
hé dī
  • dike;river levee;river wall;river embankment;levee
河堤 [hé dī]
  • [dike;levee] 沿河道两岸用土或石垒成似墙的构筑,防止河水溢出河床

  • 修复运河河堤的计划

河堤[hé dī]
  1. 牡丹江市北安河堤防道路的路基处理

    Roadbed Treatment of Bei'an River Dike Road in Mudanjiang City

  2. 那年冬天,他们开始重建河堤。

    That winter they started to rebuild the dike .

  3. 另外一个人因为紧紧攀住河堤而获救。

    Another man was rescued as he clung to the riverbank

  4. 季风雨使河堤决口。

    Monsoons caused the river to burst its banks .

  5. 几只螃蟹沿着泥泞的河堤快速横行。

    Crabs scuttle along the muddy bank .

  6. 他攀上了一个陡峭的河堤。

    He scrambled up a steep bank .

  7. 河堤非常坚固,足以防止洪水泛滥。

    The dikes are strong enough to prevent floods .

  8. 修好河堤,庄稼就不怕淹了。

    When the river dike is completed , the crops will be safe against floods .

  9. 河堤岌岌可危。

    The embankment is in great peril .

  10. 这河堤是匆匆筑成的。

    An embankment has been thrown up .

  11. 河堤出险,全村的人都赶去抢修。

    When the dyke was in danger , the whole village rushed out to repair it .

  12. 洪水已把河堤的大部分泥土冲刷掉了。

    The floods have washed most of the soil down from the river banks .

  13. 河堤上绿树成行。

    Trees lined the river bank .

  14. 河堤决口后,马上派出了工程队去抢险。

    The river dyke sprang a leak , and the construction brigade was immediately sent to deal with it .

  15. 基于组件式GIS的河堤安全监控系统

    The River Embankment Safety Monitor System using Component-based GIS

  16. RBF神经网络在河堤变形分析和预测中的应用

    Application on Analysis and Prediction of Embankment with RBF Neural Network

  17. 实时定位系统RTK与免棱镜全站仪在河堤断面测量中的应用

    The Applications of RTK and the Total Station without Prism in the Measurement of River Bank Section

  18. 之后政府加固了河堤,后来又在伍尔维奇(woolwich)修筑了泰晤士河水闸(thamesbarrier)以防再发生洪水。

    The authorities reinforced the river bank and later constructed the Thames Barrier at Woolwich to stop the floods from occurring .

  19. 本文介绍了ReinforcedEarth集团在加筋土方面的研究及项目情况,其项目领域涉及高速公路挡土墙、桥台、铁路路堤、河堤、水坝、防洪堤、工业及军事用途挡土墙等。

    Researches and projects conducted by Reinforced Earth Group in the respect of reinforced earth are presented herein . The projects involve retaining wall for high speed highway , abutment , railway embankment , river weir , flood protection dike and retaining walls for industrial and military purposes .

  20. 下了十天雨后河堤决口了。

    After ten day of rain the river burst its bank .

  21. 他们加固河堤让村子免受洪水之灾。

    By strengthening the embankments they secured the village from floods .

  22. 河堤下,绿草如茵,牛羊成群。

    Embankment , the green grass , cows and sheep flocks .

  23. 外秦淮河堤防水文失事风险分析

    Risk analysis of hydrological failures of levees in external Qinhuai River

  24. 堤防工程风险管理及其在外秦淮河堤防中的应用

    Levee Risk Management and Application Related to External QINHUAI River Levee

  25. 河水冲破河堤,淹没了田野。

    The river broke through its banks and flooded the country .

  26. 好几百工人正在河堤上干活。

    Some hundreds of workers were working on the river bank .

  27. 河堤决口,淹没了大型的工厂。

    The river burst its bank , swamping a large factory .

  28. 河堤内非稳定渗流的实测与分析

    Observation and analysis of unsteady seepage flow in river embankment

  29. 他们走下通往河堤的石阶。

    They walked down the stone steps leading to the river bank .

  30. 分级施工河堤下高灵敏性黏土的强度增加

    Strength increase of high sensitive clay under stage constructed embankment