
xǐ yī dài
  • laundry bag
  1. 放在浴室的洗衣袋中就行了。

    Just leave it in the laundry bag in the bath room .

  2. 你只要把要洗的衣服放在浴室门后的洗衣袋内就行了。

    Just leave it in the laundry bag behind the door of the bathroom .

  3. 调换所有用过的客用品特别是洗衣袋和洗衣单。

    Ensure all used amenities are replaced especially laundry bags and laundry lists .

  4. 请把要洗的东西放在洗衣袋中。

    Leave your laundry in the laundry bag .

  5. 请把它放到洗衣袋里。

    Please leave it in the laundry bag .

  6. 洗衣袋里应该有三件衬衣,但是这里只有两件。

    There should be three shirts in your bag but there are only two .

  7. 过了一会,提着满满的洗衣袋,她伸手去拿大衣。

    Moments later , with her laundry bag full , she tugged on her overcoat .

  8. 这是饭店的洗衣袋吗?

    Is that a hotel laundry bag ?

  9. 请把它们放在洗衣袋里。

    Please leave in the laundry bag !

  10. 第一种要冲刺到一辆装满洗衣袋的车上

    The first scenario involved hurling myself into a parked van filled with washing bags .

  11. 第一种就是,跳进装满洗衣袋的医院货车里

    The first scenario involved , hurling myself into a parked hospital van filled with washing bags .

  12. 您的洗衣袋里有一件纹胸,但是洗衣单上没有标出来。

    There is a bra in your bag , but that isn 't marked on the form .

  13. 请把要洗的衣服放到洗衣袋里,洗衣服务员9点钟会来取的。

    Please leave your clothes in the laundry bag , the laundry man will collect it at nine .

  14. 如果您有衣服要洗,请放在浴室门后的洗衣袋里。

    If you have any , please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door .

  15. 如果您有衣物要送洗,只要把它放在您房里的洗衣袋就行了。

    If you have anything for laundry , just leave it in the laundry bag in your room .

  16. 安德森女士:幸好你提到了,我确实有些衣服在洗衣袋里。

    Ms Anderson : Now that you mention it , I do have some clothes in the laundry bag .

  17. 请填好单子,并连同洗衣袋及您的衣服放在衣橱里。

    Please fill out the form , and then place it and the bag with your clothes , in the closet .

  18. 请把衣服留在您房间的洗衣袋里,然后填写附在上面的卡。

    Please leave your clothes in the laundry bag in your room , and fill out the card that comes with it .

  19. 每隔一段时间,他都要清理一次他的烟袋锅。当客房服务员整理房间时会将洗衣袋收走。

    Once in a while the bowl of his pipe is thoroughly scraped out . The Room Attendant will pick it up when she cleans the room .

  20. 如果想洗,只要把衣服放入浴室门后的洗衣袋里。我们每天早上会去收的。

    If you feel like it , just put it in the laundry bag behind the door of the bathroom . we 'll collect it every morning .

  21. 环保购物袋,冰袋,酒袋,洗衣袋,时装包,西服套,围裙,收纳盒,礼品包装袋,宠物服饰及其他工业类缝纫制品。

    Our main products include environment friendly shopping bag , thermal bag , wine bag , laundry bag , fashion bag , suit bag , apron , storage box , gift pack , pet dress among others .

  22. 这种婚纱的材料中含有一种常在洗衣袋和洗洁精中使用的生物可降解物质——聚乙烯醇,该物质可让婚纱在水中溶解而且对环境无害。

    The dress has polyvinyl alcohol , a biodegradable substance that is used in laundry bags and washing detergents , knitted into the fabric . This enables it to be dissolved into water without harming the environment .

  23. 您只需把要干洗的衣服连同干洗单放进干洗袋里就行,不要放进一般的洗衣袋里。

    Just put the one for dry cleaning on your dry cleaning list cleaning list and then put it , together with the dry cleaning list , in the dry cleaning bag , not the usual laundry bag .

  24. 垃圾箱、待洗衣物袋、废纸箱.产品计有政府家具、职员制服和装备、废纸箱、邮箱及公事包等。

    Examples are government furniture , staff uniforms and accoutrements , litter containers , mailboxes and brief cases .

  25. 您的房间里有一张洗衣单和洗衣袋。

    There is a laundry form and a bag in your room .

  26. 洗衣单和洗衣袋在写字台的右边第一个抽屉里。

    The laundry forms and bags are in the top right-hand drawer of the writing desk .

  27. 你愿意把这袋新牌子洗衣粉换两袋旧牌子的吗?

    Would you swap one packet of the new brand of washing powder for two packets of your old one ?

  28. 把要洗衣物放在您房间的洗衣袋中即可。

    You may leave it in the laundry bag in your room .

  29. 妈妈进来,收晾着的衣裳。如果您衣物要送洗衣房,只要把它入在您房里的洗衣袋里就行了。

    Mother came in to take the clothes off the line . If you have anything for the laundry , just leave it in the laundry bag in your room .