
wū rǎn kònɡ zhì
  • pollution control;contamination control
  1. BT试验台液压系统污染控制设计

    Contamination Control Design for Hydraulic System of BT Test Bench

  2. 1400E冷轧机液压系统的污染控制

    Contamination Control of 1400E Cold Rolling Mill Hydraulic System

  3. 污染控制小组就在现场,现在随时准备开始吸油。

    The pollution-control team is at the scene and is due to start sucking up oil any time now

  4. 水污染控制规划与GIS

    Water pollution control planning and GIS

  5. 以结构化系统分析为主要技术路线,介绍了GIS在渭河流域水污染控制决策系统中的应用。

    The application of GIS in control and decision-making system of Weihe River water pollution was introduced with structural system analysis .

  6. CO催化还原NO是NOx污染控制中的一个重要反应。

    Catalytic reduction of NO with CO is considered to be one of the most important reaction for NOX control .

  7. 烟气NOx污染控制技术及国产化建议

    Pollution Control Technique of NOx and Suggestions of Its Localization in China

  8. 活性炭吸附法处理VOCs因具有经济有效的特点而成为最常用的污染控制方法。

    Activated carbon adsorption is the most-commonly-used method due to its economical and effective removal of VOCs .

  9. 集成电路(IC)工厂设计的核心问题是微污染控制,防微振作为控制振动污染,在工程设计中占有重要的地位。

    Micro-contamination control is the hardcore in IC fab engineering design . Being the vibration contamination control , micro-vibration-proof plays an important role in the engineering design .

  10. 论文最后以重庆南川市凤嘴江为实例,开发了基于GIS技术的凤嘴江水污染控制规划软件。

    To test the program , the Fengzui River in Nanchuan City , Chongqing Municipality , is selected as the example and the GIS-based software of Fengzui River water pollution control planning is developed .

  11. 中国的NOX排放量不断增加,氮氧化物的污染控制和治理迫在眉睫。

    The amount of the NOx discharging is getting more and more . So it is a great of urgency to control the NOx pollution .

  12. 碳减排已经成为大气污染控制工程的研究热点。目前CO2的减排技术可以分为物理处理、化学处理及生物固定三类。

    Dioxide carbon emission reduction has become the hot filed of air pollution control research . At present , there are physical , chemical and biological methods to fix CO2 .

  13. 国家有关燃煤SO2污染控制的一系列法规政策的出台,促使火电厂烟气脱硫市场迅猛发展,为脱硫产业发展提供了良好的机遇。

    Issuance of laws and regulations about pollution control of coal burning promotes rapid development of FGD market in coal-fired power plants . This creates a good chance for desulfurization industry development .

  14. 比较了中国的《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》与WEEE和RoHS指令的差别。

    Differences between China ' sManagement Methods on Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic information Products and WEEE , RoHS directive were compared .

  15. 从厌氧养猪废水中去除和回收磷(P)元素,对该废水的污染控制和资源化利用具有重要意义,其中磷酸钙(calciumphosphate,CP)结晶法是一种主要的工艺。

    Phosphorus ( P ) removal and recovery from anaerobic swine wastewater is very important for the pollution control and utilization of this kind of wastewater , and the crystallization of calcium phosphate ( CP ) is a main process for this purpose .

  16. 将该方法应用于工业SO2污染控制研究。案例研究表明,某镇建筑陶瓷业造成的SO2污染压力分布与承载力分布状况非常不均衡,导致该镇SO2年均浓度超过国家环境空气质量二级标准。

    The method was applied to analyze industrial sulfur dioxide pollution control methods in a town in southern China where the local annual average concentration of SO__2 exceeds the second level of the national ambient air quality standard .

  17. 其中河流一维BOD-DO模型是研究较为成熟的水质模型,既对水污染控制具有普遍的适应性,又能较为真实地反映实际情况。

    One dimensioned BOD-DO model for river is a well studied and mature water quality model ; it is adaptive and can reflect the reality .

  18. 本文以扩展的WassilyLeontief投入产出表为统计基础,结合最优化理论,建立动态反污染控制目标约束下的宏观经济系统均衡增长轨道计算模型,以及宏观经济系统最优增长轨道计算模型。

    This article puts the expanding Wassily Leontief 's input-output form as a statistical basis , and combines the optimization theory to establish a macro-economic balanced increase model under binded by dynamic anti-contaminating control target , and a macro-economic optimum increase model .

  19. 着重介绍真空热试验中的污染控制方法。

    It introduced emphatically the contamination method in vacuum thermal experiments .

  20. 情景分析法在赣江流域水污染控制规划中的应用

    Application of Scenario Analysis to the Planning of Gan River Basin

  21. 超滤技术在水污染控制和水回用中的应用

    Application of ultrafiltration technique in water pollution control and water reuse

  22. 浅论环境污染控制与排污许可证交易

    Study on Environmental Pollution Control and Licence for Drain Contamination Trade

  23. 中国城市机动车排放污染控制规划体系研究

    Study of the urban vehicular emission control program system in China

  24. 汽车排放污染控制的发展与现状

    The Development and Status of the Automobile Emission Pollution 's Control

  25. 木材工业粉尘污染控制存在的问题与发展趋势

    Lumber Industry Dust Contamination Control Existence Question And Development Tendency

  26. 我国室内空气污染控制对策研究

    Study on Control Policy of Indoor Air Pollution in China

  27. 开发废气净化设备及其二次污染控制设备;

    Exploit the facilities and the installations of controlling the secondary pollution ;

  28. 小型城镇水污染控制与治理措施

    Method of water pollution control and harness of small cities and towns

  29. 牡丹江水环境非点源污染控制及其研究

    Research And Control Of Mu Danjiang River Non-spot Source Water Environment Pollution

  30. 烧结厂大气污染控制技术的应用及发展

    Application and Development of Atmospheric Pollution Control Technology in the Sintering Plant