
  1. 海洋污染物破损影响

    Damage of marine pollutant

  2. 双壳类清滤率在海洋污染物毒性研究中的应用

    The use of bivalve filtration rate in toxicity study on marine pollutants

  3. 他们说,虽然这是初步研究,仍需确认,但人们必须做更多的工作来清理海洋污染物。

    They say while this is preliminary research , which needs to be confirmed , more must be done to clean up the oceans .

  4. 海上溢油污染是最常见的海洋污染物之一,而实时准确地监视监测溢油位置和漂移轨迹是采取有效溢油应急行动的关键。

    Oil spill is the most common pollution in sea .

  5. 萘和镉都是重要的海洋污染物。

    Both naphthalene and cadmium are important marine pollutants .

  6. 在线检测海洋污染物的技术有若干种,各有优劣,其中基于质谱技术原理的检测仪器在测量种类、测量精度、测量速度、可实现性角度讲,更具有优越性。

    Among them , the instrument based on mass spectrometric technique has more advantages from the aspects of measurement kind , accuracy , speed and practicability .

  7. 海绵比基尼,一款旨于吸收海洋污染物的泳衣,由加州大学河滨分校电子工程学教授Mihri设计,穿戴者只要在海里游一游泳、划一划手就能清理污染物。

    The Sponge Suit bikini , designed by UC Riverside electrical engineering professor Mihri Ozkan , is designed to absorb pollutants from the ocean as its wearer swims around in the sea .

  8. 由以上结果可见,双壳类清滤率能快速、敏感地反应污染物的影响,是海洋污染物毒性研究的一个良好指标。

    The results indicated that the clearance rate of bivalves could reflect the effect of the pollutants rapidly and sensitively , therefore it could be used as an index in toxicity research of marine pollutants .

  9. 海洋石油污染物的微生物降解与生物修复

    Biodegradation and bioremediation of petroleum contaminants in seawater

  10. 红外光谱法监测海洋石油污染物

    Monitoring Marine Oil Pollutant with IR Technology

  11. 世界海洋石油污染物的地理分布特点受到污染源和大气环流的影响,分布很有规律。

    Geographic distribution of oceanic petroleum pollutant in the world is regular with influence of pollutant source and ocean circumfluence .

  12. 在排入海洋的污染物中,有机污染是现在增长最快和情况最为严重的污染。

    Among various sea pollutions , the organic pollution with quickest spreading speed is the gravest and the most serious pollution to be controlled .

  13. 在众多的河流、湖泊、小溪和海洋的污染物中,酸雨和重金属只是其中的少数几种。

    Acid rain and heavy metals are only a few of the many pollutants that contaminate rivers , lakes , streams , seas , and oceans .

  14. 实验在为海洋环境污染物风险评估提供科学参考的同时,也证实了气候和环境变化会导致海洋种群结构变化并进而对整个海洋生态系统造成影响。

    The experiments could not only provide scientific references for marine pollution assessment , but also confirmed that climate and environment changes may change marine species construction and impact marine ecosystem further .

  15. 进入河流、湖泊和海洋的污染物类型包括有机废料、其他营养物、有毒化合物和其他危险物质、热废水和沉积物。

    The types of pollutants entering streams , lakes and oceans from such sources include organic wastes , other nutrients , toxic chemicals and other hazardous substances , heated water , and sediments .

  16. 介绍了宁波港、舟山港石油类海洋环境污染物的来源情况,其污染源来自石油库、港口、油轮事故、污油和含油污水的排放以及船舶修理、船舶清洗等。

    Source of oil marine pollution at Port of Ningbo and Zhoushan is described . The sources include oil depots , ports , accidents of oil tankers , discharge of contaminated oils and sewage containing oil and repair and cleaning of ships .

  17. 伊朗表示,扣押一艘韩国油轮是因“技术问题”而采取的“正常”程序。昨天,“韩国化学”号油轮被伊斯兰革命卫队扣押,原因是涉嫌向海洋倾倒污染物。

    Iran says the seizure of a South Korean oil tanker is a " normal " procedure over a " technical matter . " The Hankuk Chemi was seized by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps yesterday on suspicion of dumping pollution in the sea .

  18. 海洋是污染物的最终汇集地,多环芳烃、多氯联苯和有机氯农药是毒性较高的持久性有机污染物,可长期存在于环境中,通过食物链积聚,对人类健康及环境造成不利影响。

    The sea is the ultimate gathering place of the pollutants , polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides are highly persistent organic pollutants , can exist for a long time in the environment , accumulate through the food chain , adversely impact .

  19. 向海洋排放污染物、倾到废弃物,进行海岸工程建设和海洋石油勘探开发,必须依照法律的规定,防止对海洋环境的污染损害。

    The discharge of pollutants and the dumping of wastes into the seas , the construction of coastal projects , and the exploration and exploitation of offshore oil must be conducted in compliance with legal provisions so as to guard against the pollution and damage of the marine environment .

  20. 粤西近海及舟山群岛海洋生物体内污染物调查研究

    Investigation of Pollutants in Marine Organisms from Western Guangdong and Zhoushan Archipelago

  21. 海洋石油开发污染物生物监测中实验动物的筛选和应用

    The Selection and Utility of Experimental Animals on Pollution Biomonitoring of Marine Petroleum Exploitation

  22. 海洋中有毒有机污染物的监测方法研究进展

    Advances on the monitoring approaches of organic pollutants in the marine environment

  23. 舟山港海域海洋生物体内主要污染物分析

    Analysis of main pollutants in marine animals in Zhoushan Port sea area

  24. 海洋垃圾是海洋污染物的一种。

    Marine garbage is one kind of marine pollutants .

  25. 过量营养盐是破坏海洋平衡的首要污染物,地下水携带的营养盐向海输送量不容忽视。

    Excessive nutrient salt is the chief contamination which destroy ocean balance , Nutrient salt transported by groundwater can not be ignored .

  26. 一旦排放到海洋中,这些污染物会扩散到水、沉积物和海洋生物体内。

    Once discharged into the ocean , these chemicals disperse into three phases , viz . , water , sediment and marine organisms .

  27. 以海洋中有毒有机污染物监测方法的发展为主线,系统介绍了这些方法的前处理和分析手段,简要概述了各监测方法的优缺点。

    Advances in the monitoring approaches of organic pollutants in the marine environment were reviewed in this paper according to the development of monitoring approaches .

  28. 今天,海洋已成为一切污染物的最后归宿之后,它的这一功能,正在以惊人的速度缩减中。

    Today , after the oceans have become the home of all pollutants , this use of the oceans is being reduced at an alarming rate .

  29. 因此,海水水质基准指示了海洋环境对特定污染物受纳能力的底线,是制定海水水质标准的准绳和科学根据。

    The seawater quality criteria indicate the marine environment baselines for receiving contaminants . And the seawater quality criteria are the scientific foundation of the seawater quality standards .

  30. 海岸带处于陆地的边缘,毗邻海洋,易受源自陆地和海洋污染物的影响,产生交叉污染,生态环境比较脆弱。

    Coastal zones usually locate at the edge of the land and face to ocean . They are vulnerable to the pollutants derived from the land and sea , which leads to cross contamination .