
  • 网络Oceanographic research;Journal of Marine Sciences
  1. 摩德纳岛是斯基达韦岛(SkidawayIsland)的一部分,岛上有一座由佐治亚大学的海洋学研究所和一座大型州立公园。

    Modena Island is a part of Skidaway Island , which has an oceanography research facility operated by the University of Georgia and a large state park .

  2. 美国的科研机构的实验已经利用人类废水成功地检验了这个理论。这些机构包括WoodsHole海洋学研究所和HarborBranch海洋学研究所。

    This idea has been tested successfully using human wastewater in experiments at US institutions , including the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution .

  3. 去进行满意的REA,水雷战团体和海洋学研究人员正在对AUV在这一个任务的使用进行广泛的研究。

    To carry out satisfactory REA , the mine warfare community and oceanographic researchers are carrying out extensive studies into the use of AUVs in this role .

  4. 目前主要研究Cr同位素,确定Cr对Jurassic-Triassic边界可能产生的影响事件,以及采用铀系列同位素进行海洋学研究。

    Examples of current projects being pursued are an investigation of Cr-isotopes to identify a possible impact event at the Jurassic-Triassic boundary , and the use of U-series isotopes in Oceanography .

  5. 今后5年海洋遥感利用ESA的ERS-1海洋卫星资料后将会在海洋监测及其它海洋学研究领域起着重要作用。

    In coming 5 year the satellite remote sensing would play a great role in ma-rine surveillance and other oceanographic researches by us-ing the data from ERS-1 which is being launched by ESA in 1991 .

  6. 目前,卫星高度计在远海测量的瞬时海面高度的精度可达到5cm,极大的促进了大地测量学、地球物理学、海洋学研究等领域的发展。

    At present , the accuracy of satellite altimeter measuring the sea surface instantaneous height over the deep ocean is better than ± 5 cm , this pushed the development of geodesy , geophysics , oceanographic greatly .

  7. 该研究是由来自美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Scripps海洋学研究所的云、化学和气候中心的科学家完成的。

    The research was conducted by a group at the Center for Clouds , Chemistry and Climate at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego , United States .

  8. 全球尺度海洋学研究对卫星遥感数据的需求

    Requirements of global scale oceanographic study for satellite remote sensing data

  9. 海洋环境和海洋学研究区域工作组

    Regional Working Group on Marine Environment and Oceanographic Studies

  10. 普里兹湾附近物理海洋学研究进展

    Progress in physical oceanographic studies of Prydz Bay and its adjacent oceanic area

  11. 用海洋学研究方法预报地震的尝试(综述)

    An Attempt to Predict Earthquakes with Oceanographic Research Methods ( An Overview )

  12. 新生产力&一个新的海洋学研究领域

    New production & a new research area of Oceanography

  13. 2002年国外物理海洋学研究主要进展

    Overseas advances in physical oceanography studies in 2002

  14. 卫星遥感数据是开展全球尺度海洋学研究的基础。

    Satellite remote sensing data are the basis for developing global scale oceanographic study .

  15. 应用科学计算可视化技术于海洋学研究在中国尚不多见。本文试图将这一技术引入物理海洋学领域。

    This paper addresses introduction of scientific visualization technology into the research on physical oceanography .

  16. 生物海洋学研究进展

    Research Progress of Biological Oceanography

  17. 黑潮与南海的相互作用是海洋学研究中一个悬而未决的课题。

    The process of Kuroshio interaction with the South China Sea is an oceanographic topic that remains unsolved .

  18. 走航观测、遥感、理论解和数值模型是物理海洋学研究的重要手段。

    In-situ observation , remote sensing , analytic and numerical models are all important tools in physical oceanography research .

  19. 有孔虫和钙质超微类生物演化迅速,许多属种呈全球分布,再加上个体微小和数量巨大,从而成为侏罗纪以来进行海相地层划分对比和海洋学研究的最重要化石门类。

    Foraminifera and nanofossils are the most important fossils for marine stratigraphic classification and correlation after Jurassic and research on oceanography .

  20. 利用卫星测高数据计算海洋重力异常是大地测量学和海洋学研究中的重要课题。

    It is a very important topic in geodesy and oceanography research to compute marine gravity anomaly using satellite altimetry data .

  21. 美国马萨诸塞州的伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所的一项新的研究表明,海洋酸化已经成为一个非常严重的问题。

    A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts shows that ocean acidification is becoming a very serious problem .

  22. 其主要内容包括:1.开展普里兹湾及其邻近海域物理海洋学研究的科学意义;

    The main contents of the paper are : 1 . scientific significances for studying the physical oceanography of Prydz Bay and its adjacent ocean ;

  23. 他放弃了加州斯克里普斯海洋学研究所的一个好位子去追求在国家地理的一个更有意义的职业。

    He gave up a good post at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in California to pursue an even more meaningful role at National Geographic .

  24. 伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所的研究发现,许多海洋动物,如生长硬壳和骨架的软体动物和珊瑚是最危险的。

    The Woods Hole study found that many marine animals like mollusks and corals that build hard shells and skeletons are most at risk from this .

  25. 双方计划在经济特区建设一个物流与服务中心、一所大学以及一座海洋学研究中心。

    There are plans to build a logistics and services hub in the economic zone , as well as a university and an oceanographic research centre .

  26. 随着全球尺度海洋学研究的进一步开展及海洋地理信息系统的产生,地理信息系统在海洋地质中的应用前景良好。

    With the further development of global oceanography research and the appearance of marine geography information system , there is favorable foreground for GIS application to marine geology .

  27. 本文主要利用近三十年来的文献资料,概述了普里兹湾及其邻近洋区物理海洋学研究的进展。

    Based on the literature mainly published in the recent 30 years , this paper summarizes the progress in physical oceanographic studies of Prydz Bay and its adjacent Oceanic area .

  28. 结果获得了三只绿海龟海上迁徙过程实时定位及其环境测量数据,这对于制订海龟保护策略和物理海洋学研究有重要意义。

    We obtained the positions of the post nesting migrant routes of three green turtles and environment data , which were important in conservation of green turtles and the research of physical oceanography .

  29. 另外海表及次表层气泡在物理海洋学研究中也有重要的作用,会影响海气之间的热量交换。

    Meanwhile , Bubble size distributions in the surface and subsurface layers of the oceans are of considerable importance in physical oceanography . Bubbles play a crucial role in several important air-sea interactive processes .

  30. 根据我国沿海特点,建议我国今后对生物海洋学研究的重点是:1.对不同水域初级生产力的研究。

    Based on the coastal features of China , we propose that the focal points of research in biological oceanography hereafter in China should be : 1 . Primary productivity studies in different sea areas ;