
  • 网络bacterioplankton;planktonic bacteria
  1. DAPI荧光染色技术已广泛应用于浮游细菌及原生生物的定量研究,但对底栖生物的定量效能尚缺必要的研究。

    The method of epifluorescence microscopy with DAPI staining has been widely used in the quantitative research of planktonic bacteria and protists , but scarcely applied in benthic study .

  2. 鱼池生态系统中影响浮游细菌生长制约因素的研究。

    Main factors influencing the growth of planktonic bacteria in fish pond ecosystem .

  3. 通过与PAT数据库对比,揭示生态恢复区中浮游细菌主要的种类。

    Through the database phylogenetic assignment tool ( PAT ) comparison , revealed a major species of bacterioplankton assemblages of ecological restoration areas .

  4. 海洋异养浮游细菌参数的测定和估算

    Measuring and estimating parameters of the heterotrophic bacterio-plankton in marine ecosystem

  5. 上海市内不同水质的河道春季浮游细菌群落结构分析

    Bacterial Community Structure in Four Different Rivers of Shanghai in Spring

  6. 海洋异养浮游细菌生物量及生产力的制约因素

    Limiting Factors of Biomass and Production of Marine Heterotrophic Bacterioplankton

  7. 胶州湾异养浮游细菌对磷的吸收作用及影响因素研究

    Phosphorus Uptake by Heterotrophic Bacterioplankton and Its Affecting Factors in Jiaozhou Bay

  8. 渤海湾海域浮游细菌的生态研究

    Ecological Research of Heterotrophic Bacterioplankton in the Bohai Bay Waters

  9. 海洋浮游细菌在碳循环中的作用

    The role of marine bacterioplankton in the carbon cycle

  10. 对5个对虾养殖围隔生态系浮游细菌的数量动态进行了研究。

    Numerical dynamics of bacterioplankton in 5 shrimp cultural enclosure ecosystems were studied .

  11. 宁波北仑港冬季浮游细菌多样性研究

    Bacterioplankton diversity of Beilun Harbor in winter Ningbo

  12. 白令海夏季浮游细菌和原生动物生物量及分布特征

    Biomass and distribution characteristics of bacteria and protozoa in the Bering Sea in summer

  13. 氮、磷是渤海湾水体中浮游细菌生长繁殖的主要限制因素。

    Nitrogen and phosphorus are main limiting factors for marine bacteria in Bohai Bay Waters .

  14. 浮游细菌计数方法的探讨

    Inquire into a counting method of planktobacteria

  15. 随着养殖时间的推移,浮游细菌总生物量、附着细菌生物量均有所上升。

    Both of the biomass of the total and particle bound bacteria increased with the lapse of cultural time .

  16. 生物膜内细菌的抵抗力较浮游细菌强1000倍。

    Bacteria within biofilms are up to 1000 times more resistant to antimicrobials than the same bacteria in suspension .

  17. 胶州湾水体异养浮游细菌日变化幅度在表层水体较为明显,底层相对较小,但其变化规律均为最高值在小潮期而最低值出现在大潮期。

    The largest biomass occurred in low tide period and the smallest occurred both in surface and bottom waters in high tide .

  18. 海洋浮游细菌在海洋生态系统中的重要作用随着对其生物量和生产力的深入研究而得到了充分肯定。

    The important role of marine bacterioplankton in the marine ecosystem is certainly definite with the thorough study of bacterioplankton biomass and production .

  19. 全湖浮游细菌分解率为22900.7吨碳/年,底泥异养细菌分解率为56905.7吨碳/年。

    Rate of decomposition by plankton-bacteria in the whole lake was 22900.7 T. C / Yr of bottom sediment by heterotrophic bacteria was 56905.7 T.

  20. 海洋浮游细菌是海洋生态系统中不可缺少的一个重要组成部分,在海洋碳和能量循环中扮演着极其重要的角色。

    Heterotrophic bacterioplankton are important members in marine ecosystems , including various bacterial groups , and play a critical role in carbon and energy cycles .

  21. 浮游细菌对微表层中富集的含氮和含磷有机物的分解可能是促成氮磷营养盐在微表层中富集的重要原因。

    The decomposition of nitrogenous and phosphoric organic substances by bacterioplankton is probably an important reason for the enrichment of nitrogenous and phosphoric nutritious salts .

  22. 本文对渤海湾海域的自养浮游细菌、异养浮游细菌和浮游细菌总数进行了连续两年的实验监测。

    In this study the autotrophic bacterioplankton , heterotrophic bacterioplankton and the sum of bacterioplankton in past two years in the Bohai Bay has been measured .

  23. 生物膜中细菌的基因表达和表型明显不同于浮游细菌,对抗生素具有较强的抵抗力。

    Compared with planktonic bacteria , the bacteria in biofilms have the different gene expression and phenotype , as well as have an increased resistance to antimicrobials .

  24. 它一方面大量摄食浮游细菌和微小浮游植物,另一方面被一些经济动物摄食,因此在海洋食物链的传递和生态系统的物质循环中占有重要位置。

    Pelagic tunicates play an important role in marine food web carbon cycle as they feed on bacterioplankton and pico-and nano-phytoplankton and meanwhile are preys for commercial animals .

  25. 以生物膜形式存在的细菌不同于浮游细菌,它们对抗生素等杀菌剂、恶劣环境及宿主免疫防御机制有很强的抗性。

    The bacteria of biofilm is different from the planktonic bacteria , they have enhanced resistance to antimicrobial agents such as antibiotics , harsh environment and host immune defense mechanism .

  26. 与常规的沉降法相比,浮游细菌采样器能直接得到单位体积空气中所含的菌落数,而且不受环境气流的影响。

    Compared with the conventional settlement , planktonic bacteria sampler can be directly contained in unit volume of air bacteria counts , and the impact of air from the environment .

  27. 浮游细菌是水生生态系统中多样性最高的微生物类群。其分布广泛,数量庞大,参与水生生态系统的物质代谢与能量代谢因而具有极为重要的功能与生态地位。

    Planktonic bacteria are the most abundant microbes and widely distributed in aquatic ecosystem . They participate in material and energy metabolism and thus play a significant role in aquatic ecosystem .

  28. 说明与浮游细菌相比,消除生物膜中的细菌需要较大浓度的五倍子水提取物,这可能与菌斑生物膜的特性有关。

    It suggested that the eradication of plaque biofilms need a higher concentration of gallnut water extract comparing with the planktonics , which might correlate with the propert of plaque biofilms . 2 .

  29. 通过对浮游细菌群落与环境因子动态变化的多元统计分析,揭示各个生态恢复区中影响浮游细菌群落结构的主导环境因子,探讨沉积物再悬浮对其可能的影响。

    The dynamic changes of bacterioplankton community composition with environmental factors in multivariate statistical analysis , reveals the the impact of the various ecological restoration areas bacterioplankton community composition of the dominant environmental factors .

  30. 海洋细菌在海洋物质地球化学循环中的作用越来越受到人们的重视,因此,浮游细菌的生物学和生态学研究成为当前海洋生物学最活跃的前沿领域之一。

    The function of marine bacteria in ocean geochemistry loop is more and more important , so , the research of bacterioplankton in biology and ecology becomes one of most lively foreland domain in currently marine biology .