
  • 网络Spectrum analysis;spectral analysis;MRS;NMR
  1. 结论活体氢质子波谱分析可以从代谢水平反映肝细胞癌和胆管细胞癌病理变化情况,为临床诊断提供参考。

    Conclusion In vivo1H MRS can reflect the pathological changes of HCC and cholangiocarcinomas at metabolic level and thus is useful in the diagnosis of these two cancers .

  2. 质子磁共振波谱分析和正电子发射体层摄影对颞叶癫痫定侧诊断的比较研究

    Comparison of 1'H MRS , PET and EEG in lateralization of temporal lobe epilepsy

  3. 基于反向传输神经网络的肝脏~(31)P磁共振波谱分析

    ~ ( 31 ) P-MRS data analysis of liver based on back-propagation neural networks

  4. 慢性脑缺血大鼠~1H和~(31)P活体核磁共振波谱分析

    Study of ~ 1H-and ~ ( 31 ) P-MRS in rat brain under chronic cerebral ischemia

  5. 海马硬化MR质子波谱分析与MRI的对比研究

    Studies on hippocampal sclerosis by ~ 1H MRS and MRI

  6. MRI测量颞叶癫痫患者海马体积与波谱分析

    MRI Volume Measurement and Proton Spectroscopy of Hippocampal Formation in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

  7. MR动态增强、扩散成像和波谱分析在前列腺癌诊断中的价值

    Prostate cancer : diagnostic value of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI , diffusion weighted imaging and 3D 1 ~ H-MR spectroscopy

  8. 针对这个问题,提出了利用波谱分析的SPOT自然色模拟方法。

    To overcome this problem , we propose a new SPOT natural-color simulation method based on spectrum analysis .

  9. 多年月平均500毫巴图上60°N和30°N纬圈的波谱分析

    Power-spectra analysis on the mean monthly maps of 500 MB level at latitudes 60 ° n and 30 ° n

  10. 并作了波谱分析(UV,IR,MS)和元素分析。

    The spectroanalysis ( UV , IR and MS ) and elemental analysis are also made .

  11. Alzheimer病和血管性痴呆的磁共振波谱分析

    Brain proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia

  12. 结果得到的样品经1HNMR波谱分析,证明是伊普黄酮。

    RESULTS The synthetic product was proved to be ipriflavone by 1H NMR .

  13. 内蒙古镶黄旗草原TM影像的波谱分析及信息提取

    Spectrum Analysis and Information Obtaining on TM Image of Xianghuang Banner Grassland in Inner Mongolia

  14. ~(19)F磁共振波谱分析CD基因在人结肠癌细胞的表达

    Analysis of expression of cytosine deaminase gene in colon cancer cells with ~ ( 19 ) f magnetic resonance spectroscopy

  15. 利用波谱分析进行SPOT影像自然色模拟的方法Fisher方程行波解的定性分析及线性化解法

    SPOT Natural-Color Simulation with Spectrum Analysis Qualitative Analysis and Linearization Method of Traveling Wave Solutions of Fisher Equation

  16. 基于MODIS波谱分析的作物信息提取研究

    Study on Crop Information Extraction Based on MODIS Spectral Analysis

  17. 基于THz波谱分析技术的农药检测机理和方法研究

    Mechanism and Method for Pesticide Detection Based on THz Spectroscopy

  18. 本文介绍一种用于X射线荧光波谱分析的无标样方法,推导了计算元素含量的迭代方程式。

    This paper expounds a methods for X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry without standards , and derived a iteration equation for calculation of concentrations of the elements .

  19. 因此,开发核磁共振波谱分析(NMR)虚拟实验室有较大的现实意义和应用价值。

    Therefore , the development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum analysis virtual laboratory has great practical significance and application value .

  20. 目的:初步探讨脑部1H磁共振波谱分析对脑梗死治疗和预后的价值。

    Purpose : To investigate the value of 1H-MRS in therapy and prognosis of cerebral infarction .

  21. 用SEM波谱分析手段,定性研究了合金元素铌在新锆合金中的存在方式。

    The existing form of niobium in zirconium-based alloy containing Fe , Sn , Cr alloying elements was researched qualitatively by means of SEM .

  22. 目的研究磁共振质子波谱分析(1HMRs)对多发性硬化(MS)的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1H MRS ) in multiple sclerosis ( MS ) .

  23. 涤纶POY条干不匀率波谱分析及应用

    Spectrum analysis of unevenness polyester POY yarn and its application

  24. 脑卒中VD组服用胆碱酯酶抑制剂重酒石酸卡巴拉汀,半年后复查头颅MRI、磁共振波谱分析(MRS)及认知功能。

    The patients with VD were prescribed rivastigmine hydrogen tartrate (" Exelon ", Norvatis ), and given MRS assessment half a year later .

  25. 本文用测定凝结时间、XRD分析、化学分析及波谱分析等手段研究了含氟硅酸盐水泥的不正常凝结问题。

    Abnormal setting of portland cement doped with CaF_2 was studied by setting time measurement , XRD , chemical analysis , and wave dispersive X-ray analysis .

  26. 本文使用北京台网微机数字记录,通过波谱分析研究了大同地震前后介质Q值和小震应力降的变化。

    Through spectral analysis , we studied variations of Q-value in the crust and stress-drop of small shocks using the digital records of the Beijing network in this paper .

  27. 3T磁共振波谱分析在轻微型肝性脑病诊断中的应用

    Application of 3T proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy

  28. 化合物结构经元素及波谱分析、IR、1HNMR、13cNMR及MS得到确证。

    The structure of the compound were confirmed by elemental analysis , spectrum analysis , IR , 1H NMR ,( 13 ) C NMR and MS spectral data .

  29. 使用SEM、波谱分析、能谱分析和X射线衍射分析,研究了渗碳处理提高TiAl基合金抗高温氧化性能的机理。

    SEM , wave length spectrum analy-sis , EDAX and X-ray diffraction analysis were used to study the mechnism of enhance of oxidation resis-tance of TiAl based alloy by carburization .

  30. 针对地球质心运动主要是由多种周期运动叠加的特点,依次讨论了谱分析方法中的AR模型谱分析和小波谱分析方法。

    In allusion to the characteristic that Geocentric Motion is piled up by several periodic motions , the spectral analysis by wavelet and AR were discussed in turn in this paper .