
  • 网络participation rate;gross enrollment ratio;enrollment rate
  1. 去年,我国高中的总体毛入学率为87.5%,根据此项计划,未来四年高中毛入学率将上升2.5个百分点。

    Last year , China 's overall gross enrollment ratio was 87.5 % for high schools , meaning a rise of 2.5 percentage points in the next four years , according to the guideline .

  2. 高等教育毛入学率是衡量一个国家高等教育规模和品质的指数,也是衡量一个国家社会发展动力和民族进步速度的指针。

    The gross enrollment ratio of higher education ( GER ) is an index of the scale and quality of the higher education of a country , and also an indicator of its social development and progress .

  3. 我国高等教育毛入学率GM(1,1)预测模型及其应用研究

    An Application Research of the Grey Forecasting Model ( 1,1 ) of the Gross Enrollment Ratio of Higher Education in China

  4. 我国高等教育毛入学率提高引起的思考

    Reflections on Elevation of Gross Enrolment Rate of Higher Education in China

  5. 从毛入学率角度看我国高教发展

    An Observation of the Higher Education Development in China from the Angle of Raw Entrance Rate

  6. 我国把教育作为新的经济增长点,积极推进高等教育大众化,高等教育的毛入学率已近15%。

    Our country takes education as a new economic growth point , promoting popularization of higher education .

  7. 教育发展阶段的划分,不仅有毛入学率指标,还包括发展阶段中的特征指标。

    Different development phases of education are classified base on indicator such as enrollment rate and feature .

  8. 高等教育毛入学率由1998年的9.8%提高到2006年的22%。

    The gross enrollment rate in higher education increased from 9.8 % in 1998 to 22 % in 2006 .

  9. 预计到2010年,高等教育毛入学率将接近15%。

    It is estimated that by the year 2010 , the gross enrolment rate in higher education will approach 15 percent .

  10. 而2007年的毛入学率已经达到23%,并且这种增长态势迅速。

    While the semi finished matriculation rate of 2007 has reached to 23 % and this increasing speed is very high .

  11. 高等教育客观上存在着“精英教育→大众教育→普及教育”这一发展演进趋势。如果以毛入学率15%&50%为划分标准,我国高等教育在2002年就已经进入了大众教育的初级阶段。

    An evolution trend , " elite education → mass education → popularization education ", exist impersonally in the development of higher education .

  12. 当前我国高等教育毛入学率已达到24.2%,网络教育在其中发挥了重要的作用。

    The current entry ratio of tertiary for high school graduates is 24.2 % , in which E-Learning has played an important role .

  13. 全面提高教育质量和水平,高等教育毛入学率提高到30%。

    The quality and level of education in China was comprehensively raised , and the gross college enrollment rate rose to 30 % .

  14. 目前,我国高等教育的毛入学率是13.2%,属于精英高等教育阶段。

    At present , the enrolment ratio of higher education in China is13.2 % , it belongs to the period of elite higher education .

  15. 在概率统计教学中对全概率公式的一点诠记初中在校生6256万人,初中毛入学率达88.6%;

    A Note on Total Probability Theorem in Teaching ; 62.56 million students in junior middle schools , the gross attendance rate reaching 88.6 percent ;

  16. 随着2002年我国高等教育毛入学率达到15%,我国开始迈入了大众化的时代。

    With the gross rate of entrance for the higher education reaching at 15 % in 2002 , China begins the time of mass-higher education .

  17. 高等教育毛入学率不断提高,办学规模不断扩大,而政府财政无法满足高等教育所需的所有经费。

    Higher education gross enrollment rate rising , expanding the size of school , and government finances can not meet all funding of higher education required .

  18. 此项计划旨在将全国范围内的高中平均毛入学率提升至90%以上,中西部入学率显著增长。

    It aims to raise the gross enrolment ratio for high schools to above 90 % on average nationwide with rates in central and western China substantially improved .

  19. 人口的不同指标从各种角度对高等教育进行不同层次的影响,其中最重要的是人口数量对毛入学率的作用。

    Population impact on higher education from a variety of different indicators at different levels , the most important is the number of people influence the gross enrollment rate .

  20. 2003年我国高等教育的毛入学率为17%,根据马丁·特罗的高等教育阶段发展理论,我国高等教育进入大众化阶段。

    Our country has realized the popularization of higher education in2003 when The gross entrance rate is17 % , according to Martin Trow 's ideological theory of higher education massification .

  21. 通过连续几年的扩招,2002年我国的高等教育毛入学率达到了15%,已步入了大众化阶段。高等教育大众化的实现,会不会给大学生的就业造成压力?

    Gross observation ; On Publicity of Enrollment in University With successive enlargement of enrollment , China 's higher education gross enrollment in 2002 reached 15 % and entered popularization .

  22. 首先通过数理分析,对高等教育学龄人口、教育规模、毛入学率三者之间的关系进行讨论,得出理想状况下高等教育发展的速度下限;

    The relations among school age population , education scale and enrollment rate of higher education are analyzed . The lower bound on the development of higher education is derived under the ideal condition .

  23. 截至2008年,我国高等教育毛入学率达到23.3%,在校总人数达到2907万人,是1998年在校生规模的四倍多。

    By 2008 , the gross entrance rate of tertiary education had reached 23.3 percent , and the number of tertiary student totaled 29,070,000 , which is four times as big as that of 1998 .

  24. 截止2004年,全国高校的毛入学率已基本达到了19%,这标志着我国的高等教育事业已由精英式教育转变为大众化教育。

    By 2004 , the gross entrance rate of the national university has already break 19 % , this indicates high educational has already changed " the special education " into " the mass education " .

  25. 贵州省1990-2005年间高等教育对经济增长的贡献率为1.12%;十二五期末时贵州省高等教育毛入学率的预测值为28.6%。

    The contribution of higher education to economic growth is 1.12 % in Guizhou between 1999-2009 ; At the end of " 12th Five-Year ", the net Enrollment rate is 28.6 % in Guizhou by predict .

  26. 1986年至2009年,全国小学学龄儿童入学率从95%提高到99.8%,初中毛入学率从22%达到98%。

    From 1986 to 2009 , the enrollment rate of national primary school-age children have increased from 95 percent to 99.8 percent , junior middle school gross enrollment rate have increased from 22 percent to 98 percent .

  27. 我国正由教育大国向教育强国迈进,到2005年,高等教育的毛入学率将达到15%,进入世界公认的高等教育大众化阶段。

    Our nation is developing into the education power . In 2005 , the rate of gross entrance to college will reach 15 % , which is world-wide accepted to stand for the popularization of higher education .

  28. 中国教育部公布的最新数字显示:2004年中国高校毛入学率超过19%,实现了由精英教育向大众化教育的转变。

    The latest digit which Chinese Ministry of Education publishes shows : in 2004 , the college matriculate rate of China exceeds nineteen percents which realizes the conversion from " elite education " to " popularization education " .

  29. 近年来,我国高等教育取得快速发展,2004年,高等教育毛入学率达到19%,已经进入了高等教育大众化阶段。

    There has been rapid development in higher education in China years . Gross enrollment of higher education was up to 19 % in the year of 2004 , which marked the era of popularization of higher education .

  30. 根据国家教育部公布的最新数据,中国高等教育的毛入学率2005年已经达21%,中国的高等教育已经在一定意义上进入大众化时代。

    The newest data announced according to Ministry of Education shows that the gross entrance rate of China 's higher education already reached 21 % in 2005 , and the higher education of China has already entered popular era in a certain meaning .