
  • 网络tracheotomy;tracheostomy
  1. 比较两组气管切开率、入住ICU时间、机械通气时间、呼吸机相关性肺炎发生率、镇痛剂使用时间等指标。

    Two groups were compared with the rate of tracheotomy , ICU stay time , mechanical ventilation , ventilator-associated pneumonia incidence , the time of analgesic use and other indicators .

  2. 早期气管切开对重度颅脑外伤患者预后的影响

    The Effect of Early Tracheotomy in Severe Brain Injured Patients

  3. COPD气管切开患者的拔管时机研究

    The research of extubation time for tracheotomy patients with COPD

  4. 气管切开病人ICU内肺部感染分析与护理对策

    Analysis of pulmonary infection after tracheotomy in ICU and its related nursing care

  5. 目的:讨论气管切开患者进行高压氧(HBO)治疗时所使用的各种吸氧装置。

    Objective To discuss the apparatus of inspired oxygen in hyperbaric oxygen ( HBO ) chamber for patients after tracheotomy .

  6. 方法对90例ICU病房气管切开患者的360份样本按照微生物药物敏感性试验执行标准进行检测。

    Methods A total of 360 lower respiratory tract samples from 90 ICU patients with tracheotomy were tested .

  7. 方法大鼠气管切开机械通气,监测肺动脉压(PAP)。

    Methods Rats were mechanical ventilated .

  8. 防止GBS气管切开患者呼吸道感染的消毒措施研究

    Studies on the Disinfection Procedures for Preventing the Respiratory Infection in Post & tracheostomy Patients with GBS

  9. 其中早期气管切开、补充能量及鞘内注射破伤风抗毒素(TAT)患者疗效均较好。

    But the patients treated with early tracheostomy , nutrition supplement and intrathecal injection of TAT recovered better .

  10. 1目的了解引起ICU气管切开患者下呼吸道医院感染的主要病原菌种类及药敏性。

    Objective To study the main bacilli and their antibiotic susceptibility which cause nosocomial lower respiratory tract infection in patients with tracheotomy in ICU .

  11. APACHEⅡ评分≥15、呼吸机治疗、气管切开、年龄≥60岁和手术治疗是肺部感染的高危因素。

    APACHE ⅱ score ≥ 15 , mechanical ventilation treatment , tracheotomy , age over 60 and operation treatment were the risk factors of pulmonary infection .

  12. 结果:VAP患者中,气管切开者的VAP发病率明显高于气管插管者。

    Results : The incidence of VAP in the patients with tracheotomy was notably higher than the intubated patients .

  13. 方法回顾156例重度颅脑外伤患者,按气管切开的时间(<12小时,12~24小时,>24小时)分为A,B,C组,对其肺部感染发生率以及存活率进行比较。

    Methods According to the time ( < 12 hour , 12 ~ 24 hour , > 24 hour ) of the neurosurgery it was grouped A , B and C , compared the rate of the pulmonary infection and the survival .

  14. 预后优于气管切开组P<0.01。结论对重型颅脑损伤合并呼吸障碍特别是GCS≤6~8分的患者可先考虑经鼻气管插管取代气管切开。

    Conclusion The nasotracheal intubation and bronchoclysis may take place of the tracheal incision in treating severe head-injured patients , especially those with GCS ≥ 6-8 .

  15. 结果本组气管切开率最高为A级患者(35.0%,85/243);不完全脊髓损伤(B、C和D级)气管切开率只有2.6%(21/814)。

    Results The highest rate of tracheotomy for cervical spinal injury at Grade A was 35.0 % ( 85 / 243 ), while the rate of tracheotomy for incomplete injury at Grades B , C and D was only 2.6 % ( 21 / 814 ) .

  16. 采用同步间歇指令通气(SIMV)+呼吸末正压通气(PEEP)模式进行机械通气治疗,16例作了气管切开。

    The mechanical ventilation using of intermittent mandatory ventilation ( SIMV ) and positive end-expiratory pressure ( PEEP ), and 16 cases out of 22 received tracheotomy .

  17. 结论:及时气管切开,保持呼吸道通畅,积极防治呼吸道感染是抢救急性GBS呼吸肌麻痹成功的关键。

    Conclusions It is key point to rescue the patients of acute GBS with respiratory muscular paralysis by incision of trachea promptly , prevention and cure of respiratory infection actively and early employment of immunoglobulin and plasma .

  18. 结果267例神经外科手术患者分析发现气管切开、意识障碍、手术时间2h、年龄≥60岁是神经外科下呼吸道医院感染的危险因素。

    Results It was found that the important risk factors of nosocomial infection of lower respiratory tract in patients after neurosurgical operation include of tracheotomy , conscious disturbance , operation time more than 2 hours , and patient 's age more than 60 years old .

  19. 目的:分析幼年型复发性呼吸道乳头状瘤(JORRP)气管切开患儿的临床特征,探讨气管切开的拔管时机。

    Objective : To analysis the clinical characteristics of tracheotomied children with Juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis ( JORRP ) and to discuss the time of decannulation .

  20. 全部豚鼠在实验过程中采用全身麻醉,气管切开插管,使用肌肉松弛剂并实施人工呼吸,呼吸频率70次/分,潮气量1.5ml/次,同时监测全身平均血压,保持直肠温38℃。

    All guinea pigs were general anesthetized , trachea incised , and muscles relaxed . Artificial respiration was used , the respiratory rate was set at 70 breaths / min , with 1.5ml/breath of tidal volume .

  21. 环甲膜切开选择性代替气管切开251例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis in Selective Cricothyroid Laryngotomy Instead of Incision of Trachea

  22. 利用发音喉与气管切开的病人进行交流

    To Communicate With Patients Underwent Tracheotomy by Using of Phonatory Larynx

  23. 重度吸入性损伤气管切开患者的护理要点

    Essentials of Nursing Care in the Severe Inhalation Injury After Tracheotomy

  24. 气管切开套管内痰痂形成的原因与预防

    Causes and Prevention of Sputum Scab Formation in the Tracheotomy Tube

  25. 可能发生严重喉部肿胀,这要求进行气管切开。

    Extreme throat swelling may occur which may require a tracheotomy .

  26. 颈髓损伤后气管切开相关因素分析

    Analysis of related factors for tracheotomy after cervical spinal injuries

  27. 而且呼吸道感染与气管切开、使用呼吸机有相关性。

    The respiratory tract infection was related with tracheotomy and artificial ventilation .

  28. 气管切开后呼吸道管理的护理进展

    Nursing progress on airway management of patients after underwent incision of trachea

  29. 吸入性损伤气管切开问题的临床讨论

    Clinical Discussion on Tracheotomy in Burn Patients with Inhalation Injury

  30. 急性脑干出血气管切开与预后的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on Tracheotomy and Prognosis of Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage