- 名marine ecology

In addition to research team leader Mr. Turney , other scientists come from a range of disciplines , including marine ecology , terrestrial ecology , ornithology and oceanography .
Ecotone theory and its application to marine ecology
The coastal ecosystems usually have high primary productivity , diverse and complex community , therefore , nutrient biogeochemical cycles have become the cone theme in ocean science .
It is one of the research focuses for marine ecology that the emergence , development and vanishment of harmful algae blooms ( HABs ) at present . Among them , qualitative and quantitative detection for HAB species is the basic task .
Progress on Marine Benthic Ecology and Biodiversity
Experimental ecological study on marine ciliates I : effects of different concentrations of glucose on population growth
The Distribution of the Heterotrophic Bacteria in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea
Therefore , with the guidance of chemical ecological effects , searching for metabolites with chemical ecological activities could be a new important way to discover new marine drugs .
Marine ecosystem dynamical modelling and simulation study is one of the most important research fields of the marine ecology .
Following the laws of nature is one of the basic principles of the marine ecology law .
On the Living Conditions Our Ancestors in the Islands near the East Coast Based on the Marine Myth such as the Book of Mountains and Seas
The research , which on the function and structure of the marine allelochemicals , has becoming a hot topic in marine chemical ecology .
This model supply a dual model for drug discovery and chemical ecology , which is suitable both for assessing chemical toxicity in drug discovery and for evaluation chemical ecological effects in study of marine chemical ecology .