
  • 网络nihewan basin
  1. 泥河湾盆地旧石器文化研究新进展

    New progress of studies on Paleolithic culture in Nihewan Basin

  2. 泥河湾盆地旧石器中晚期石制品原料初步分析

    A preliminary study on raw material exploitation in Middle-Upper Paleolithic sites in Nihewan Basin

  3. 泥河湾盆地几处旧石器时代文化遗址光释光测年

    OSL Dating of the Strata at Paleolithic Sites in the Nihewan Basin , China

  4. 泥河湾盆地沉积物磁化率及粒度参数对沉积环境的响应

    The Sediment Susceptibility and Grain-size Profile Respond to Change of Depositional Environment in Nihewan Basin

  5. 泥河湾盆地的水下黄土堆积及其古气候意义

    Underwater loess and paleoclimate

  6. 铁磁/反铁磁双层膜中的磁化性质与界面微结构泥河湾盆地层序地层学与磁性地层学综合研究

    Computer Simulation of Magnetic Properties of Composite Bilayer Magnetic Films Interfacial microstructure dependence of magnetization feature in ferromagnetic / antiferromagnetic bilayers

  7. 等温剩磁获得曲线的累积对数高斯模型在泥河湾盆地磁组分识别中的运用

    Identification of remanence carrying minerals of Nihewan samples , using the modeling of isothermal remanent magnetization acquisition curves by cumulative log Gaussian functions

  8. 应用古地磁学原理,分析了中国北方第四纪黄土、泥河湾盆地、黄海陆架磁性地层记录的古地磁极倒转与气候变化之间的关系。

    This paper analyzed the relationship between paleomagnetic polarity reverse and climatic change recoded by magnetostratigraphy of loess , Nihewan Basin and Yellow Sea shelf in Northern China during Quaternary by paleomagnetism .

  9. 泥河湾盆地旧石器文化异常丰富,在约1800平方公里范围内新发现各时期的旧石器文化遗址或地点三十余处,这些发现为该盆地旧石器文化研究提供了大批的科学资料。

    The paleolithic cultural sites are very plentiful in the Nihewan Basin , More than thirty sites of various period have been found recently in the Basin . These discovery provided a large quantity of scientific information for the research of paleolithic culture .