
  • 网络Beatrice;Beatriz
  1. 上个月,女王孙女比阿特丽斯公主的小狗Max受到柯基犬群攻击,蒙蒂也难逃其咎。

    Monty was part of the pack which attacked Princess Beatrice 's dog Max last month .

  2. 还有黑白八卦图案的棉质“卡米拉”(Camilla)手套(110英镑);手腕上镶着端庄蝴蝶结的灰褐色“比阿特丽斯”(Beatrice)美利奴羊毛手套(70英镑)。

    There 's also a cotton " Camilla " glove in a black and white yin-yang pattern ( £ 110 ) and a taupe merino wool " Beatrice " with a demure bow atop the wrist ( £ 70 ) .

  3. 要是我能像比阿特丽斯那样有自己的公司就好了。

    I wish I had my own business , like Beatrice does .

  4. 这次比阿特丽斯可没法救你了。

    Beatrice the bear isn 't here to save you this time .

  5. 比阿特丽斯能把家史追溯到诺曼时代。

    Beatrice can trace her family back to Norman times .

  6. 比阿特丽斯开车载她的弟弟丹尼去机场。

    Beatrice is driving her brother , Danny , to the airport .

  7. 比阿特丽斯以前住的村庄离这里有12公里远。

    Beatrice lived in a village twelve kilometers away .

  8. 没有比阿特丽斯和红鲻我也做不到这些。

    I couldn 't have done any of this without Beatrice and mullet fingers .

  9. 比阿特丽斯那我们该怎么办?要我们给精灵报信吗?

    Beatrice and what about us ? Shall we take word to the elves ?

  10. 两人有一个女儿比阿特丽斯。

    They have a daughter , Beatrice .

  11. 比阿特丽斯和我成了最好的朋友,我也从来没有错过她的任何一场足球赛。

    Beatrice and I became best of friends and I never missed a soccer game .

  12. 内容简介:比阿特丽斯的山羊这本书让我们相信,一个家庭,不论在什么地方,都会有机会改变它的生活状况。

    Content abstract : beatrice 's goat is a heartwarming reminder that families , wherever they live , can change their lives for the better .

  13. 玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔,1925年10月13日生于林肯郡的格兰瑟姆。她的父亲阿尔弗雷德·罗伯茨是一个杂货商,她的母亲叫比阿特丽斯。

    Margaret Hilda Thatcher was born on 13 October 1925 in Grantham , Lincolnshire , the daughter of Alfred Roberts , a grocer , and his wife , Beatrice .