
  1. 海上储油船压载舱羊毛脂涂层失效的分析

    Failure Analysis of Wool Degras Coating for Ballast Tank of Oil Ship on Ocean

  2. 液舱晃荡问题常常存在于装有液容器的运载工具或工程结构物中,例如船舶的液货舱、燃油舱以及海上储油罐等。

    Liquid tank sloshing is often existed in vehicles and structures which are equipped with liquid containers , such as the liquid cargo tanks , fuel oil tanks and the ocean oil storage tanks .

  3. 基于遗传算法的海上石油储油船容量及主尺度确定

    The Determination of Capacity and Principal Dimensions of Oil Storage Vessel Based on Genetic Algorithms

  4. 海上浮式储油轮狭水道拖航的可行性论证超大型浮式生产储油轮货油舱脚手架设计新思路

    The Feasibility Demonstration and Actual Operation of Towing for Dead Ultra Large vessel in narrow channel The new idea of scaffold design for FPSO cargo oil tank