年完成了对加拿大尼克森公司(Nexen)的收购,这是中国迄今为止规模最大的海外收购案,也是中国最雄心勃勃的获取海外资源的举措之一。

    Cnooc Ltd. last year completed its purchase of Canada 's Nexen in China 's biggest acquisition of a foreign company and one of its most ambitious moves to secure resources abroad .

  23. 2005年中国国有企业中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)试图以185亿美元收购美国石油企业优尼科(Unocal),但由于强大的政治阻力而失败。

    In 2005 , a $ 18.5bn bid by state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation for Unocal , the US oil company , failed because of fierce political resistance .

  24. 本文以海洋石油102FPSO的现场监测数据为基石,对其进行误差校准与数据融合处理,得到完整的FPSO运动响应信息。

    In this paper , based on " Offshore oil102 " FPSO of train field monitoring data , through the error of calibration and the data fusion processing , then get complete FPSO motion response information .

  25. 随着海洋石油开发需求的不断增加,FPSO作为海洋石油开发中必不可少的核心单元,越来越广泛的应用于浅海和深海海域的石油开发中。

    With the increasing requirement of offshore oil-field development , As the essential core cell in the offshore oil-field development , FPSO is more and more widely used in the shallow sea and deep sea oil development .

  26. 目前,海洋石油工业正在逐步向更深的水域发展,比如墨西哥湾、巴西、非洲西部、北大西洋与挪威海,水深都在1000~3000m范围内。

    Nowadays , the exploration and production of oil & gas intend to deeper sea with 1000 ~ 3000 m depths in Mexico Gulf , Brazil , West Africa , North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea .

  27. SAF2205双相不锈钢管道广泛地应用于化工、海洋石油平台等国民经济重要部门的建设。

    Duplex stainless steel pipes , SAF2205 , are widely used in the vital department ofthe national economy , such as chemical industries and offshore applications .

  28. 以FPSO海洋石油111利用生产水清洗生产水舱和清洗货油舱的实践为基础,探讨了如何利用FPSO丰富的高温生产水资源和FPSO舱室设计特点来进行洗舱的问题。

    The Disquisition is Based on Practice of Cargo Tank Washing With Production Water on " Hai Yang Shi You 111 ", The main point is discussing how to washing the Cargo tanks with the abundant high temperature Production Water on New design FPSO .

  29. 大型海洋石油平台组块滑移装船过程中滑道结构安全性评价

    Security evaluate of skidway structures of large offshore platforms loadout process

  30. 海洋石油分散风险成本和效益的经济分析

    Economic analysis of transforming risk cost and benefit of oceanic petroleum