
  1. 不过,汪东进表示,他的公司并不排除新的收购。

    However , Mr Wang said his company was not ruling out new purchases .

  2. 中石油总裁汪东进本月在集团公司网站上的一份声明中表示,两个实体今年的利润都显著下降。

    Income at both entities has dropped " dramatically " this year , PetroChina president Wang Dongjin said in a statement on CNPC 's website this month .

  3. 汪东进表示,中石油计划明年生产26亿立方米页岩气,这个数字远高于今年1亿立方米的产量,也高于官方为该公司设定的2015年产量目标(即15亿立方米)。

    Mr Wang said the company aimed to produce 2.6bcm of shale gas next year , up from 100m cubic metres this year and above its official 2015 target of 1.5bcm .

  4. 汪东进表示,由于油价较低,大型国际石油公司的任何资产处置都会导致较大损失;但如果各公司加强合作和资产互换,那将有助于大家重组海外资产,各得其所。

    Because of the low oil prices , any asset disposal will lead to big losses for any big international oil companies . If we could strengthen co-operation and swap assets , it will help us restructure overseas assets and complement each other , Mr Wang said .