- 网络amino acid pattern;EAA pattern

The different amino acid pattern had significant impact on cell growth of mammary epithelial cells . Compared with the amino acid imbalance , amino acid balance , the ideal group to better promote cell growth .
The history , present situation and development trends in research and application of dietary ideal protein or ideal amino acid pattern ( IAAP ) were extensively reviewed in the paper .
According to the ratios and patterns of amino acids recommended by FAO / WHO , the nutritive values of the proteins in the health-care foods were evaluated .
A high correlation was obtained between SRC and Biological Value ( BV ), P0.001 . Compared with Chemical Score ( CS ) calculated with amino acid pattern , recommended by FAO , SRC is closer than CS to BV ( p0.05 ) .
The results showed absorbable amino acid pattern had significantly effect on MDV and PDV net flux of SAA , and Met net flux were significantly increased with increasing of the ratio of cashmere pattern in the target pattern ( P < 0.05 ) .
The Study on Optimal Essential Amino Acid Pattern in Ducks
Theory and Practice of the Ideal Amino Acid Pattern in Animal Production
Pattern of free amino acids in body fluid from Patients with Kidney diseases
Study on the Pattern of Ideal Amino Acid for Roman Brown Egg-Layers at 14-18 Week Age
Effects of different amino acid patterns on meat ducks performance were compared in the experiment .
Effects of infusing EAA pattern solution on protein synthesis in whole body , muscle and hepatopancreas of Ctenopharyngodon idellus
Study on the optimal levels of energy , crude protein and essential amino acid model of diets for growing turtle
The effects of dietary different protein levels with same EAA pattern on growth and protein turnover parameters were studied .
The Effects of Different Amino Acid Pattern on α - Casein Synthesis and Hormones Secretion and Fat Synthesis in Cows
Effect of Different Absorbable Amino Acid Patterns in the Small Intestine on Amino Acid Utilization in the Skin of Cashmere Goats
Amino acid requirement for maintenance was calculated according to the average body weight of each growing period and amino acid profile for maintenance .
The results showed that meliorative absorbable amino acid pattern in the small intestine increased the ability of wool production of Aohan fine wool sheep .
Under the energy level and amino acid profile of this experiment , the appropriate CP level of diet is 18 % for broilers aged 21 ~ 49d .
The data shows that diets formulated with different protein resources according to ideal digestible amino acid pattern for growing-finishing pigs are practicable in the matter of performance and economy .
Effects of amino acids component patterns on the major protein-degrading bacteria in rumen Its active constituents can efficiently kill many pathogenic bacteria for example Staphylococcus aureus , colibacillus and Blastomyces albicans .
Medium with different amino acid pattern affects not only the α - casein synthesis , also increased enzyme activity of key enzymes involved in lipid metabolism , increased trigly-ceride secretion and thus promoted the fat synthesis .
The results showed that the seawater Spirulina is of high protein , low fat and calories . The essential amino acid ( EAA ) pattern approaches the need of human . Amino acid score ( AAS ) is eighty .
The Effect of Immunologic Stress on Ideal Amino Acid Pattern for Piglets
Study on the Ideal Amino Acid Pattern in 0 ~ 3 Week-age Beijing Ducks
The effect of ideal amino acid patterns on the nitrogen utilization of growing pigs
Plasma Free Amino Acid in Endocrine Diseases
Study on the Pattern of Composition of the Essential Amino Acids in Muscle of Pseudosciaena crocea
Therefore , establishing the amino acid anti-fakes model can solve the problem of protein adulteration effectively .
The Study on Ideal Pattern of Absorbable Amino Acids in the Small Intestine of Aohan Fine Wool Sheep
The FPC contains not only high protein content but also a well balanced essential amino acid pattern .