
  • 网络oil and gas assets
  1. 行业研究集团DerrickPetroleumServices表示,全球有待出售的油气资产超过900亿美元。

    More than $ 90bn of global oil and gas assets are on the market , according to Derrick Petroleum Services , the research group .

  2. 黑石集团的主打私募股权基金早就已经进行能源投资,比如最近宣布与AltaResources成立10亿美元的合资企业,计划在北美收购和开发非传统油气资产。

    Blackstone already makes energy investments out of its main private equity fund , such the recently-announced $ 1 billion joint venture with Alta resources to acquire and develop unconventional oil and gas assets in North America .

  3. 油气资产报告:对SFASNO.19之报告要求的评价

    Oil-Gas Assets Report : Evaluation of the Reporting Requirements of SFAS No.19

  4. 但中国国有石油公司无法忽视美国。事实上,IHS的数据表示,今年以来中国国有石油公司在海外收购的上游油气资产有一半在美国境内,而去年这一比例只有7.6%。

    Yet China 's NOCs can 't ignore the U.S. Indeed , half their overseas acquisitions of upstream assets this year have been stateside , up from 7.6 % last year , according to IHS .

  5. 美国正日益成为石油公司瞄准的目标。咨询公司IHSHerold的数据显示,自2011年初以来,全球超过一半的石油和天然气上游并购交易瞄准的是美国油气资产,而之前的四年这一比例平均只有37%。

    Increasingly , that place is the U.S. Over half of global upstream oil and gas mergers and acquisitions since the start of 2011 targeted U.S. assets , up from an average of 37 % in the prior four years , according to consultancy IHS Herold .

  6. 国外油气资产项目收购过程中的财税问题研究

    Research on Financial and Taxation of Acquiring Oil and Gas Assets Abroad

  7. 油气资产定义的探讨

    Discussion on Definition of Oil and Gas Asset

  8. 国际与中国会计准则油气资产计价及折旧折耗计提差异之探讨分析

    Difference between Chinese and International Accounting Principles in Oil / Gas Asset Valuation and Depreciation / Depletion

  9. 在常规单一油气资产项目评价方法的基础上,以目标公司为一个整体,提出整体并购海外油公司项目的技术经济评价思路和方法。

    The principle , philosophy and methodology of technical and economic evaluation for overseas oil-company acquisition project were discussed .

  10. 能源控股公司是一家从事上游业务的私营石油公司,专门从事油气资产的开发和运营。

    Mie is an independent upstream oil company specializing in the development and operation of oil and gas properties .

  11. 随着三大石油企业的成功上市,我国对油气资产也越来越重视。

    With three big oil companies going public , the concern on the gas and oil assets has also been strengthened in our country .

  12. 围绕油气资产折耗的计算方法、减值准备、预计废弃费用、矿区权益等方面的新规定及其实施问题进行探讨。

    Probed new regulations and practice of calculation of asset depreciation , devalue preparation , prediction of abandonment charge and rights and interests of the mineral district .

  13. 安哥拉已成为中国主要的原油供应国之一。此项交易对安哥拉这一油气资产的定价,比马拉松石油公司最初期待的要低。

    The deal in Angola , which is already a major supplier of crude to China , prices the African assets more cheaply than Marathon had originally hoped .

  14. 但中国国有石油公司全面收购美国油气资产的可能性不大,虽然如今美国对能源安全的担心程度可能有所降低,但美国同中国的竞争远远不止于此。

    Full takeovers remain unlikely , though . The U.S. might not worry quite so much about energy security these days-but rivalry with China spans much more than that .

  15. 该集团加拿大业务也有不止一名高管被拘留;根据中国媒体传出的指责,该公司在收购油气资产时支付了过高的价格,而这些资产开发难度较大,成本较高。

    Executives at its operations in Canada have been among those detained , amid accusations in the Chinese press that the company paid too much for assets that are difficult and expensive to develop .

  16. 如何判断油气资产是否发生减值以及减值的金额,对油气资产的准确计量和为利益相关者提供准确的信息具有重要的意义。

    How to judge whether the oil and gas property have the depreciation as well as the depreciation amount , have the vital significance to the accurate measurement to the oil and gas property and for supplying the accurate information to the benefit counterparts .

  17. 软件也非常重要,它们增强了我们对地震探测和其他大量油田数据的分析能力,同时还帮助开采公司更好地发现、跟踪和管理油气资产。

    Furthermore , software has played an important role as well by increasing our ability to analyze seismic and other intensive amounts of oil field data to help producers better find , track and manage more cost effectively oil and gas assets in the field .

  18. 石油天然气资产价值具有不确定性,按照资产的定义确认、计量、报告油气资产价值是提高石油公司会计信息质量的重要方面。

    The asset value of oil and gas has some uncertainties . It is one of the very important aspects in enhancing accounting information quality of oil companies according to the asset 's definition to recognize , measure and report the asset value of oil and gas .

  19. 辽河油田油气储量资产价值计算方法研究

    A Research on Calculation of the Reserve Assets Value in Liaohe Oilfield

  20. 油气储量资产化管理方式探讨

    Discussion on management way of hydrocarbon reserves as assets

  21. 适应市场经济改革推行油气储量资产化管理

    Implementing Capitalization Management of Oil and Gas Reserves

  22. 参照国际惯例全面推行油气储量资产化管理

    Carry out management of oil and gas reserves as assets in an all-round way according to international practice

  23. 从多角度披露非油气矿产资产有关信息,保证了可靠性与相关性的平衡。

    From the multiple perspectives disclosed the non-oil gas minerals ' related information , guaranteed the reliability and relevant .

  24. 本文研究油气储量资产价值评估方法及有关政策支持的目的和意义也正在于此。

    This is the reason why I take the evaluation methods of oil & gas reserves and corresponding supporting policies as my PhD research project .

  25. 2009年年中之时,市场上待售的油气业资产总价值仅为200亿美元,而到2010年初时,这一数字已飙升至460亿美元。

    The value of industry assets that were on the market in the middle of 2009 was just $ 20bn and at the start of 2010 , it was $ 46bn .

  26. 油气储量资产价值的确定为油气储量走向市场奠定了基础,也为勘探开发提供了决策依据。

    The determination of oil and gas reserve assets value provides a sound foundation for oil and gas reserves going into markets , and also provides a decision basis for exploration and development .

  27. 油气储量资产是石油企业最重要的资产,不仅是企业当前利润的源泉,也是今后发展的基础。

    Oil & Gas property is the essential asset of oil company , not only because the oil and gas property is the resource of present profit , but as the foundation for its development .

  28. 强化油气储量核心资产的管理;

    Beef up management of core oil / gas assets ;

  29. 所有这些问题都与油气储量的资产化有关。

    The problems mentioned above are all related to the capitalization of oil and gas reserves .

  30. 并结合油(气)田管理的实践给出了利用资产效率对油(气)田资产管理状况评价的应用实例。

    Furthermore , this paper provides cases of evaluation of oilfield asset management by means of asset efficiency , combining with practices of oilfield management .