
  • 网络Contaminated fish;polluted fish
  1. 由于污染鱼正在成批死去。

    The fish are dying off because of the pollution .

  2. 污染和鱼死亡之间有关系。

    There is a connection between pollution and the death of fish .

  3. 海水养殖污染区鱼肝EROD酶活力分析

    EROD activity of fish liver from area polluted by marine culture

  4. 其实未受污染的鱼还是相当健康的食物。

    Fish that is not contaminated is a very healthy food .

  5. 因为河流严重污染,鱼都死了。

    The fish died because the river was badly polluted .

  6. 在温暖的月份,打高尔夫球,在未受污染的鱼或自然荒野远足。

    During warmer months , play golf , fish or hike in unspoiled natural wilderness .

  7. 贵州汞污染地区鱼肝中的汞含量要比北京的高25倍,而前者鱼肌肉中的汞含量也要比后者高5倍,但未发现两地鱼样中的硒存在类似的差异。

    It was interesting to note that the average content of mercury in Guizhou fish liver was 25-fold higher than that in Beijing one , and 5-fold higher in Guizhou fish muscle than that in Beijing one .

  8. 疫苗种类、灭活方法、佐剂类型、疫苗剂量、免疫途径、温度、污染、鱼体健康状况等是影响鱼体免疫效果的主要因素

    There are some important factors such as sort of vaccine , way of destroy activity , kind of adjuvant , quantities of vaccine , way of immunity , temperature , pollution and healthy of fish , which affect result of fish immunity

  9. 经口投给汞污染的江鱼对猫的慢性毒理实验研究

    Chronic toxicological experiment on cats fed on methyl mercury polluted river fish

  10. 研究人员建议,吃鱼的益处远胜于吃被污染过的鱼而生病的风险。

    Researchers suggest that these benefits of eating fish far outweigh the risk of getting sick from a contaminated fish .

  11. 我室于1978年以汞污染的江鱼对猫进行慢性毒理实验研究,实验证实,猫的小脑己出现慢性水俣病&甲基汞中毒的病理改变。

    Pathological changes in cerebella were found in these cats following chronic poisoning of methylmercury compounds or chronic Minamata disease .

  12. 污染水体导致鱼肝脏氧化损伤是引发其遗传毒性的重要原因之一。

    The water pollution induced the oxidative damage in liver of fish is one of the important reasons for the genotoxicity .

  13. 另一方面,生长于污染水域的鱼体内存有高含量的汞,这可能对发育中的大脑造成认知方面的不良影响。

    On the other hand , fish that feed in contaminated waterways contain high levels of mercury , which can lead to cognitive problems in developing brains .

  14. YasumichiTanaka:“受到辐射污染的地区的鱼已经完全停止供货。”

    YASUMICHI TANAKA : " Fish supplies from the radiation - d regions have been ed. "

  15. 如果各地没有污染的水这些鱼就不会死。

    If the throughout the country , no pollution such beings in water .

  16. 是污染害死了这些鱼。

    It was pollution that killed these fish .

  17. 他说:“受到辐射污染的地区的鱼已经完全停止供货。”

    He says : " Fish supplies from the radiation-contaminated regions have been totally halted . "

  18. 油轮漏油污染海水,杀死鱼、鸟,是环境的大灾害

    Oil spill be an environmental disaster which kill fish and birds as well as pollute the sea

  19. 该报道称,受污染的鸡、鱼和猪饲料会致使红肉和鱼肉染毒。

    Tainted chicken and possibly fish and hog feed could result in poisonous meat and seafood , it said .

  20. 污染持续时间和鱼的体重等生态因素能显著改变钻井噪声与振动对草鱼生长的污染效应;

    There were some ecology factors which could change the polluting effect , such as the polluting duration , body weight of fishes .

  21. 按可能引起污染的程度被定级设施不知道实情的人吃了被水中污染物污染的鱼可能患重病。

    People , who unknowingly eat fish contaminated by pollutants in the water , can become seriously ill .