
cè diǎn
  • measure point;station;gauging point;sight
测点[cè diǎn]
  1. 至于断层形变,则随测点与震中关系的不同表现出不同的特征。

    As for the fault deformation , it expressed different features with the different relation between the station and the epicenter .

  2. 利用布格异常与测点高程的相关分析,划分出了9个地体和13个较大断裂;

    Based on the correlation analysis between Bouguer anomalies and station elevations , nine terrains and thirteen large faults were recognized .

  3. 该系统是将各测点(分站)虚拟为中继站来实现多路由选择

    In this system , more routs are selected by dummy repeater technique .

  4. 各测点建立各自的BP,其信号由自己的BP先诊断,完成单测点的局部诊断。

    Each measuring point established its sub-BP network , finishing partial diagnosis of single measuring point .

  5. 再用较少已测点的原始数据,逼近GPS水准网中较多检核点的高程异常值。

    Then , use few known point of original data to approximate the large number of check point in GPS network .

  6. 如何将GPS位置实时推算至海底地形点位置、获取海底测点在地理坐标系中的精确位置是一套十分复杂的计算过程。

    It is complicated procedures that how to transfer the location of GPS to accurate survey point on sea-bed in geographic coordinate system .

  7. 近年来,在1∶20万区域重力调查工作中主要使用GPS确定重力测点的空间位置。

    The height of gravity measurement points was determined mainly with GPS in regional gravity survey of scale 1 ∶ 200000 in recent years .

  8. GPS具有精度高、速度快、全天候、测点之间无需通视等优点,成为当今先进的监测手段。

    GPS has been proved to be a state-of-the-art monitoring tool because of its high-precision , high-speed , all-climate working and dispensing with intervisible measuring stations .

  9. 基于Vogel方程,建立了未饱和油藏的IPR方程,并对测点井底流动压力高于或低于饱和压力的两种情形,分别提出了应用一点法确定油井IPR曲线,预测油井产能变化的方法。

    IPR equation in a unsaturated reservoir was established from Vogel equation .

  10. 通过利用GPS及渔探器实测,并进行潮位订正,获得南通浅海海域大量测点的高程资料;

    A lot of data of elevation in different places of the shallow water of Nantong were obtained by fish exploring machine and GPS determining and tide correcting .

  11. 系统通过X-Y数字控制移动平台实现测点点阵的自动定位;

    The system realizes auto-positioning the measurement points array through the X-Y digital control slider .

  12. 最后以300MW机组为例,说明其振动测点的一般布置。

    Finally , demonstrate the general layout of vibration signals for300MW unit .

  13. 1998年陕西泾阳MS4.8地震前高陵测点10m地温异常特征

    Anomalous features of geotemperature in the depth of 10 m by Gaoling observation point before the 1998 Jingyang m_s4.8 earthquake , shaanxi Province

  14. 在试验测点温度值的基础上,利用Zernike多项式拟合出玻璃表面的温度分布。

    The temperature distribution on glass surface is fitted by means of Zernike polynomial on the basis of the values at test measuring points .

  15. 然后把建好的模型导入ANSYS,采用有限元软件进行弹性分析,得到各测点的应力值。

    In the analysis , finite element models built in Pro / E program are inducted into ANSYS program for elastic FEA , and then the stresses on the surface of the cast steel joint are obtained .

  16. 耳石中Sr、Ca浓度比例在第5至第7测点出现第1个高峰,这与稚鱼为了越冬洄游到海中时间相吻合。

    The first peak of Sr / Ca concentration ratio appeared at the 5 th ~ 7 th measurement point that coincided with the time of migration of the juvenile fish to the sea for overwintering .

  17. HG-670型锅炉排烟温度测点的合理选择

    Reasonable Option of Flue Gas Temperature Measuring Point for HG-670 Boiler

  18. 该方法不受系统运行方式的影响,简便易行,能够在PMU有限测点的情况下,灵敏、可靠地识别故障位置。

    This method was immune to the mode of operation and was able to identify fault location sensitively and reliably with limited measurement points and less computation .

