
  • 网络Aquatic ecology;hydroecology
  1. GPRS无线水文水生态监测系统研究

    Wireless Hydrology and Water Ecology Monitoring System Based on GPRS

  2. Tao的抽象的乘子理论来得到关健的双线性估计。引洮工程对甘肃中部地区水生态环境的影响研究

    Influence on the Environment of Tao River Water Project in Central Gansu Province

  3. 直接将霉菌R.流域生态学:水生态系统多样性研究和保护的一个新途径

    The whole cells of R. Watershed Ecology

  4. 利用遥感(RS)和地面野外调查手段,对我国中东部地区水生态环境进行了现状调查与评估。

    Using remote sensing ( RS ) data and field investigation results , the water eco-environment was analyzed in mid-eastern China .

  5. CPFX以不同给药方式进入模拟水生态系统后在水体、沉积物、生物体等不同分配相及生物体不同组织、器官中的含量、分布以及迁移、富集等变化规律不同。

    There were differences in the distribution , accumulation and transfer dynamics of CPFX by different administration ways in the simulated micro-cosmos system .

  6. 水生态修复对莲花湖底栖动物群落的影响

    Effect of Aquatic Ecological Restoration on Zoobenthos Community of Lotus Lake

  7. 江南地域居住环境中的水生态处理

    Water eco-treatment in residential environments of the Jiangnan region , China

  8. 鹤类保护与芦苇水生态的关系

    Relationship between the Protection of Cranes and Aquatic Ecology of Reed

  9. 城市景观水生态化处理问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Problems of Landscape Water Ecological Treatment in City

  10. 生物大分子是近年来在水生态毒理学研究中的主要对象。

    Bio-macromolecule is the major object of aquatic ecotoxicology in recent years .

  11. 鳜鱼养殖池塘水体叶绿素a与16项水生态因子的关系

    Correlations of chlorophyll-a concentration and aquatic eco-factors in cultural ponds

  12. 有毒物质对水生态系统效应研究的进展

    Advances in research of ecological effects of toxicant substances on aquatic ecosystem

  13. 城市排水结构渗透设计与改善水生态环境

    Infiltration design of urban drainage structure and improvement of ecological water environment

  14. 住宅区景观水生态化处理问题

    Issue of Ecological Treatment of Landscape Water in Residential Quarters

  15. 禁止对水生态系统的污染和破坏;

    The pollution and damage to the water ecosystem should be inhibited ;

  16. 城市滨水生态绿地资源整合策略初步研究

    The Pilot Study on Integrating Urban Waterfront Green Space Resources

  17. 论成都的环境用水和水生态环境建设

    On Water for Environment and Construction of Water Eco environment of Chengdu

  18. 浮游植物是水生态系统中的重要生物组分,发挥着多种生态功能。

    Phytoplankton is an important biotic component of aquatic ecosystem .

  19. 生物完整性指数与水生态系统健康评价

    Index of biological integrity and its application in health assessment of aquatic ecosystem

  20. 水生态系中有机磷农药生物净化机理的研究

    Mechanism of biodegradation of organophosphate pesticides in aquatic ecosystem

  21. 半湿润地区水生态环境恢复研究

    Research on Aquatic Ecological Environment Restoration in Semi-humid Region

  22. 城市水生态足迹研究&以北京市为例

    Urban water ecological footprint analysis & a case study in Beijing , China

  23. 跨流域调水生态补偿量分担方法研究

    Study on method for calculating eco-compensation fund sharing in inter-basin water transfer projects

  24. 城市用地规划布局对中小流域水生态的影响与对策探讨

    The Effect of Urban Layout on River Valley Ecology

  25. 太湖水体漫衰减系数特征及其对水生态环境影响分析

    Characteristics of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient and Its Impact on Aquatic Ecology Environment

  26. 以底栖动物为指示物种对长江流域水生态进行评价

    Ecological assessment of the Yangtze River eco-system with benthic invertebrate as indicator species

  27. 摇蚊幼虫的水生态毒理学研究进展

    ^ advance in the ecotoxicology study about chironomid larva

  28. 江苏水质型缺水地区水生态环境恢复研究

    Recovery of Water Ecological Environment in Pollution Induced Water Shortage Areas of Jiangsu Province

  29. 郑州市区域水生态环境污染研究

    On the Water Ecology Environment Pollution in Zhengzhou

  30. 大连市水生态价值评价及水循环经济应用研究

    Assessment of Water Ecological Value and Research on Water Cyclic Economy in Dalian City