
yīnɡ shōu lì xī
  • interest receivable;interest accrued;interest due;interest in black
  1. 注意:应收利息能产生利润和现金。

    Nort : Interest receivable generates profit and cash .

  2. 金融企业应收利息核算方法探讨

    Discussion about the interest receivable counting in financial enterprises

  3. 应计利息,应收利息,累计利息(简写为AI):指尚未到期和未付的已获利息。

    Accrued interest - AI : Interest earned But not yet due and payable .

  4. 估价应考虑所有形式的报酬,包括任何奖金、酬金、佣金和应收利息。

    Valuation shall take into account all forms of remuneration , including any premiums , fees , commissions and interest receivable .

  5. 债券投资分短期投资和长期投资,利息收益也有分期收到和一次收到,根据权责发生制原则计提的应收利息收益,一个属于流动资产,一个属于长期资产。

    Bond investment can be classified into short-term investment and long-term investment . The means of receiving interest include installment receipt and lump-sum receipt .

  6. 在年末,应计利息需通过借记应收利息,贷记利息收入来记录。

    At the end of the year , the interest accrued should be recorded by a debit to interest receivable and a credit to interest revenue .

  7. 拨入个人入息课税计算款项应收欠税利息及罚款

    Personal assessment allocation interest and penalties receivable on taxes

  8. 应收欠税利息及罚款

    Interest and penalties receivable on taxes

  9. 从不良贷款、应收未收利息的处理,贷款呆帐准备金的提取以及信息披露方面揭示了在现行会计体系下8%这一数值对于国有商业银行仅具有帐面意义而无实际价值。

    From the management of evil loans and uncollected interests , taking of loan bad debt preparation fund and revealing of information shows that , under the accounting system , 8 % is of only book value but without any actual value to state - run commercial banks .