
  • 网络Water Hazard;water barrier
  1. 分析了深弹水障防御系统及其关键技术;

    The water barrier defense system and its key technology are analyzed .

  2. 最后,对水障对反舰导弹的毁伤机理进行了初步分析。

    The damage principle of water barrier against anti-ship missile is analyzed primarily .

  3. 水障反掠海飞行器机理研究

    Research on the Theory of Water Barrier Against Sea Skimming Vehicle

  4. 1986年美国奥古斯塔大师赛,第十五洞时他用四号铁杆一个极烂的开球把球打入水障,因而痛失冠军,那时候那感觉自己的技术一日不如一日了。

    He left the scene early , too . At Augusta in 1986 , when he lost the Masters with a clumsy 4-iron shot into water at the 15th , he felt his touch was fading .

  5. 因而建议扎纳若尔油田的开发方式改为油环面积注水,油气界面附近继续屏障注水,屏障注水量为保持注采平衡总注水量的15%左右,以维持目前形成水障的稳定性。

    To keep the stability of barrier wall developed at present , the water to be injected for barrier water flooding is about 15 percent of the overall water volume necessary to be injected for the balance of injection and production .

  6. 近年来,随着海洋科学和海洋工程的发展,人们广泛展开对近海面大气、海洋气候、水雷布置、水下排障以及潜艇对抗等方面的研究。

    With developing of ocean science and engineering in recent years , people make more wide research on atmosphere near sea surface , sea climate , torpedo arrangement , underwater fault-removing and submarine fight .

  7. 该方法已经成功地导引AUV进行了水下自主避障、自主剪缆、自主投掷等智能作业。

    The method has been employed , successfully , for the guidance of an AUV in its autonomous underwater operations .

  8. 自治式水下机器人避障行为机制研究

    Research on obstacle avoidance behavior for AUV