
  • 网络Water function;the functions of water
  1. 河流水域功能区划的技术原则探讨

    Study on technical principles in functional partition of water areas

  2. 重点城市水域功能区数字化系统应用

    Application of Water Environment Digital System in Key Cities

  3. 综合以上几个方面的成果,对泸州市地表水域功能进行区划。

    This text zone the surface water in Luzhou City on the above results .

  4. 通过对陆水湖水质现状情况的调查及监测分析,根据特定水域功能区的情况对其进行了质量评价。

    Through investigation , monitoring and analysis of the present situation of water quality in the Lushui Lake , its quality is evaluated according to the situation in specific functional area of water .

  5. 绍兴鉴湖水域环境功能区区划

    Functional Division of Water Environment in Jianhu Lake

  6. 按照研究水域的功能区划和污染源分布与削减状况,分析并确定重点治理污染源,制定总量控制方案。

    According to the water functional division and pollution source distribution and reduction , the major pollution source were analyzed and defined and the total amount control plans were presented .

  7. 本文根据太湖流域的环境特征,探讨性地提出了太湖水域环境保护功能区的划分,其目的是为了管理好太湖、利用好太湖。

    In order to have better effect on the management and utilization of Tai Lake , the author provided the division of the aquatic environmental protection functional district in Tai Lake Basin based on the environmental characteristics of Tai Lake Basin .

  8. 鲌属鱼类在天然水域中的生态功能及资源增殖对策

    Ecological Function of Culter in Natural Water and Countermeasures of Resources Proliferation

  9. 农田与水域生态系统服务功能的经济价值变化研究

    Study on the Economic Value Change of Cropland and Water Ecosystem Services Function

  10. 浅析城市水域的景观生态功能及存在的问题

    Landscape eco-functions of city water body and problems existed

  11. 将松花江流域作为整体,采用环境经济学方法对水环境价值进行估算,并对松花江上游三湖水域生态系统服务功能价值进行分析计算。

    The values of water ecosystem of Songhua river area is calculated as a whole by environmental economy methods .

  12. 因水域和湿地提供的生态服务价值最高,要采取措施重点保护水域面积,合理开发湿地资源,保护湿地和水域的生态功能,保护生物多样性。

    The water region and wetlands provided the value of ecosystem services , which take measures to focus on the protection of water area , the rational development of wetland resources , and protect the ecological functions of wetlands and waters , protection of biodiversity .