
tāng miàn
  • noodle with soup;noodles in soup
汤面 [tāng miàn]
  • [noodles in soup] 带放有调味品汤汁的面条

汤面[tāng miàn]
  1. 他们那里有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。

    They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup .

  2. 把汤面倒进上菜用的碗中。

    Empty the noodles and liquid into a serving bowl

  3. 他很快吃完了两碗鸡汤面。

    He finished off two bowls of chicken noodle soup in no time .

  4. 有时我们早点就吃醋汤面或炒米饭。

    Some time , we use fry rice or pickled noodle as the breakfast .

  5. 因为我那碗汤面的味道很不错,所以我也就入乡随俗了。

    Since my Ramen broth was brimming with flavour , I did the same .

  6. 撇去汤面上的油。

    Skim the fat off the soup .

  7. 咱家汤面的秘方是……没有秘方!

    The secret ingredient is ... nothing !

  8. 姗的鸡肉汤面里漂浮的胡萝卜做成了带有老鼠耳朵的圆圈。

    The carrots floating in Shan 's bowl of chicken noodle soup were circles with mouse ears .

  9. 汤面做法:捞出后,可直接加入汤、配料及调料。

    Noodles in soup : put soup , sauce dressing into the noodle it is ready to serve .

  10. 在这里,你可以品尝一下台南风味的担仔面,分干面和汤面两种。

    Here you can sample southern Taiwanese-style minced pork noodles ( danzi mian ), either dry or in soup .

  11. 辣味大虾米线在中国“汤面”甚至比各种炒菜还流行,在夏季尤其受人青睐。

    In China " soup noodles " are actually more popular than the stir-fried variety and areparticular favourites in the summer months .

  12. 集市上和韩江边,街头摊贩随处可见,为大家提供可口的汤面。

    Many street vendors can be found in the market and along Han River , offering My Quang ( Quang noodle ) .

  13. 我们是14年前在除夕夜,三口人吃一碗清汤面的母子三人。

    We are14 years ago in the new year 's Eve , three people eat a bowl of clear soup and three people .

  14. 尤其适合做汤面、炸酱面、担担面、阳春面等。产品上市几年来深受消费者青睐,是公司最畅销的品种之一。

    After been launched , it is favored by consumers very much and has become one of the most popular products in the company .

  15. 日本的汤面在端上来的时候是非常热的——热得足以烫伤你——而吸溜面条有助于冷却食物。

    Japanese soup and noodles are generally served steaming hot - hot enough to burn - and slurping helps to cool down the food .

  16. 青蛙在汤里煮了一会之后开始膨胀,上下浮动,头从汤面上探出来,好像一个个身穿救生衣的喝醉酒的小胖子。

    After a few moments in the broth they began to swell up , and bobbed around on the surface with their heads poking up like fat little drunk men in lifejackets .

  17. 不过,一碗半是汤水的美味越南汤面也可以在不到一个小时就做好,这段时间她经常做。

    Still , developing a reasonable version of the Vietnamese noodle soup that can be made in less than an hour , with half the water , matters to her these days .

  18. 撇掉浮在汤面的泡沫,加盐调味,加入洗净切小段的?段,最后撒下胡椒粉即可盛出食用。

    Discard the foam floating on the the surface of the soup , add salt to taste , then the rinsed scallion sections and sprinkle with pepper . Remove from heat and serve .