
  • 网络Waveguide dispersion
  1. 波导色散对ISAR的影响

    The Influence of Waveguide Dispersion on ISAR

  2. 计算波导色散的方法可推广到多包层光纤。

    The method to calculate waveguide dispersion can be applied to multi-cladding fibers .

  3. 三包层WⅠ和WⅡ型单模光纤波导色散特性的研究

    Analysis of Waveguide Dispersion Characteristics of W ⅰ - and W ⅱ - Type Triple-Cladding Single-Mode Fibers

  4. 而在孔距∧确定的情况下,光子晶体光纤的波导色散的零点、极小值点位置与f在所讨论的波长范围内存在线性关系。

    When the pitch Λ is fixed , the zero and the extremum positions of the waveguide dispersion are linear with f in prefer wavelength range .

  5. 以Bragg光纤为例,提出了一种根据波导色散的比例性质灵活设计光纤色散特性的方法。

    The dispersion design is flexible and convenient based on the scaling properties , and a design course is suggested with the example for Bragg fiber .

  6. 8mm回旋行波管和返波管的三折螺旋波纹波导色散分析

    Dispersion analysis of three-fold helical rippled waveguide for 8 mm gyro-TWT and gyro-BWO Gyrotron Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier with the Helical Wave Guide

  7. 波纹波导色散特性的分析与测试

    Analysis and testing of dispersion characteristics in a corrugated-wall waveguide

  8. 金属包覆四层平板波导色散方程的建立与分析

    Deduction and analysis of the dispersion equation of 4-layer waveguide with metal-clad

  9. 槽波导色散特性的模匹配法分析

    Analysis of Dispersion Characteristics of Groove Guides with Mode-Matching Method

  10. 单次短脉冲微波频率分析系统&环流波导色散线

    A ring of waveguide dispersive line for single short pulse microwave frequency analysis

  11. 光纤波导色散的比例性质研究

    The scaling properties of the waveguide dispersion in fibers

  12. 任意块状介质填充矩形波导色散特性的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of dispersion characteristics of rectangular waveguides filled with arbitrary block-shaped dielectrics

  13. 缓变截面周期波导色散特性的研究

    Dispersion characteristics for periodical waveguide with slow-varying cross-sections

  14. 填充等离子体波纹波导色散曲线计算软件的设计

    The Design for a Software Calculating the Dispersion Curves of a Plasma Loaded Corrugation Wave-Guide

  15. 在理论上,利用物理光学和波导色散理论分析与计算了这种偏振器的消光比,分析了影响器件性能的各种因素。

    The polarization extinction ratio are calculated and analysed with physical optics and waveguide optics .

  16. 任意曲线槽波导色散和损耗特性的高次有限元分析

    High-order finite element analysis of dispersion and loss characteristics of groove guide with arbitrary shapes

  17. 非等效折射近似的多量子阱波导色散关系

    Dispersion relations of multiple quantum well waveguides in the approximation of nan - equivalent refractive index

  18. 矩形芯介质波导色散关系及定向耦合器耦合长度的加权余量法计算

    Calculations of dispersion for Rectangular-core dielectric waveguides and of coupling length for directional couplers by weighted Residual method

  19. 通过数值计算,得到了材料色散及波导色散随波长和弯曲半径变化的规律。

    The variation of material dispersion and waveguide dispersion with wavelength and bend radius is got by numerical calculation .

  20. 光的色散分为三种:即介质色散,波导色散和模式色散。这几种色散的物理机制是不同的。

    Optical dispersion can be classified into medium dispersion , waveguide dispersion and intermodel dispersion which have different physical mechanism .

  21. 长周期光纤光栅波导色散因子和有效折射率热光系数的测量

    Method of Measuring the Waveguide Dispersion Factor and the Ther mo-Optic Coefficient of Effective Refractive Index of Long-Period Fiber Gratings

  22. 基于成对回波理论,针对波导色散对宽带信号脉压的影响进行了理论分析,推导出了具体的数学表达式。

    Based on the paired-echo theory , the effect of waveguide dispersion on performance of the wideband signal pulse compression was analyzed and the corresponding expression derived .

  23. 提出环流波导色散线微波频率分析方法,介绍了环流波导色散线系统设计思想、电路工作原理、主要性能及应用结果。

    A frequency analysis system for single short microwave pulse which is developed by means of a ring of waveguide dispersive line is described in this paper .

  24. 结果表明,平顶模式微纳光纤与常规微纳光纤及大芯径平顶模式光纤的波导色散特性均不同。

    Numerical simulations show that the dispersion of the flattened mode micro / nano fiber has different properties from conventional micro / nano fiber and flattened mode fiber .

  25. 本文根据标量波动方程,导出了色散公式及波导色散和模场直径间的关系。

    In this paper , the relation between the dipersion formula , the waveguide dipersion and the mode field diameter is derived , based on the scale wave equation .

  26. 将光子晶体光纤的总色散分为波导色散和材料色散两部分分别计算,并利用波导色散的比例性质来改变总色散。

    The dispersion of photonic crystal fibers is obtained by the sum of material dispersion and waveguide dispersion , and the latter can be varied by the scaling property .

  27. 从该模型出发,可以直接从数学上推导出光子晶体光纤波导色散的比例性质,这对于设计光纤的色散特性具有重要的意义。

    And the scale property of waveguide dispersion in PCFs was deduced by a mathematic method , which is very important during the process of the PCFs ' dispersion designing .

  28. 分析结果表明光子晶体光纤具有奇异的色散特性,能在极大的波长范围内支持单模传输,在单模工作时可以具有反常波导色散。

    The analysis results show that PCF has unusual dispersion property , which can support single mode transmission in a very large wavelength range and have anomalous dispersion under singe mode operation .

  29. 利用无量纲色散和波导色散之间的关系单独求解波导色散,波导色散和材料色散之和为光子晶体光纤的总色散。

    The total dispersion of photonic crystal fibers is obtained by summing up the material dispersion and waveguide dispersion , the latter being obtained by exploiting the relation between normalized dispersion and waveguide dispersion .

  30. 本文采用计算介质波导色散关系的叠代矩量法计算阶跃型椭圆光纤两个基本偏振模式的传播常数、几何双折射及群折射率差。

    An iterated moment method for dielectric waveguides of arbitrary cross section , is applied to the calculation of propagation constants of the two fundamental polarization modes and geometrical birefringence in step-index elliptical fiber .