
  • 网络pocke;bock;Gordon Bowker
  1. 波克先生现在从事旅游业。

    Mr Pok has now gone into the tourism business .

  2. 波克怀着愉快的心情看着这只表,脸上慢慢显出十分崇敬的神色。

    Pork gazed at it reverently and slowly delight spread over his face .

  3. 在任何一个大型金融机构中,CEO必须是风险控制官,我就是波克夏公司的风控官。

    But I say that in any large financial organization , the CEO has to be the chief risk officer . I 'm the chief risk officer at Berkshire .

  4. 嬷嬷和迪尔茜还有波克&他们没有跑。

    Mammy and Dilcey and pork & they didn 't run .

  5. “媚兰小姐难道不能”波克故意没有说下去。

    " Miss Melly ain ' kain ?" Pork paused delicately .

  6. 波克的厚嘴唇上浮现出一丝欣喜的微笑。

    Something almost like a pleased smile broke his thick lips .

  7. 只有波克才知道怎样对付他。

    Pork was the only one who knew how to handle him .

  8. 1889年7月21日于波克郡西维克哈蒙苹果树庄园

    Apple Tree House , West Wickham , Berkshire . 21st July 1889

  9. 我们的外部顾问委员会和咨询师戴维•波克都支持这一政策。

    Our outside advisory board and our consultant David Bork supported this policy .

  10. 还有,波克我我觉得头晕。

    And , pork I I feel so faint .

  11. 波克把蜡烛放到烛台上,便来到她身边。

    Pork placed the candle on the candle stand and came to her side .

  12. 发现波克夏有一个艺术野营。

    Found some arts camp in the Berkshires .

  13. 波克手里拿着一个盘子、一副刀叉和一条餐巾进来了。

    Pork entered the room , bearing a plate , silver and a napkin .

  14. “咱们要到萨凡纳去,收拾行李吧。”他告诉波克。

    " Pack up . we 're going to savannah ," he told pork .

  15. 她决定不惩罚或者责备波克,反而为他的受伤感到遗憾。

    Instead of punishment or reproof , she only regretted he had been shot .

  16. 波克,你听着,别站在那里发呆了!

    Pork , listen to me , do n 't stand there like that !

  17. 波克,你和百里茜钻到屋基底下把猪赶出来。

    Pork , you and prissy crawl under the house and get the pigs out .

  18. 波克一手提着葫芦,一手挽着杰拉尔德。

    Pork took the gourd in one hand and Gerald 's arm in the other .

  19. 我叫史坦尚波克,今晚由我担任你的车掌。

    My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor for this evening .

  20. 杰拉尔德责骂波克的无礼,但他知道他是对的。

    Gerald upbraided pork for his impertinence , but he knew that he was right .

  21. 使用威斯特波克射电望远镜对古代东方客星射电遗迹的探测

    A search for radio remnants of ancient oriental " guest stars " with the Westerbork telescope

  22. 另一家公司,波克,在每个游戏的登录界面上都增加了适龄提示。

    Another company BOKE has added an age rating to each game 's log in screen .

  23. 波克干地里活儿一直干得不大好,将来也不会干得好。

    Pork had never been any good in the fields and never would be any good .

  24. 波克大吃一惊,也有点恼火了。

    Pork was amazed and indignant .

  25. 波克听她的声音急了,便赶忙走出去,留下思嘉单独跟杰拉尔德坐在房里。

    Pork scurried from the room as her voice roughened and Scarlett was left alone with Gerald .

  26. 波克、嬷嬷和百里茜一想到要下大田干活,便大声嚷嚷起来。

    Pork , Mammy and prissy set up outcries at the idea of working in the fields .

  27. 波克的黑脸上再次掠过一丝诡秘的笑影,这是愉快而敬重的微笑。

    Another ghost of a smile lit the black face , a smile of pleasure and respect .

  28. 格罗斯特猪肉比较粗糙,但就我个人而言我更喜欢波克夏猪。

    Gloucester 's give a more textured meat but personally we prefer our Berkshires for this purpose .

  29. 波克听了思嘉这种命令的口气,怎敢怠慢。于是他走到马车边,在马车后厢摸索着。

    Galvanized by the authority in her voice , pork approached the wagon and fumbled at the backboard .

  30. 韦德高兴得蹦蹦跳跳地出去了,一路喊叫着波克,同时瑞德又把孩子抱起来。

    Wade went dancing out happily , calling to Pork , and Rhett picked up the baby again .