
  • 网络Marine oil and gas resources;ocean oil and gas resource
  1. 海洋油气资源开发对海洋经济环境的影响

    Exploitation of Marine Oil and Gas Resources Impact on Marine Economy Environment

  2. 面向海洋油气资源综合预测的海洋地理信息系统研究

    Marine Geographic Information Systems for Synthetically Forecasting Marine Oil and Gas Resources

  3. 国外海洋油气资源的遥感技术探测

    The Remote Sensing Technique Detection of Offshore Oil and Gas Resources in Foreign Country

  4. 海洋油气资源开发技术发展战略研究

    Strategic Research on Offshore Oil-gas Exploitation Techniques

  5. 在海洋油气资源开发中,油气集输是重要的组成部分。

    Gathering and transportation are the important parts of the offshore oil and gas exploitation .

  6. 特别是海洋油气资源的开发,就更加引人注目。

    In particular the development of offshore oil and gas resources , the more compelling .

  7. 海底油气输送管道是海洋油气资源开发利用的主要运输方式。

    Subsea pipelines are one of the major modes of ocean oil and gas transport .

  8. 其设计周期和设计质量直接影响到海洋油气资源开发的成本和效率。

    The design . period and quality affect directly the cost and efficiency of marine exploitation .

  9. 海底热流数据是开展海洋油气资源综合评价的一个重要参数。

    Submarine geothermal research is critical to the comprehensive evaluation of the marine oil and gas resources .

  10. 管道是海洋油气资源开采过程中最主要的运输方式。

    Flexible pipe is the most important ways to transport oil and gas in the oceanographic engineering .

  11. 该公司将在一个比整个科威特面积还大的地区同时开采陆地和海洋油气资源。

    It will explore for oil and gas both onshore and offshore in an area larger than Kuwait .

  12. 边际油田的开发是集海洋油气资源之钻井、采油工程及海洋工程为一体的系统工程。

    Marginal oil field exploitation is a system engineering including drilling operation , oil extraction , and platform construction .

  13. 海洋油气资源开发要求海洋工程结构在服役期内具备足够的可靠性和安全性。

    Sufficient reliability and safety of ocean engineering structure have been demanded as the development of offshore oil and gas resources .

  14. 虽然我国拥有丰富的海洋油气资源,但终将面临枯竭的危险。

    Although China is rich in the resources of offshore oil and gas , it will eventually face the danger of depletion .

  15. 人类对能源的需求越来越大,对于海洋油气资源的探测和开发也随之越来越广泛和深入。

    Human demand for energy is growing . Exploration and exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources also will be more extensive and in-depth .

  16. 随着海洋油气资源勘探开发的快速发展,对海洋环境带来的污染也日趋严重。

    With the fast development of offshore oil and gas exploration and exploitation , the marine environmental pollution is becoming more and more seriously .

  17. 海洋油气资源开发的前提是对海洋油气资源进行准确的勘探。

    The accurate exploration of the marine oil and gas resources is the premise for the development of the marine oil and gas resource .

  18. 随着海洋油气资源的加速开发,导管架储油平台广泛应用于近海油气开发的领域。

    With the accelerate development of offshore oil and gas resources , jacket platform with tank is widely used in offshore oil and gas exploitation .

  19. 海洋油气资源极为丰富,勘探开发正在迅速发展。

    We must look to the marine , offshore oil and gas resources are very rich , and the exploration and development are rapidly developing .

  20. 目前,随着海洋油气资源勘探活动不断向深海的发展,这对海洋平台的系泊系统提出了更高的要求。

    Currently , the deep-sea exploration activities are growing constantly , which puts forward higher requirements to the mooring systems of the offshore platform structure .

  21. 作为海洋油气资源开发的基础性设施,海洋平台的安全特性越来越受到人们的重视。

    The safety analysis of offshore platform is more and more important , because the offshore platform is the basic establishment for marine oil and gas exploitation .

  22. 特别是近年来,随着海洋油气资源开发的日益追求经济性效益,抗冰平台结构的设计越来越趋于经济性设计。

    In recent years , the economic design of the platform structures is considered increasingly with the pursuit of the maximum economic benefits in oil / gas resource developments .

  23. 近年来,随着海洋油气资源的开发利用不断向深海推进,深水海洋平台技术也获得了飞速的发展。

    As the exploitation of marine oil and gas resources gradually extends to the deep sea , design technology of deepwater platforms has been developing fast in the recent years .

  24. 随着海洋油气资源开发的不断深水化,疲劳成为海洋工程结构发生破坏甚至导致海损事故的主要原因之一。

    With the offshore gas and oil development constantly proceeded in deeper water , the structural fatigue has become one of the most important reasons of offshore structure damage or even accidents .

  25. 随着世界海洋油气资源开采不断地深水及超深水化,适用于深海钻井作业的生产系统也成为了热点研究领域。

    With the exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources constantly proceeded in deep water and ultra deep water , research on drilling and production system for deep water has became hot issues .

  26. 随着海洋油气资源开采逐渐向深海发展,新型绷紧式系泊系统正替代传统悬链式系泊系统广泛应用于深水平台的系泊中。

    With the exploitation of offshore oil and gas moving gradually to the deep water , the new type taut-wire mooring system is being widely used as the alternative of the conventional catenary mooring system .

  27. 自六十年代开发海洋油气资源以来,渤海、东海和南海相继建立了几十座海洋平台结构,这些平台结构的大部分已经陆续进入了服役的中期和后期。

    Ever since 1960 , dozens of offshore structures has been set up at Bo Sea , East Sea , and South Sea . Most of these structures have entered the last period of its life span .

  28. 然而,从目前的油气勘探形势来看,仅靠陆地油气已远远不能满足国家日益增长的需求,必须将海洋油气资源列入重要的能源勘探开发目标,以寻求更为广阔的资源前景。

    However , oil and gas on land can 't meet the growing demand at the state economy , marine oil and gas exploration and development must be an important goal of energy resources to seek more extensive resources prospects .

  29. 海洋油气资源已经成为全球重要的油气资源,开发海洋油气资源(特别是深水油气资源)已作为我国的重要战略举措之一。

    Offshore oil and gas resources have become an important oil-gas resource in the world ; the exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources , particularly deep-water oil-gas resources , has become one of the important strategic measures in our country .

  30. 当代全球海洋油气资源的勘探与开发事业将逐步向深水发展,为应对这一全球化发展趋势,国家已经将深水石油的勘探与开发列入了国家中长期科技发展规划以及国家863高科技发展规划当中。

    The exploration and development of contemporary global offshore oil and gas resources will gradually keep forward to the deep water . In response to this globalization trend , it has been included in the development plan of national long-term technology .