
pào tónɡ shǔ
  • Chinese paulownia;Kiri wood;Paulownia coreana
  1. 泡桐属植物SOD同工酶和可溶性蛋白质分析

    Analysis on patterns of SOD isozyme and soluble proteins of Paulownia Plants

  2. 泡桐属七种植物的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of seven species in Paulownia

  3. 泡桐属(Paulownia)在湖北省的分布

    The Distribution of Pau-Tong ( Paulownia ) Tree in Hupei Province

  4. 泡桐属(Paulownia)受精作用及子实发育的研究

    Study on the fertilization and the development of fruit and seed of Paulownia

  5. 泡桐属(Paulownia)花粉形态学的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the pollen morphology of Paulownia

  6. 泡桐属植物种类的RFLP分析

    RFLP analysis of Paulownia Plants

  7. 泡桐属花粉形态及其与分类的关系

    Pollen Morphology of the Genus Paulownia and Its Relation to Classification

  8. 泡桐属的研究

    Studies on Paulownia Sieb . & Zucc . of China

  9. 泡桐属植物育种值预测方法的研究

    Study on predicting method of breeding values in Paulownia

  10. 泡桐属的起源、演化与地理分布

    The origin phylogeny and distribution of Paulownia

  11. 泡桐属植物同工酶分析

    Analysis on Isozymes of the Genus Paulownia

  12. 泡桐属叶毛类型及对丛枝病的抗性

    Types of trichomes on the leaf-surfaces of the genus Paulownia and their resistance to witches ' broom

  13. 本研究课题为系统研究泡桐属各树种各部位的化学组分及其经济价值。

    The purpose of this work is to study systematically the chemical constituents and economical values of various parts in various plants of Paulownia .

  14. 根据泡桐属内10个种的双列杂交材料,用遗传值评定亲本和杂交组合,分析遗传值的表现规律得知,亲本对树高、胸径、枝下高和冠幅有较大影响。

    The behaving rule of genetic value was analyzed , the diallel cross from 10 genera in Paulownia taken as materials , by genetic value assessing the hybrid combination and parents .