
  • 网络Settling;sedimentation;sedimentation process
  1. 对影响絮凝沉降过程的10种因素进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses 10 factors affecting flocculation settling process .

  2. 重力场中的粒子在沉降过程中的捕捉和再分离过程

    Capture and re-separation of a settling motion of particles in the gravitational field

  3. pH值对活性污泥沉降过程的影响

    The effects of pH on activated sludge sediment

  4. 基于DSP实现能够监控沉降过程的算法。

    The other is the processing algorithm based on the DSP to monitor the sedimentation course .

  5. MonteCarlo方法模拟胶体沉降过程中粒子半径的影响

    Monte Carlo simulations of the effects of particle sizes in the process of colloid deposition

  6. 基于多状态Markov链模式的极端降水模拟试验基坑降水引起地表沉降过程数值模拟

    The simulation experiments of extreme rainfall based on a multi-status Markov chain model over east region of China

  7. 研究了纳米SiO2悬浮体系的流变特性、沉降过程以及分维特性。

    We discuss the rheological properties , sedimentation process and fractal trait of nano-SiO_2 suspensions .

  8. 在建筑物沉降过程中,各监测点相互影响、相互制约,应用灰色系统理论建立了建筑物沉降变形的系统预测GM(1,N)模型。

    The monitoring points affect and restrict one another during buildings subside , so the prediction model for the buildings settlement is suggested according to Grey System Theory .

  9. 结合粉喷桩在杭州绕城高速公路中的应用,采用Biot固结有限单元法分析了分级加载条件下路堤的沉降过程。

    The FEM with Biot 's consolidation theory is used to analyze the processing of embankment foundation settlement under multi stage loading .

  10. 利用多重网格虚拟边界有限元法(multigridfictitiousboundarymethod,MFBM),对粘性流场中固体颗粒的启动和沉降过程进行直接数值模拟。

    An efficient multigrid fictitious boundary method ( MFBM ) for the detailed simulation of the sedimentations and lift-off of rigid particles in viscous flows is presented in this paper .

  11. 利用Grapher二次开发技术绘制地面沉降过程曲线图

    Drawing Land Subsidence Process Curve Graph with the Application of Grapher Automation Technology

  12. 模式中详细考虑了气象过程、气相与液相化学过程、非均相化学过程、气溶胶过程和干湿沉降过程对SO2输送、转化和沉降过程的影响。

    The impacts of meteorological processes , gas-phase chemistry , aqueous-phase chemistry , aerosol processes , heterogeneous chemistry and deposition processes upon sulfur transport , transformation and deposition were comprehensive considered .

  13. 在此基础之上,采用DEM-CFD耦合的方法来模拟颗粒在水中的沉降过程。

    On this basis , the sinking process ofparticles is simulated by using DEM-CFD coupling method .

  14. 通过讨论分步沉降过程中沉降剂的类型、用量以及沉降次数等因素分离出单分散性的Q-CdS。

    In addition , Q-CdS nanoparticles with narrow disperse were obtained by changing the type and volume of precipitating agent and times of precipitation , etc.

  15. 研究了新版Grapher软件的Automation技术,并用VB编程语言在客户应用程序中快速实现了地面沉降过程曲线图的绘制和地面沉降预测功能,做到了客户开发软件界面和功能的完美统一。

    Author researches the automation technology of new version Grapher software , and realizes the land subsidence process curve graph drawing and land subsidence forecast function in client application program with VB programming tool . In this way , combination between interface and function of programming software is done perfectly .

  16. 采用界面法研究了水、钛白粉(R980)和分散剂(731A)组成的浆料体系的沉降过程,通过沉降曲线进一步得到体系的沉降速度和最终沉降比。

    Sedimentation process for titania pigment and polyacrylic dispersant water-borne system was studied by way of interfacial method . From sedimentation curves , sedimentation rate and the final sedimentation ratio were obtained .

  17. 鉴于试验观察黏性细颗粒泥沙悬浮体系絮凝-沉降过程存在技术困难,尝试以分形生长理论为基础,使用改进的受限反应絮团聚集(RLCCA)模型,在计算机上模拟这一复杂过程。

    Since it is difficult to observe the flocculation-settling of cohesive fine sediment this complicated process is numerically simulated based on fractal growth theory by using an improved Reaction Limited Cluster-Cluster Aggregation ( RLCCA ) model .

  18. 对苯二甲酸钠对赤泥沉降过程的影响

    Effects of Para - Phthalic Sodium on Sedimentation of Red Mud

  19. 那么桩基础的沉降过程中也必须满足这一基本定律。

    Thereby , the settlement of piles must obey the law .

  20. 泥沙沉降过程与密度变化关系实验研究

    Experimental Study on Relationship between Sediment Subsidence and Changing Bulk Density

  21. 公路路基沉降过程试验与理论分析

    Test and Theoretical Analysis about the Process of Settlement of Highway Subgrade

  22. 伸展型盆地裂后期沉降过程及其动力学背景研究

    Subsidence process of extensional basin in post-rift period and its dynamic setting

  23. 构造沉降过程可划分为7个时期.其中渐新世和中新世为快速构造沉降时期。

    The process of tectonic subsidence can be divided into 7 periods .

  24. 固结系数对饱和粘性土沉降过程的影响

    Coefficien of Consolidation Brings the Effect on Settlement Process of Saturation Clay

  25. 长管袋沉降过程的分析与模拟

    Analysis and Simulation of Long Tube Bag Sinking Movement

  26. 粘性流场中固体颗粒启动和沉降过程的直接数值模拟

    Direct Numerical Simulations of Sedimentation and Lift-off of Rigid Particles in Viscous Flows

  27. 高速公路路面径流沉降过程中重金属去除特性

    Characteristics of heavy metal removal during highway runoff sedimentation

  28. 管道式紊流絮凝器强化沉降过程在亚硫酸法糖厂的应用研究

    Application Studies of Strengthening Subsidence Process by Pipeline Type Turbulence Flocculator in Sulfitation Process

  29. 从实测沉降过程推算固结系数

    Derivation for Coefficient of Consolidation from Settlement Observation

  30. 超细颗粒沉降过程数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Sedimentation Process of Superfine Particles