- Gas layer;air layer

Smoke movement under a hot air layer in large space fires in summer
The time it takes before the hot air layer disappears decreases with the increase of the heat release rate .
Oil & Gas Formation Identification Based on Self-Organization Neural Network of Matlab
The Dragon Tower the application of BP neural network to recognition of the Tabei low resistivity oil and gas layers
The proposed method is named as Fitness-Distance Selection Mechanism Based GA and which is integrated with ANN ( Artificial Neural Network ) for the identification of oil gas layer .
Using BP neural network the proportion of CO2 is predicted The predicted proportion can be compared with well test results very well .
Detection of indications for reservoir by avo , eastern part of China
A suggestion of detecting gas layer by VSP method
Application of AVO technology to thin gas reservoir exploration
Improved Miles theorem and Howard 's semicircle theorem , as well as semi ellipse theorem have been established .
VSP jogging tool adopts advanced fiber optics sensor to test the oil-gas reservoir .
A new method of rapid detection technology for oil and gas bearing strata during drilling process an introduction to OSA and p k instrument field applications
If R_ ( tcp ) is > 150 Ω· m in resistivity curve , the stratum is dry ; Conversely , it is gas bearing or water bearing ;
Diffusion-controlled reaction stage : Si vapor diffuses through a layer of N_2 to the surfaces ofSi_3N_4 and reacts with N_2 , the reaction is diffusion-controlled and slows down obviously .
GIS-based grey comprehensive evaluation on oil-gas reservoir is that oil-gas evaluation data are managed and analyzed by GIS . By means of integrating grey comprehensive evaluation method with GIS , oil-gas reservoir is identified .
On Mechanism and Log Interpretation Method of Oil / Gas Reservoir with Low Resistivity in × Oilfield in Algeria
Since the geneses of low resistivity gas zone with sandstones are complex in SU gas field , it is difficult to indentify the gas zone and water zone .
The approximation calculus formula of reliable on FCT was calculated by using abate probability being q Bernoulli test sequence , probability formula and property of increasing convex function .
Application of Gas Zone Recognition with Pulsed Neutron Decay ( PND ) Logging in Tahe Oilfield
This anticline was found to have rich oil resource , there being multiple rich hydrocarbon strata , of which Es_1 and Es_2 members are characterized by southward imbricate updip thinning out .
Researches by Baskin and Huang show oil , gas and water intervals may be directly zoned in accordance with different carbon distributions .
Finally , in evaluation of gas reservoir , the K is used to grade the gas reservoir as its criterion , and the KH to predict potential productivity of the reservoir .
According to the features of shallow gas layer with low temperature in west of Sichuan , the combination of performance fine activator with low temperature and persulfate is selected .
Application shows that NMR dual-TW observation method and the analytical method are feasible and can be used to effectively and directly detect oil and gas .
A synthetic CDP gather or AVO forward modeling can be used to make amplitude recovery more reasonable and to identify AVO attribute type for gas reservoir that are useful in AVO interpretation .
The results show that the migration velocity of 3H tracer in aerated zone is 0.03 cm / d on natural condition in loess plateau of Huabei Region , the vertical diffusivity D x is 0.52 cm 2 / d ;
Mud column . pressure difference be lower than 10 MPa to allow mud density invasion depth and its damage on formation under control .
Applications in some oilfields in China are described in detail , which include identification of " dead oil zone ", qualitative evaluation of flooded reservoirs and quantitative computation of residual oil saturation .
Petroleum play analysis made new hydrocarbon-bearing formation discovered in the west part of the Jabung Block . play assessment theory based on petroleum system ;
By analyzing P-G crossplot of real seismic data , we approve that Poisson 's ratio anomaly layers i.e.oil and gas bearing layers can be predicted according to the characteristics of the P-G cross line .