  19. 包括振动传感器选择、测点布置、信号采集与处理等系统架构。最后,结合LabWindows/CVI和Matlab的优点,采用混合编程的方法开发了风力发电机组振动状态监测与故障诊断软件。

    It includes measuring points arrangement , vibration sensor selection , data acquisition and processing system . Finally , vibration status monitoring and fault diagnosis software system of wind turbine has been developed with mix programming languages of LabWindows / CVI and Matlab .

  20. 模拟LEO卫星的结果表明:这种方法可以在地面测点达到60&200天左右的时间序列,而其地面漂移小于100公里。

    Simultaneous computations have shown that in the period of about 60 ~ 200 days or still longer the drifts of grazing points on Earth surface might be controlled in less than 100 km .

  21. GPS网5期观测的不同测点速率随时间序列变化结果显示福建活动块体整体向东南方向运动,而块体内部形变量较小(约1mm/a)。

    The results of sequential time variation of the rates at different points for five campaigns show that the Fujian active block , as a whole , is moving southeast wards and the magnitude of inner deformation is smaller ( about 1mm / a ) .

  22. 根据132个应力测点在4a内的88次实测资料,分析重力式锚碇的传力机理。

    According to the observation data of 88 times ' monitoring at 132 stress observation points during 4 years , the mechanism of load transfer in the gravity embedded anchorage is analyzed .

  23. 针对静态测量中GPS数据的特性,采用去除信息冗余度、局部字典编码和差分霍夫曼编码相结合的策略,对测点采集的GPS数据进行信源编码。

    According to the characteristics of GPS data in static measurement , information source coding was carried out for the received GPS data collected from the observation spot with the help of the combination of eliminating redundancy of data , dictionary coding and differential Huffman coding method .

  24. 本文以PC-1500为记录器,以测点坐标为记录内容,设计了一套数据采集和编码方法。

    By the PC & 1500 pocket computer as recorder and the point coordinate as recording content , this paper provides a new way of the field data collecting and coding .

  25. 通过测定各箔的活化率,运用迭代法中的直接偏差最小法和应用较广的SANDⅡ,求解了辐照腔待测点全能区(10-4eV~18MeV)微分和积分中子注量谱。

    By measuring the foils activity , the integral and differential neutron fluence spectra of the whole energy range ( 10 - 4 eV ~ 18 MeV ) in irradiation chamber were available with SAND - ⅱ used broadly at home and abroad and the method for minimizing directed divergence .

  26. 对郑州、南阳2个测点多年来0~100cm土壤湿度、降水(灌溉)及作物发育期资料进行了分析。

    The data of soil moisture in layer of 0 ~ 100 cm , precipitation and crop growing phrases in Zhengzhou and Nanyang were analyzed .

  27. 利用NExT法来得到结构各测点相对于参考点的互相关函数,将其当作结构的脉冲响应函数,进而利用ITD法对各种状态下的模态参数进行识别,通过识别结果判定结构损伤。

    The cross-correlation function of the measuring points relative to reference point was gained by the natural excitation technique , taken as impulse response functions . Then modal analysis was done by ITD method . The structural damage was judged by identification result . 5 .

  28. 运用MIDAS对试验模型各工况作了空间有限元分析,研究了各工况下模型的变形和受力状态,为试验模型测点布置提供了依据。

    The deformation and stress state of each work condition of test model was studied by establishing a MIDAS spatial model , which services for the arrangement of measuring points of the test model . 4 .

  29. 由于RS-485具有远距离传输和多个串接入口等优点,可以实现用单RTU对闸坝站不同测点多个参数的自动测报,故RS-485接口在闸坝站自动测报系统中获得应用。

    Since it has the excellency of long distance transmission and many serial ports , RS-485 is applied in automatic telemetry system of gate and dam to measure and report different parameters from multi-points of a station by RTU .

  30. 结果表明,地形影响不仅与MTS资料的种类、极化模式、场源电磁波周期及测点位置有关,而且还依赖于不同的地形形态和尺度。

    Our results indicate that effect of topography depends on the type of MTS data , mode of polarization , electromagnetic wave period of field source , survey site , as well as the form and scale of topography .