
bìn zàng
  • funeral and interment;funeral and burial;hold a funeral procession and bury the dead
殡葬 [bìn zàng]
  • [funeral and burial] 出殡和下葬

殡葬[bìn zàng]
  1. 湖南省殡葬改革之研究

    Research on the Reform of Funeral and Interment in Hunan

  2. 对殡葬文化的个案调查&以绍兴市为例

    Funeral and Interment Culture of Shaoxing : A Case Study

  3. 他们跟殡葬服务机构签约,定制适合自己的葬礼服务。

    They sign contracts with funeral service providers and tailor the service content to suit themselves .

  4. ZhangSongjie是上海殡葬管理服务中心的一名研究员,该服务中心是隶属政府的机构。

    Zhang Songjie is a researcher with the Shanghai Funeral Management Service Center , a government-affiliated institution .

  5. 仁智国际(SageInternational)是一家在香港上市的殡葬服务集团,BetsyMa便是该集团的员工。该集团已开始鼓励其顾客采用另一种方式纪念他们所爱的人——把其骨灰转变为钻石。

    Sage International , the Hong Kong-listed funeral services group that is Ms Ma 's employer , has started to encourage its clients to use an alternative way to commemorate their loved ones - turning their ashes into gemstones .

  6. 我喜欢似是而非的词。比如mortician(殡葬业者),liquidate(清偿债务),tonsorial(理发的),demi-monde(花街柳巷)。

    I like spurious , black-is-white words , such as mortician , liquidate , tonsorial , demi-monde .

  7. 日本最大殡葬管理集团璨Holdings(SanHoldings)的副社长野吕裕一(YuichiNoro)表示,过去,为显示忠诚,员工集体出席老板的近亲、或重要客户企业的社长及其亲属的葬礼,是十分常见的事情。

    In the past it was quite normal for loyalty-bound employees to troop to the funerals of their bosses " close relatives or the presidents and family of important customer companies , says Yuichi Noro , president of the country 's largest funeral management group San Holdings .

  8. 由中国传统殡葬观分析城市墓园的生态化设计

    Urban Cemetery Design based on Analysis of Chinese Traditional Funeral View

  9. 她死之后,她的朋友来给她做殡葬准备。

    After her death her friends came to lay her out .

  10. 他的着作简略地提到印第安部落的殡葬习俗。

    His book glances at the burial customs of the Indian tribes .

  11. 他们确实能够挑战传统殡葬观念。

    They really challenge the traditional notions of what a funeral is .

  12. 你对整个殡葬的事是什么意见?

    What 's your opinion on the whole burial issue ?

  13. 论殡葬文化的内涵、形态和特征

    On the features , modes , and implications of the funeral culture

  14. 因此,提高殡葬职工社会地位势在必行。

    So , it is imperative to improve the status of its workers .

  15. 最终将该系统在虚拟殡葬场景建模中得以实现应用。

    Eventually the funeral system in a virtual scene in the modeling applications .

  16. 殡葬业没受经济衰退的影响。

    The funeral industry remains unaffected by the recession .

  17. 这个殡葬者从不称呼堂-科利昂,作为习惯规定的“教父”。

    The undertaker never called Don Corleone ," Godfather " as custom dictated .

  18. 承办殡葬者准备埋葬尸体。

    The corpse was laid out by the undertaker .

  19. 古代殡葬用的木制或陶制的偶人。

    Wooden or earthen figures of men and women buried with the dead .

  20. 殡葬职工职业声望的调查与分析

    On the Investigation and Analysis of Funeral and Burial Workers ' Occupational Reputation

  21. “就是,就是。”殡葬承办人说。

    ' So they are , 'said the undertaker .

  22. 其余的就是丧礼和殡葬者的费用。

    The rest was for the ceremony and undertakers'fees .

  23. 努力提高殡葬服务单位的人员素质,以适应殡葬产业化发展的需要。

    To enhance the qualities of the stuff in funeral and interment service .

  24. 堂停顿下来,给了殡葬者一个礼貌的、讽刺的微笑。

    The Don paused and gave the undertaker a polite , ironic smile .

  25. 比利时殡葬提议,尸体溶解后入污水系统(引发争议)。

    Belgian undertakers plan to dissolve dead and flush them into sewage system .

  26. 全国殡葬行业环境污染现状调查与评价

    General investigate and evaluation for ambient environmental pollution on national funeral and interment craft

  27. 怀念·追思:现代殡葬建筑设计研究

    Yearn and Memory : The Study on the Design of the Modern Funeral Building

  28. 她叫Ronni,宠物殡葬业者。

    Mr. Tribbiani : Her name 's Ronni . She 's a pet mortician .

  29. 中国殡葬行业如何面对入世

    How Should Funeral Industry Of China Face WTO

  30. 现在,殡葬方式有了很大改变。

    Nowadays , great changes have taken place in regard to funerals and interment .