
shuǐ lù yùn shū
  • water transportation
  1. 水路运输是国民经济发展的润滑剂。

    The water transportation is a lubrication of the national economy development .

  2. 另外,该河还为原材料提供了廉价的水路运输。

    The river provides cheap water transportation for raw materials .

  3. 从2001~2005年,公路水路运输业支撑完成了63%~53%的GDP。

    The highway and waterway transportation industry support from 2001 to 2005 would complete 63 % - 53 % GDP .

  4. 我国的液化天然气供给主要从国外进口,依靠LNG船舶进行水路运输。

    Chinese supply of liquefied natural gas imports from abroad , and relys on LNG vessel for sea transport .

  5. LNG公路运输成本高,交通事故频繁发生,因而有关专家提出了LNG罐式集装箱水路运输的模式。

    As LNG transported on roads not only costs extremely high but encounters frequent traffic accidents , some experts suggest an attempt of transporting LNG tank container on waters .

  6. 长江地区水网密布,采用小型LNG集装箱船水路运输模式,可以满足多元化消费的需求,满足LNG安全、便捷、高效运输的需求。

    The Yangtze River area , water network clouds , using small-size LNG container ship transportation mode , can meet the diversification of consumer demand , to satisfy the LNG safety , convenient , efficient transport demand .

  7. 为此,就LNG罐式集装箱水路运输涉及的各个环节&LNG罐式集装箱、码头装卸和水路运输的安全性要求进行了探讨,并且分析了LNG罐式集装箱的积载和隔离方式。

    This paper discusses safety issue at each link in this way of water transporting , which includes LNG tank containers , loading and unloading at docks , and waterborne , and analyzes the way of amassing and isolating for LNG tank containers .

  8. 我国水路运输民事法律体系及主要制度研究

    Study on Legal Systems of Chinese Coastal Transport and Inland Navigation

  9. 水路运输安全管理评价标准研究

    Research on the Assessment Standard of Safety Management in Waterborne Transportation

  10. 外国水路运输企业常驻代表机构管理办法

    ENTERPRISE Administration Regulation For Foreign Shipping Representative Office In China

  11. 水路运输的优势进一步发挥。

    The advantages of water transport have been brought into fuller play .

  12. 水路运输可持续发展评价与监测研究

    Evaluation and Supervision of Sustainable Development of Water Transportation

  13. 水路运输行业安全管理研究

    Study on the Safety Management of Water Transport Industry

  14. 水路运输比陆路运输发展得更快。

    Water transportation developed much faster than land transportation .

  15. 华南的水路运输既廉价且迅速便捷。

    Water transport was fast , easy , and cheap in South china .

  16. 城市水路运输生活垃圾的人机因素分析与改进设计

    Analysis and Design Improvement of Man-machine Factor for Domestic Refuse in Cities throngh Waterage

  17. 中国液化石油气水路运输市场分析

    China liquefied natural gas water transport market analysis

  18. 水资源是河南省实现内河通航的重要基础,水资源是否充足是河南省发展水路运输的关键。

    The adequacy of water resources plays a key role in water transport development .

  19. 水路运输量抽样调查中的第二阶抽样方法

    Study on the Second Stage Sampling Method of Two-stage Sampling Survey for Waterway Transportation Volume

  20. 论广东省货物水路运输

    On Waterway Cargo Transportation in Guangdong Province

  21. 水路运输可持续发展问题研究

    Researches of Sustainable Development on Shipping

  22. 航道作为水路运输的枢纽,是港口不可或缺的组成部分。

    The fairway as the transport hub of navigation waterway is the indispensable part of port .

  23. 水路运输是国际国内贸易的最主要运输方式。

    Water way transportation is the main transportation means in the international trade and domestic trade .

  24. 基于C/S结构的水路运输管理网络系统的设计和实施

    The Design and Implementation of the Water Carriage Manage System Based on Client / Server Structure

  25. 作者结合本国海上强制保险立法实践、现实需要进行研究,探求在我国建立包括海上运输和水路运输的强制保险制度的可行性。

    It is of great necessity for China to establish the system of marine compulsory insurance .

  26. 水路运输亟待新的运输方式,以改变当前的落后局面。

    The water way carriers demand the new transportation way to change the present backward situation urgently .

  27. 货物通过水路运输,因为那时船是惟一的运输工具。

    Goods were transported by water because boats were the only means of transportation at that time .

  28. 国内的商品车水路运输市场还很不完善,缺少政府的政策支持,没有统一的规范。

    Domestic transit market of automobile is less perfect and short of uniform rules and support from government .

  29. 监督日常进出口及国内公路水路运输,不断做出改进提高,合理处理客户投诉。

    Monitor daily import-export and local deliveries , keep continuous improvement , and properly handle the customer complaints .

  30. 概要介绍了中国公路水路运输的基本能力和面临的主要挑战。

    The paper introduces briefly the current situation and major challenges of China 's highway and waterway transport .