
shā zhú
  • Arenicola;lugworm
沙蠋[shā zhú]
  1. 穴居的蚯蚓或沙蠋排出的圆柱状粪块。

    Cylindrical mass of earth voided by a burrowing earthworm or lugworm .

  2. 豫西太原组(C3)中一种罕见的遗迹化石&沙蠋粪化石

    A grain of sand a type of rare trace fossils & arenicola coprolites in Taiyuan Formation ( c3 ), western Henan Province

  3. 柄袋沙蠋体壁主要由表皮、环肌、纵肌组成。

    The body wall of Arenicola brasiliensis is composed of epithelium , circular muscle and longitudinal muscle .

  4. 几种神经递质在柄袋沙蠋体内各部分的分布密度不同,可能与其在各部位发挥的功能不同有关。

    The different density of neurotransmitters in different parts of Arenicola brasiliensis might correlate to their various functions .