
  • 网络heinrich;heinrici;W.H.Heinrich
  1. 第二次世界大战让德国失去了道德指南针,格拉斯、海因里希·伯尔(HeinrichBöll)和齐格飞·蓝茨(SiegfriedLenz)等作家拿出了它。

    World War II left Germany without a moral compass ; writers like Mr. Grass , Heinrich B ö ll and Siegfried Lenz provided it .

  2. 第二次世界大战让德国失去了道德指南针,格拉斯、海因里希·伯尔(HeinrichB&246;ll)和齐格飞·蓝茨(SiegfriedLenz)等作家拿出了它。

    World War II left Germany without a moral compass ; writers like Mr. Grass , Heinrich B & # 246 ; ll and Siegfried Lenz provided it .

  3. 1915年7月的某一天,德国外交官兼美国一战时期特务组织的官方出纳员海因里希艾伯特(HeinrichAlbert)在坐地铁的时候小睡了一会。

    The German diplomat Heinrich Albert , who happened to be the official paymaster of the World War I spy ring in America , took a nap one day in July 1915 while riding the subway .

  4. 很长一段时间以来,许多人都认为特洛伊只是个神话故事,直到19世纪70年代海因里希·施利曼(HeinrichSchliemann)第一次发掘出了它,他发现这个遗址中实际上有很多城市,多年以来层叠式地建在了一起。

    Troy was long considered by many to be the stuff of myth until it was first excavated in the 1870s by Heinrich Schliemann , who discovered that there were actually numerous cities on the site , which over the years had been built on top of one another .

  5. 海因里希.鲁道夫.赫兹证实电是以光速传播的。

    Heinrich Rudolf Hertz proves that electricity is transmitted at the speed of light .

  6. 海因里希.赫兹展示电磁波的存在。

    Heinrich Hertz shows that electromagnetic waves exist .

  7. 海因里希的军队在干什么?

    What is heinrici 's army doing ?

  8. 海因里希。赫兹制造出无线电波。

    Heinrich Hertz produces radio waves .

  9. 希姆莱共有兄弟三人:格伯哈特、海因里希和恩斯特,后者是该书作者的祖父。

    There were three Himmler brothers : gebhard , Heinrich and ernst , the author 's grandfather .

  10. 海因里希斯工作的车间被烧毁了,但家得救了。

    The workshop Heinrichs was working in was destroyed in the fire , but the house was saved .

  11. 不过到了1937年,时任德国内政部代理部长的海因里希?希姆莱(德国纳粹头子)对烟囱清洁法进行了修订。

    But in1937 the chimney-sweep law was revised by Heinrich Himmler , then the acting [ 2 ] interior minister .

  12. 英国科学家詹姆斯。麦克斯韦和德国科学家海因里希。赫兹的非凡工作导致了现代通信技术的突飞猛进。

    The work by British scientist James Maxwell and German scientist Heinrich Hertz led to the development of modern communications technology .

  13. 海因里希·伯尔是二战后德国最具国际知名度的作家之一,1972年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。

    Heinrich Boll is one of the most internationally renowned writers in Germany after World War ⅱ, Nobel Prize winner in 1972 .

  14. 介绍了海因里希因果连锁理论,论述了海因里希因果连锁理论对危险化学品生产企业安全管理的启示。

    This paper introduces Heinrich causal chain theory , and discusses the inspiration of Heinrich causal chain theory on the safety management of dangerous chemicals production enterprise .

  15. 一辆警车里的摄像机录下了这条狗跑回它的主人海因里希斯的家里的过程。海因里希斯的家里是因为火炉点燃了化学物质而失火的。

    Dash-camera video from a state trooper 's vehicle showed Buddy running back to Ben Heinrichs'property which was engulfed in flames after a heater set chemicals on fire .

  16. 我们想像海因里希。赫兹能看到所有这些发展成果,他会为他制作的那个他曾认为毫无用处的装置而感到无比的自豪。

    We think Heinrich Hertz would look at all these developments and he very proud of the device he made that he thought would never be of any use .

  17. 扼要引用本质安全的原理,讨论事故致因,介绍海因里希法则在安全实践中的应用,提出按模块化方式逐步构建本质安全型企业的设想。

    Application of Heinrich Rule in safe practice was introduced and the idea that enterprise with inherent safety will be established using module method is put forward as well .

  18. 由于庄园里的男人都已征召参战,莱娜不得不肩负其父亲的工作,管理整个庄园,甚至打算与毫无感情的海因里希结婚。

    Since all the men are away at war , Lena takes over the supervision of her father 's estate and even decides to marry Heinrich count von gernstorff , a man she never loved .

  19. 黑默斯托弗在法兰克福书展上对记者说,人们在厕纸上可以读到德国文学巨擘海因里希-海涅和克里斯廷-摩根施泰恩的诗歌,还有故事和侦探小说。

    Poems by German literary giants Heinrich Heine and Christian morgenstern , as well as tales and detective stories could be found on the toilet rolls , Hemmerstoffer told reporters at the Frankfurt Book fair .

  20. 。当海因里希成为大屠杀及欧洲东部中心血淋淋的种族重新划分的关键性人物时,他还是一位成功的音乐家,他钟爱所有主要的德国浪漫主义作曲家,而他听莫扎特奏鸣曲有时还会落泪

    While Heydrich was a key figure for both the Holocaust and the bloody re-ordering of ethnicities in East-Central Europe , he was also an accomplished musician who was very fond of all major German romantic composers and often wept while listening to or playing a Mozart sonata .