
shā hài
  • sand damage;sand calamity
沙害 [shā hài]
  • [sand calamity] 风沙造成的灾害

  • 治理沙害,绿化大西北

沙害[shā hài]
  1. 尾矿砂沙害形成机理与工程治理措施的选择

    The mechanism of sand damage formation from tailings and engineering control measures

  2. 牧区道路是一种比较特殊的道路形式,易受雪害和沙害的影响。

    The roads in pastoral areas are a special kind of highways , which suffer snow damage and sand damage easily .

  3. 兰新铁路哈密地区的沙害

    Blown Sand Disasters along the Railway in Hami Area , Xinjiang

  4. 绿洲农田沙害时空变化特征。

    Characteristics of oasis farmland wind-sand disaster variation with time and space .

  5. 铁路沙害预测预报的研究

    Research on Prognostication and Forecast of the Railway 's Sand - Disaster

  6. 沙害对公路路基高度的影响

    Effect of sand hazard on the height of subgrade

  7. 提升式阻沙堤的研究与沙害治理

    Research on Elevating Sand-barrier and Harness of Sand Destruction

  8. 治理沙害保护生态环境

    The control of sand calamity to protect ecological environment

  9. 江西赣江沙害的流域生态学以及治理的初步研究

    Study on Sandy Calamity and Its Controls in the Ganjiang River , Jiangxi Province

  10. 铁路沙害整治及其研究方向

    Control and research direction of railway sand disaster

  11. 我国铁路沙害的防治

    Prevention of Sand Disaster for Chinese Railways

  12. 中国沙区铁路沙害防治综述

    Review on the prevention of sand damages to railway line in desert areas of China

  13. 包神铁路达旗车站沙害时空规律研究

    Research on the Time-Space Regularities of Sand - Disaster at Daqi Station on Bao-Shen Railway Line

  14. 塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地路面沙害的空间分布研究

    Spatial Distribution of Sand Drift Disasters on Road Surface in the Hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert

  15. 化学工程固沙在塔里木沙漠公路沙害防治中的适宜性

    The Suitability of Chemical Engineering Stabilization in Controlling Aeolian Hazard Along the Highway in Tarim Basin

  16. 河西走廊绿洲和耕地的适宜面积及其沙害防治对策

    The Suitable Areas in Oasis and Cultivated Lands and Preventive Measures Against Sand Disasters in Hexi Corridor

  17. 兰新线玉门段戈壁风沙流地区铁路沙害的治理

    Sand Hazard Control Aling Yumen Section of Lanzhou Xinjiang Railway in Gobi Wind & sand Stream Region

  18. 过渡放牧和大量樵采使植被盖度降低,导致沙害迅速发展。

    Shrink of the vegetation covering caused by overgraze and cutting results in rapid development of sand hazard .

  19. 我们要加大植树造林的力度,防治沙害。

    We should reinforce our efforts in tree planting , and forestation making to prevent and cure sandstorms .

  20. 风成沙是海坛岛风沙土的成土母质,也是高质量的石英砂矿源,但是如果开发利用不当极易酿成沙害。

    Some eolian sands are the parental substances of soils , and are the high qualitative sand deposits too .

  21. 并提出了公路沙害快速治理技术体系与配套的技术措施。

    Therefore , we suggested a technical system for rapid controlling of highway sand calamity and the configuring of measure .

  22. 我国不同沙漠类型区公路沙害防治技术与机理研究

    Study on Techniques and Its Mechanism for Controlling Sand Hazard to Highway in Different Type Regions of Desert in China

  23. 因不同地带生态条件不同,引起铁路沙害可划分为四类九级。

    According to different regions and ecological conditions , the sand hazard along the railway was divided into four types and nine grades .

  24. 该地区公路防沙体系的结构配置对干旱、半干旱沙漠地区高速公路沙害防治具有一定的借鉴作用。

    The sand prevention system of this region did a reference function to the sandy-prevention of highway in arid and semi-arid sandy land .

  25. 荒漠、半荒漠地带铁路沙害的基本特征是沙侵道床、埋没轨道、磨蚀设备。

    The basical features of sand hazard along the railway are eroding ballast , covering track and wearing equipments in desert and semidesert areas .

  26. 人工植被尽快向大面积天然植被过度,也许是根治沙害的终极途径。

    It is probably the ultimate channel for bringing the scourge of sand under permanent control to change from artificial vegetation to natural vegetation as soon as possible .

  27. 项目实施过程中3年投入产出比为1∶2.6,通过公路沙害治理工程的实施,稳定防护10年的经济总收益为4.67亿元;

    The ratio of investment and benefit of project was 1: 1.26 during the 3 years . The economical gross income will be 467 million yuan after 10 years .

  28. 防护体系建立后,大约经过5&10年时间,可形成良好的人工植被防护体系,使流沙达到固定,消除线路沙害,保证列车正常通行的目的。

    During the succeeding 5 to 10 years this protective system would form a better artificial vegetation belt , thus making shifting sand fixed and ensuring smooth traffic of railway .

  29. 并且查明随着时间推移,公路受害面积扩大,重型沙害所占比例明显增长的公路沙害发展状况。

    With the time going on , development pattern of blown sand hazard is that the area-damaged of sand-control system enlarges and the ratio of serious type of sand hazard increases .

  30. 本文在对公路沙害防治的国内外现状进行充分分析的基础上,首先对公路沙害防治理论与工程技术进行了归纳总结。

    Based on the comprehensive prevention and control of highway of full situation at home and abroad on the basis of analysis , first comprehensive prevention and control theory and engineering highway technology has summarized .