
  • 网络Fluid Motion;fluid flow
  1. 地震波衰减机制和测量方法研究表明,在孔隙和渗透性碎屑岩中,流体运动是衰减的主要机制

    Direct measurement of seismic ascertains that fluid motion is a primary mechanism in porous , permeable elastics .

  2. ALE方法用于求解移动边界问题,流体运动通过原始变量Navier-Stokes方程描述,压力采用Poisson方程形式。

    The ALE formulation is a generalized concept to deal with the problem of moving boundaries around a continuum . The fluid motion is described by the original variable Navier-Stokes ( N-S ) equations and Poisson equations in pressure .

  3. 流体运动中的非Fourier传热

    Non - Fourier heat transfer in fluid flows

  4. N-S方程是描述流体运动最基本的方程组。

    N-S equations are the basic equations describing fluid flowing .

  5. 利用GPU实现基于物理模型的流体运动仿真

    Physically-Based Fluid Dynamics Simulation Using GPU

  6. 实验中为了满足各种软硬件环境的通用性采用了CPU来模拟流体运动以及流固耦合。

    The movement and liquid solid interaction is computed by CPU in order to meet different requirement of various kinds of software and hardware environment .

  7. 多介质流体运动界面高分辨率Level-Set方法研究

    High Resolution Level-Set Methods for Moving Interfaces of Multiple Material Fluids

  8. 本文用FourierBessel级数表示出了充液不满的自旋进动圆筒内部流体运动方程的一个解。

    In this report , by applying Fourier Bessel series , we study the solution of the fluid inertia wave motion equation in a rotating and precessing cylinder .

  9. 风绕建筑物流动可看作钝体绕流,它的控制方程可采用不可压缩粘性流体运动的Navier-Stokes方程和连续性方程。

    The flow behavior around the blunt building can be described by Navier-Stokes equation , as well as the continuity equation of viscous incompressible fluids .

  10. 模拟结果表明在磁场Hall渗透机制特征长度远远小于等离子体离子的无碰撞趋肤深度的条件下,等离子体内部磁场渗透过程主要由电子流体运动的Hall项来控制。

    The simulation results show that the penetration of magnetic field into plasma is due to Hall field on the condition that the characteristic Hall length is small compared with the ion collisionless skin depth .

  11. 三维应力作用下砂砾岩孔隙型渗流浆液孔隙压强方程可以通过将渗流连续性方程和Bingham流体运动方程联立获得。

    The porous pressure modeling of grout can be gotten by combining porous seepage continuum equation and Bingham ′ s hydrodynamics equation .

  12. 由于滑带特有的边界条件,滑带材料在高速剪切条件下的流体运动,可以用简化的Navier-Stokes方程,即雷诺公式来表示。

    Because of the specific boundary condition of the sliding zone , the movement equation of material ( Navier-Stokes equation ) can be simplified to Reynolds equation .

  13. 结果表明,裂隙储层流体运动主要由裂隙变形、油/水的PVT特性所决定。

    The numerical results show that the fluid flowing in fissured reservoirs is mainly controlled by the fissure deformation and the oil / water PVT property .

  14. 方法在Boussinesq近似下,将脉动流作为一级小量对流体运动方程组作微扰处理。

    Methods Considering oscillatory flow as the first-order terms , the equations of motion on the basis of Boussinesq 's approximation can be treated by perturbation theory .

  15. 关于FHP细胞自动机流体运动方程的讨论

    Elegant sports universal automata a discussion about the hydrodynamics equation for FHP cellular automaton fluid models

  16. 讨论了FHP细胞自动机流体运动方程并导出方程中三项的表示式。

    The hydrodynamics equation for FHP cellular automaton fluid models is discussed , and the formula of in the equation is derived .

  17. 从流体运动基本方程出发,对Boussinesq假设的合理性进行了初步探讨,阐述了紊动粘性系数的物理含义及其在数值计算中所起的作用。

    On the basis of fluid motion equations , the rationality of the Boussinesq hypothesis is discussed , and the physical meaning of the eddy viscosity coefficient and its function in numerical simulation are described .

  18. 为克服传统涡量测量方法的缺点,提出了从代表流体运动的粒子图像中直接测量涡量(DMV)的方法。

    For overcoming the shortcomings of conventional methods for vorticity measurement , a new direct measurement of vorticity ( DMV ) method extracting vorticity from particle images was proposed .

  19. 本文选用Navier-Stokes方程作为流体运动的控制方程,以VOF方法来追踪液膜的自由表面变化,对横管降膜流动进行了三维数值模拟。

    The Navier-Stokes equation chosen as governing equation , VOF ( Volume of Fluid ) method selected to trace the change of film on free surface , the three-dimensional numerical simulation was conducted on falling film flow .

  20. 作为描述粘性不可压缩流体运动规律的基本方程,Navier-Stokes方程长期以来得到包括许多著名数学家在内的众多科学工作者的广泛关注。

    As is known to all , Navier-Stokes equations are fundamentally important in describing the motion for viscous incompressible fluids . For a long time , these equations have been deeply investigated by a lot of scientific workers , including many famous mathematicians .

  21. 采用有限差分法离散流体运动方程,VOF法追踪自由表面,通度系数概念处理液舱内的障碍物。

    Then the FDM is used to discretize the conservation equations , VOF method is adopted to track the free surface and the conception of aperture is introduced to deal with the obstacles in the fluid field .

  22. 本文用有限元法及实验方法研究了溢流槽在小水头(小于30mm)情况下溢流的流体运动规律。

    This article presents several new ideas about the behavior of water flow over an overflow channel ( weir ) under small head ( less than 30 mm ), based on both finite element method and experiments .

  23. 建模分析:应用Navier-Stocks方程,推导建立了描述系统中润滑油流体运动的非线性偏微分控制方程组,利用有限体积方法对其进行离散,获得了描述系统中润滑油运动规律的数学模型及边界条件。

    Modeling analysis : Navier-Stocks equations were used to establish nonlinear partial differential equations of lubrication flow of the system , and finite volume method was employed to discretize the equations . A mathematical model and the boundary conditions of lubrication motion of the system were obtained . 3 .

  24. 成矿流体运动系统与金质来源和富集机制讨论

    Discussion on gold origin and rich mechanism of ore-forming fluid movement

  25. 计算多孔介质中流体运动界面的谱方法

    Spectrum Method for Calculating Moving Interface between Fluids in Porous Medium

  26. 由重力等外力引起的流体运动。

    Fluid motion caused by an external force such as gravity .

  27. 流体运动稳定性方程组椭圆特性的分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of Ellipticity of Stability Equations on Fluid Mechanics

  28. 粘滞性是影响流体运动的一个重要因素。

    The adhesiveness is an important factor which affects fluid movement .

  29. 镜面电火花加工间隙流场中流体运动的数学建模

    Mathematic Model of Liquid Solid Flow in Gap Flow Field of EDM

  30. 构造应力作用下流体运动的动力学分析&构造流体动力学

    The Influence of Structure Stress on Fluid Movement & Structure Fluid Dynamics