
  1. 这些虚假神则是一致空间(spacewithout)或者光明地球梦想被膨胀的意识。

    These false gods are puffed upon consciousness of the space without or light earth dream .

  2. 到了宋明之际,张载的神则主要是讲太虚本体的特征、功能与作用。

    Down from the Song to the Ming Dynasty , Zhang Zai 's theory of " gods " mainly interpreted the characteristics , function and part of the subject of the heaven .

  3. 神到则气到,气到则力坚。

    Qi goes where mind goes , and strength goes where Qi goes .

  4. 而属于法老王统治的旧等级社会的异教神,则对此造成了威胁。

    Pagan gods that fitted in to the old , hierarchical world with its Pharaoh would have threatened that .

  5. 它们中有一些非常保守,他们教堂里有很保守的教派;,有些神学院则非常自由前卫。

    Some of them were very conservative ,; with conservative denominations in churches ; some were very liberal and progressive .

  6. 四方神画像则表达了他们对平安保障的热切希冀。

    To real life happy fantasy ; The more commonly used square god portrait expressed them to the sate safeguard earnest hope .

  7. 至于神,则伊壁鸠鲁坚决信仰他们存在,因为否则他就不能解释广泛流行的神的观念的存在了。

    As for the gods , Epicurus firmly believes in their existence , since he cannot otherwise account for the wide-spread existence of the idea of gods .

  8. 上帝无上的神性是犹太教信仰的坚实基础,但同时,上帝作为“人格神”则为沟通并保持以色列与上帝之间关系以及通过效仿上帝以成为“义人”提供了可能。

    God 's great divinity lays the foundation for Judaism . Meanwhile , God as a Personal God makes it possible for human beings to build relations with him and to be righteous by following his guide .

  9. 陈洪绶一生的绘画入三境,即少而妙,壮而神,老则化。在这个过程中可以看到,陈洪绶一生修其拙,这正是中国文化中大巧若拙的思想与智慧。

    Chen hong-shou life paintings into three habitats , In this process we can see that life Chen hong-shou repair their " humble ", this is the Chinese culture " big Zhuo Qiao if " thinking and intelligence .

  10. 旧约时代的祭司要用很多的时间预备见神,现在我们则可以随时随地与神亲近。

    Unlike the Old Testament priests who had to spend hours preparing to meet him , we can now approach God anytime .

  11. 祷告让我们能与神说话,默想则让神对我们说话;这两点是成为神的朋友的基本要点。

    Prayer lets you speak to God ; meditation lets God speak to you . Both are essential to becoming a friend of God .

  12. 但他很快就招架不住了,一则是与行者斗了一日,力倦神疲;二则是见八戒的钉钯凶猛,于是败阵就走。

    But very soon , he could barely parry the blows of Pig Bajie without the strength to hit back because he 'd fought Monkey King for a whole day and was therefore tired out .

  13. 中国、希腊神话的最基本差异是中国神更为神化,希腊神则更人化。

    The most fundamental difference between Chinese and Greek mythologies is that the Chinese gods are made more divine while the Greek gods look more human like .

  14. 费沃斯是奥林匹亚的光明和音乐之神,通常被称为太阳神,而雅典娜则是智慧女神和雅典城的守护神。

    Phevos is the Olympian God of light and music , known as apollo , and Athena is the goddess of wisdom and patron of the city of athens .