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  • piston engine
  1. CAT技术在活塞式发动机测试中的应用

    The Application of CAT Technique to Testing Piston Engine

  2. 他组建了一支叫做CrayonPop的乐队。2013年,CrayonPop以出道单曲“BarBarBar”一炮而红,MV中的女孩子戴着一样的安全帽,编舞动作像活塞式发动机一样,吸引了人们的眼球。

    The resultant band - Crayon Pop - shot to fame in 2013 with its debut single " Bar Bar Bar , " catching attention with their matching crash helmets and dance routine modelled on a piston engine .

  3. 自由活塞式发动机NOx排放的数值计算研究

    A Numerical Investigation of NO_x Emissions of the Free Piston Engine

  4. 75~航空活塞式发动机燃料的开发及生产

    Development and production of 75 ~ # Aviation Piston Fuel

  5. 自由活塞式发动机-压气机的研究

    An investigation of the free - piston engine - compressor

  6. 活塞式发动机轴系的耦合振动

    Coupled Vibration of Crankshaft System in Piston Engine

  7. 对于活塞式发动机螺旋桨统,通常固定操纵情况是指固定油门和转速不变的情况。

    For piston-engine-propeller system , the usual fixed-control case implies fixed throttle and constant rpm .

  8. 转子发动机比通常的活塞式发动机噪音小也是大家所公认的。

    It is also generally conceded that Wankel engines are quieter than comparable piston engines .

  9. 小型螺旋桨飞机的动力装置一般由活塞式发动机和螺旋桨两个主要部分组成。

    The powerplant of propeller aircraft is composed of two main parts , piston engine and propeller .

  10. 单作用筒形活塞式发动机

    Single-acting trunk piston type engine

  11. 其次,针对摆动活塞式发动机的总体结构进行设计。

    Next , in view of swings the piston engine overall structure to carry on the design .

  12. 热气机是一种新型的、利用外部能源加热的闭式循环活塞式发动机。

    Stirling Engine , using the external energy , is a new kind of closed piston engine .

  13. 目前活塞式发动机环的漏气量一般为吸气量的0.2%~1%。

    Presently air leak in piston engine normally amounts to 0.2 % - 1 % of air entry .

  14. 建于1965年在冯检,俄克拉何马州,美国,作为一个2座位轻型直升机动力之一,莱康明阁-360-b1a4缸活塞式发动机。

    Built in1965 at Frederick , Oklahoma , USA , as a2 seat light helicopter powered by one Lycoming VO-360-B1A4-cylinder piston engine .

  15. 针对某活塞式发动机排气管断裂现象,从断裂处焊接结构缺陷、焊缝组织缺陷和零件工作环境等方面进行分析。

    The field inspection , fracture analysis and statics analysis were performed for a UAV piston engine exhaust nozzle with fracture failure .

  16. 活塞式发动机轴系耦合振动问题(三)&同频和倍频耦合计算方法

    On Coupled Vibrations of Reciprocating Engine Shaft Systems ( Part 3 ) ── Calculation Method of Coupled at Same and Double Frequencies

  17. 曲轴是活塞式发动机的主要零部件之一,加工工艺复杂、要求高。

    Crankshafts , one of the major parts of piston engines , are used to convert the reciprocating motion of piston into rotary motion .

  18. 凸轮活塞式发动机的核心部件为双面空间圆柱凸轮,其轮廓曲线将影响发动机的工作性能。

    The core part of the piston cam engine is the spatial cylindrical cam with dual surfaces , whose profile affects the overall engine performance .

  19. 发动机转速控制是无人直升机飞行控制的基础,针对小型无人直升机使用的活塞式发动机,给出了一个发动机转速控制系统。

    Engine control is the base of helicopter flight control system . A control system was proposed for pistol engine of a small-size unmanned helicopter ;

  20. 研究结果表明,传统的估算方法对于装小型活塞式发动机的螺旋桨飞机也是适用的。

    The result shows that the traditional estimation methods about powerplant performance are adapted for propeller aircraft even if with small sized piston engine and propeller .

  21. 在实际工作中,点火系统发生的问题也比较多,据各类统计数字表明,在活塞式发动机中三分之二的故障与点火系统有关。

    In the practical work , the problems in the ignition system is more also , according to various statistics show that the piston engines , two-thirds of the related fault and ignition system .

  22. 小型摩托车、小型摩托艇和小型直升机的动力装置主要采用二冲程活塞式发动机,开发电控燃油喷射系统对提高发动机的动力性和经济性具有重要的意义。

    Two-stroke piston engines were widely used as power device for motor scooter , motorboat and mini helicopter . It was significant to develop electronic fuel injection system for power and fuel economy improvement .

  23. 微型三角活塞旋转式发动机CAD系统设计

    CAD System of Micro Triangle Rotary Piston Engine

  24. 有限速率过程对活塞式斯特林发动机性能的影响

    The Effect of Finite Speed Rate process on Piston Stirling Engine Performance

  25. 在研发我国活塞式航空发动机的过程中,增压器的选型是一项重要的工作。

    In the process of the research of four-stroke piston aeroengine which used by small aircraft in our country , the lectotype of turbocharger is an important task .

  26. 国内目前增压四冲程活塞式航空发动机几乎属于空白,动力装置研究的滞后已严重制约了我国小型飞机的发展。

    At the present time , because of the research of turbo four-stroke piston aeroengine is very few in our country , the development of small aircraft to be restricted .

  27. 使用一台无刷直流电动机作为原动机模拟自由活塞式斯特林发动机,通过曲轴连杆机构实现旋转运动和直线运动间的转换。

    A brushless DC motor is used as the prime motor to simulate the free piston Stirling engine . Crankshaft and connecting components are used to implement the transformation from rotation to linear motion .

  28. 讨论了在一般传热规律下的内可逆活塞式斯特林发动机的最优性能,导出了最大输出功率与热效率的关系以及最大热效率与输出功率的关系,并得到了一些新的结论。

    The optimum performance of an endoreversible piston Stirling engine is discussed under usual conditions . The relations between maximum output and thermal efficiency as well as maximum thermal efficiency and output is derived , obtaining some new conclusions .

  29. 本文通过将美国FM公司生产的双燃料发动机与其它国家生产的双燃料发动机进行比较的方法,总结出FM公司生产的对置活塞式双燃料发动机的某些特点和优点。

    The paper summarizes the advantages of dual-fuel opposed piston engin predicted by Fairbanks Morse Corp , through the comparision between FM corp 's product and other ones .

  30. 活塞式量子斯特林发动机的最优性能

    Optimum Performance of a Piston Quantum Swirling Engine