
  • 网络head of hydroelectric power station
  1. 河床式水电站水头比较低,而单机流量通常较大,这样水电站厂房的进水口、蜗壳和尾水管等尺寸较大。

    In general , the head pressure of power station in river channel is lower comparatively , but the unit discharge is always greater , in this way , the dimension of the hydropower house is usually larger .

  2. 作者根据设计实践将水电站的水头(Ht)与出力(Nt)的关系归纳为三种情况:①同步;②异步;

    Based on his own design practice , the author sums up three cases between head and output at hydropower stations : ① Synchronous , ② asynchronous , ③ partially synchronous or asynchronous .

  3. 水电站拦污栅水头损失和清污机械研究现状和趋势

    Present situation and trends of research on head loss at the trash racks of hydropower stations and raking equipment

  4. 五强溪水电站高水头船闸输水系统动水压力与反向弧门流激振动

    Hydrodynamic pressure acting on wall of filling emptying system and flow induced vibration of reversed tainter gate for high lift ship lock

  5. 峡江水电站是低水头(额定水头为8.57m)水电站。

    Xiajiang hydraulic power station is a low water head station . The rated head is 8.57m .

  6. 水电站进水口拦污栅水头损失试验研究

    Study on the head loss of trashrack of intake in hydropower stations

  7. 应用本试验结果对布尔可夫及丘金娜公式进行了修正,建议水电站拦污栅设计水头损失取值3~5m。

    Based on data tested , a head lose value of 3-5m is recommended in this article for designing the future trashracks of hydropower project .

  8. 高坝洲水电站由于设计水头较高,设计单位建议采用预应力钢筋混凝土蜗壳。

    Due to the high water head of the GHS , the design unit put forward a suggestion of using the pre stressed reinforced concrete spiral case .

  9. 文化旅游是近年来旅游的热点,没有文化的旅游是没有生命力的。应用本试验结果对布尔可夫及丘金娜公式进行了修正,建议水电站拦污栅设计水头损失取值3~5m。

    Cultural tourism is a focus in these years , tourism shall lose value if it has not culture . Based on data tested , a head lose value of 3-5m is recommended in this article for designing the future trashracks of hydropower project .

  10. 三峡水电站ALSTOM机组低水头运行稳定性分析

    Research on the low-head operation stability of left-bank ALSTOM generator units of Three Gorges Hydropower Plant

  11. 论水电站水轮机设计水头选择

    Selection of Turbine ′ s Rated Head for Hydropower Stations

  12. 因此,面对这一难题,一般水电站不得不限制运行水头,以避开机组在不稳定区域运行。

    Therefore , in the face of the problem , many hydropower stations have to limit operating water head to keep away from the unstable operating range .

  13. 随着十二五国家对水利事业的高度重视以及水电事业的蓬勃发展和巨型水电站的兴建,水头高、流量大已成为许多在建和拟建的大中型水利工程的共同特点之一。

    With the " second five " national give importance in water conservancy and the vigorous development of water conservancy and hydropower construction giant , many water conservancy and hydropower projects under construction and more proposed to head high , the flow characteristics significantly .

  14. 在水电站制定厂内机组最优负荷分配时一般都假设水电站的水头是不变的。

    In the process of making optimal load dispatch plan in hydroelectric plants , it is usually supposed that the water head of the hydroelectric plant is not changing .

  15. 根据梯级水电站的发电机理,寻找自然来水量、水电站库容、发电水头等参数之间的关系,建立梯级水电站群联合发电模型。

    According to the generation mechanism of cascade hydropower stations , the thesis looks for the relationship between natural inflow , hydropower station capacity , power head and other parameters , establishes the power cogeneration model of cascade hydropower stations .

  16. 水电资源的开发不可避免地要修建巨型水电站工程包括巨型高坝,而这些巨型水电站往往具有水头高、流量大、地震烈度高及地形地质条件复杂的特点。

    The development of water resources inevitably need built large-scale hydropower stations including huge high dams . Those huge hydropower stations often have some features such as high head , large flow , high seismic intensity as well as complicated geological and topographic conditions .