
shuǐ fèn pínɡ hénɡ
  • water balance;water budget;hydrologic accounting;basin accounting
  1. 我国大气中平均水汽含量与水分平衡的特征

    The water vapour content and the water budget in the atmosphere over China

  2. 然后,应用SWAT模型对该流域1988-2001年水分平衡各分项进行模拟,经过校准和验证,其结果满足水量平衡要求。

    Then , every subentry of water balance is modeled in this region by SWAT from the year 1988 to 2001 , the model is well calibrated and the results fit the reguest of water budget .

  3. 垃圾填埋场ET封顶系统水分平衡数值分析

    Numerical simulation of moisture balance in evapotranspiration landfill cover

  4. 讨论了植物的氮(N)素营养过程与C的消耗关系、光合作用与N投入的关系、水分平衡与植物的N素营养的关系。

    In order to translocate N efficiently within plant and maximize growth , the relationship between nitrogen nutrition and the cost of C , photosynthesis , and water equilibrium were discussed .

  5. 换言之,HD可以通过深层土壤水补给影响整个生态系统水分平衡。

    HD , on the other hand , can affect overall ecosystem water budgets by increasing deep soil water recharge .

  6. ABA作为一种胁迫信号,在调节植物的水分平衡以及诱导胁迫的耐性方面起着十分重要的作用。

    ABA as a stress signal , plays a very important role in regulating plant water balance and inducing stress tolerance .

  7. 在此基础上,建立了水分平衡模型并进行了校核,计算出的土壤湿度变化与时域反射仪(TDR)探头测量的数据一致。

    The model was calibrated and soil moisture change is consistent with time domain reflectrometry ( TDR ) data .

  8. 该研究为利用自动气象站网的资料估计各站能量收支、CO2通量、土壤水分平衡、以及土壤温度廓线提供了新证据。

    The SiB2 was demonstrated with automatic weather station ( AMS ) data and cold be used to estimate the energy components , CO2 flux , soil wetness and soil temperature profile .

  9. 从春玉米农田水分平衡、作物产量和水分利用效率综合分析表明,T2和T7处理是最优的玉米灌溉制度。

    Crop yield and water use efficiency analysis shows that T2 and T7 to deal with the best irrigation system for corn .

  10. 乙烯及1-MCP处理对不同开花指数牡丹切花开放衰老进程和水分平衡的影响

    Influences of Ethylene and 1-MCP Treatments on the Opening and Senescence Process and Water Balance of Peony Cut Flowers with Different Flowering Indexes

  11. 水通道蛋白基因与晚期胚胎发生丰富蛋白(LEA蛋白)基因参与多种胁迫的应答,它们与保持细胞水分平衡相关;

    Aquaporins and late embryogenesis abundant ( LEA ) proteins participate in the responding of multi-stress , which maybe relate with maintain water balance in cell ;

  12. 农田水分平衡和SPAC系统水分运行研究是实现农业水分高效利用的理论基础之一。

    Studies on water balance in farmlands and water flow in soil-plant-atmospheric continuum lay a solid basis for highly efficient agricultural water use .

  13. 从自然地理学、土壤水分平衡谈到J.C威尔科克斯的四篇论文

    Physical geography and soil moisture balance , with special reference to four recent papers by J. C. Wilcox

  14. 以英格兰南部Newbury一个高速公路旁的边坡为例,介绍了土壤水分平衡模型的建立及应用。

    An example of the development and application of soil water balance model used for a grass-covered soil slope in Newbury , UK , was introduced .

  15. 结果表明,6-BA能改善切花体内水分平衡,促进切花花蕾开放,使花朵鲜重和花径增大,并能抑制花瓣溶质外渗而延长花朵寿命。

    The results showed that 6-BA treatment not only improved the water balance of cut flower , stimulated blossom , puted on fresh weight and flower diameter , but also controlled petal solute seep out and delayed life of cut flower .

  16. 详细介绍了SWAP软件应用特点,确定了SWAP模型定界条件,并采用SWAP软件进行了灌区农田系统水分平衡计算。

    In this article , the characters of the SWAP software in application were introduced in detail , the boundary conditions of the SWAP model were determined , and the SWAP software was used to simulate the water balance of the farmland system in the irrigation area .

  17. 而在土壤植物大气连续体(简称SPAC)中,植物才应该是是否需要灌溉的最优指示物,因为只有它们才能把控制植物水分平衡的土壤因子和大气因子综合起来。

    In SPAC , it is the plant that should be optimum indicator for irrigation control , because the soil factor and air factor , which control the balance of water in crops , can but be integrated by plant .

  18. 冷藏唐菖蒲切花瓶插过程中水分平衡及若干生理指标的变化

    Water balance and some physiological changes in cold-stored cut Gladiolus flowers

  19. 植被覆盖的土质边坡土壤水分平衡模型及应用

    Development and Application on Water Balance Model of Grass-covered Soil Slope

  20. 水分平衡与降水评价

    Water balance of nature - society system and the evaluation of precipitaion

  21. 抽吸式干湿球温度计能够破坏细微的水分平衡。

    An aspiration psychrometer could destroy a delicate moisture balance .

  22. 土壤蒸发是研究土壤水分平衡中一个重要组成部份。

    Soil moisture evaporation is on important part for soil moisture balance .

  23. 干旱地区人工林地土壤水分平衡的探讨

    Study on the soil water balance of artificial forestland in arid region

  24. 利用水分平衡指标检验农业干旱的研究

    Research on Dryness in Agriculture Examined by Moisture Balance Indexes

  25. 长江流域的水分平衡和水分循环

    The water balance and cycle of the Yangtze River Valley

  26. 几个牡丹切花品种的采后衰老特征与水分平衡研究

    The Postharvest Characteristics and Water Balance of Some Cultivars of Tree-Peony Cut Flowers

  27. 基于水分平衡的云南干湿气候评价指标的研究

    Research on Assessment Index for Dry-Wet Climate in Yunnan Based on Water Equilibrium

  28. 多树水分平衡法的方法与应用

    Water Balance Measurement of Multiple-Trees : Method and Application

  29. 不同植物在面对干旱环境,调节体内水分平衡方式是多种多样的。

    Water balance approaches of the different species in arid environment are varied .

  30. 绿洲农田土壤水分平衡及变化特征

    The characteristics of soil moisture budget in Oasis Farmland