
shuǐ xià kān tàn
  • underwater exploration
  1. I/O等公司第一次四维四分量水下勘探试验

    The first 4D 4-component underwater exploration experiment

  2. 本文介绍了利用I/ORSR及四分量检波器进行四维四分量水下地震勘探试验的有关情况,对野外工作方法进行了简单的说明。

    This paper introduced the first 4-D underwater experiments with I / O RSR system and 4-component hydrophone , the operating way is described in this paper too .

  3. 他们参与海上的作战活动,包括水下侦查、勘探、破坏传输系统,以及霸天虎作战的神秘先头部队。

    They conduct operations in naval combat demolition , underwater reconnaissance and torpedo delivery systems and silently spearhead many Decepticon engagements .

  4. 随着我国海洋开发事业的发展,水下机器人操作手在水下勘探、水下采矿、海洋石油工程等领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of ocean exploration , underwater vehicle manipulator system plays more and more important roles on underwater detection , underwater mining , ocean petroleum engineering and so on .

  5. 水下等离子体声源是水中脉冲放电技术在水下声学和地震勘探技术方面的一个重要应用,又称为电火花震源。

    Underwater plasma sound source , namely underwater sparker , is a significant application of pulsed discharge in water , which has been employed for underwater acoustics and sea oil prospecting .

  6. 对于提高水下机器人的智能性,自主水下热液喷口知识获取,顺利完成水下的勘探和识别任务有重要意义。

    It has much meaning that improved intelligence of autonomous underwater vehicles , information learned from hydrothermal vents , finished task of underwater detection and recognition .