- analogy;comparison;image;figure of speech;allegory;metaphor or simile

[allegory;comparison;metaphor;figure of speech] 一种修辞方式,即打比方,用某些有类似特点的事物来比拟想要说的某一事物
A nonphysics analogy illustrates the nature of conservation law .
Hui Zi said : " The purpose of drawing an analogy between the thing people have already known and the thing they don 't know yet is to make them understood . You want me to speak without using metaphors . How can that be done ? "
The idea of the wind singing is a romantic conceit .
The minister preached a sermon on the parable of the lost sheep .
Critics may complain that the novel 's central conceit is rather simplistic .
Despite the mixed metaphor , there is some truth in this judgement .
It turns out Levy is talking in metaphorical terms
This metaphor is very appropriate .
To call stress an epidemic isn 't exaggeration .
In many cultures , round foods such as grapes , bread , and moon cakes are eaten at welcome celebrations to represent family unity .
September is usually chilly1 , but this year we are having an Indian summer .
The concept underpinned of fire seems much more appealing however , aptly comparing the damage caused by the spread of misleading facts to the trail of destruction left in the wake of a wildfire .
Referring to ' a fluttering and nauseated4 sensation felt in the stomach when one is nervous ' , the phrase is often clipped to just ' the butterflies ' .
Both terms are a pejorative can occur in various ways . The term bloatware was coined by analogy with software , hardware etc and figurative use of the verb bloat which literally with liquid or gas ' . ( Source : macmillandictionary . com )
Thirdly , the metaphoric language means the counteraction of moralism .
So , in a metaphorical sense , entropy is arrow of time .
Metaphorically it implied a sort of admirable energy .
Like glass ceiling , sticky floor is a metaphor2 for the occupational frustrations3 of workers .
It was a metaphoric ( al ) phrase ; we didn 't really mean that he has green fingers , only that he is good at gardening .
From this story , people havederived the set phrase " high mountain and running water " to refer to understanding and appreciative friends . This set phrase is also used to refer to melodious music .
The following day the King of Liang met Hui Zi and said to him : " From now on , when you speak , come straight to the point and do not use metaphors and beat about the bush . "
Someone mocked at Hui Zi before the King of Liang . " This Hui Zi likes to use metaphors1 when he speaks . If he is not allowed to use metaphors , he surely won 't be able to explain anything at all . "
A " Chinese Wall " can be a metaphor for an insurmountable barrier to understanding .
A Comparison Between Chinese biyu and English Metaphor ; substituting metonymy of one figurative sense for another .
I am very fortunate to get the ringside seat to the event .
Two other features help you write easy-to-read programs in Python , and they both follow from the book analogy used earlier .
The theoretical foundations on which my analysis is based are mainly from sources of Lakoff and Johnson 's theory of metaphor and metonymy .
According to Webster 's New World Dictionary and A Dictionary of Literary Terms , a figure of comparison is a figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another because of the likeness between the two compared things .
George Yule used to apply a vivid metaphor to define ' turn ' : if conversation is viewed as a market economy , turn is a scarce commodity .
Among Jay-Z 's thesaurus of boasts in his rap songs is a rich index of sports comparisons .