
shuǐ mó shí dì miàn
  • terrazzo floor
  1. 适用于各种塑胶地、大理石及水磨石地面。

    Applicable to all kinds of plastic , marble and terrazzo floor .

  2. 坐浆干撒水磨石地面新工艺

    New technics to dust dry concrete in terrazzo floor

  3. 不发火花水磨石地面的试验及施工

    Test and Construction of Non - sparking Terrazzo Floor

  4. 水磨石地面的冬期冷作法施工

    Cold - process construction of terrazzo floor in winter

  5. 浅谈现制水磨石地面质量通病的防止措施

    Common quality defects of cast - in - site terrazzo floor and preventive measures

  6. 现制水磨石地面在施工中的实际应用

    The application of poured-in-place terrazzo floor in construction

  7. 现制艺术水磨石地面的施工技术

    Construction technology of cast-in-place art terrazzo floor

  8. 对水磨石地面局部空鼓的处理&钻孔加压注浆法

    Treatment for local hollowing of terrazzo floor

  9. 水磨石地面垫层;;面层一次浇捣施工工艺

    The Crafts of Pouring and Vibrating the Terrazzo Floor Bedding Course and Surface for one time

  10. 冬期施工现制水磨石地面,是一个施工难点。

    Construction of cast - in - site terrazzo floor in w in ter is difficult .

  11. 仿天然石水磨石地面施工技术

    Construction technology for pseudo-natural terrazzo floor

  12. 预制水磨石地面的技术创新

    Technical Innovation of Precast Terrazzo Floor

  13. 水磨石地面施工技术

    Construction technology of terrazzo floor

  14. 预制美术水磨石地面

    Precast artistic terrazzo flooring

  15. 家用电器、计算机、仪器仪表、电子、通讯等需抗静电的工厂水泥地面或水磨石地面。

    Suiable for cement and terrazzo floor of household facility plant , computer company , electronic appliance factory ect .

  16. 本文根据实践经验总结出一种即省材料,质量又好的坐浆干撒水磨石地面新工艺。

    Summarizing practical experience , this paper gives out a new technics to dust dry concrete in terrazzo floor . It not only saves material , and also is good in quality of terrazzo floor .

  17. 导静电水磨石地面利用水磨石地面基层内镀锌铁丝网与接地网连接,将生产活动过程中产生的静电传入大地,避免电火花而产生爆炸;

    The static electronic conductive water polished stone floor utilize connection of the galvanized iron wire net with the earth net to conduct the static electricity to the ground to avoid explosion caused by the electric spark .

  18. 由于大面积钢筋混凝土地面具有结构牢固、平整光洁和便于清洁的优点,在一般公众场所,从20世纪90年代起就取代了水泥砂浆地面、水磨石地面以及地板砖地面。

    Because of some advantages of large area reinforced concrete floor as firm structure , bright and clean surface and convenient cleaning in general public place it has replaced the cement mortar , terrazzo floor and floor tiles .

  19. 结合太原师范学院阶梯教室水磨石地面施工工程实例,从水磨石基本要求、施工的原则及其施工程序方面,对施工水磨石地面的技术措施作了介绍,提出了施工中的几点注意事项。

    Combined with the terrazzo floor work of the lecture theatre in Taiyuan Normal College in this paper practical technical measures are introduced from fundamental requirements , construction principle , process and other aspects . Meanwhile , the matters needing attention in construction are also pointed out .

  20. 大面积水磨石楼地面常见质量问题及保证措施

    The common quality problems and assurance measures of large terrazzo floor

  21. 通过对大面积水磨石楼地面施工常见的如裂缝、空鼓质量问题的原因进行分析,针对性地提出了事前预防以及事后处理的措施。

    Based on the study on the causes of quality problems in large terrazzo floor construction such as cracking and hollowing some corresponding treatment measures are proposed .

  22. 由不发火水磨石白石碴与普通硅酸盐水泥施工的水磨石地面,能够避免由于操作人员不慎等原因造成金属碰撞而产生的火花,使安全生产得到有效保障。

    The water polished stone floor that constructed by the non ignite terrazzo white ballast and common Portland cement can avoid spark by the inadvertent operation of operators . This makes a effective safeguard for safety in production .