
  • 网络Martial arts;budo;Budō;VO-DAO
  1. 那时武士道作为强国的精神支柱,武道(剑道、柔道)作为强民的体育支柱,渗透到教育或一般社会中。

    In those days " BUSHIDO " as the basic spirit of defenses , gave the birth of " BUDO ( Ken-do or Ju-do )" as a basic training for solders , which penetrated into the education and the whole society of Japan .

  2. 在武道中,反省乃智能之根本.对自身行为多加注意实为得以进步之良策。

    In the Martial Arts , introspection begets wisdom . Always see contemplation on your actions as an opportunity to improve .

  3. 这是日本古武道的第一准则

    That 's the first rule of Kobudo .

  4. 药励学舍董事长康震先生在中国医药零售行业年度大会上与日本药品零售资深专家山本武道在交流意见。

    Meeting attendee exchanges name card with Mr David Bernauer , President of Walgreen , during the break of annual meeting of CACDS retail drug industry .

  5. 为了报答师父,同时完成父亲宏扬武道的心愿,巫马踏上了追求太极最高境界之路。

    To express gratitude to his mentor , and to accomplish the will of his father , Ma seeks to pursue the highest level of Tai Chi .

  6. 文化节目也可为客人安排的私人娱乐和范围从活泼武道贝鲁(大鼓)跳舞的悠闲马尔代夫带。

    Cultural shows can also be arranged for guests'private entertainment and range from a lively Bodu Beru ( big drum ) dance to a laid-back Maldivian band .

  7. 剑道作为武道中的一项传统体育项目,目前已在世界五十多个国家得到推广和发展。

    The martial way kendo as a traditional sports , at present has set up a file in the world more than fifty countries get promotion and development .

  8. 旨在振兴中华文化于国际的中国武道太学和中国书道太学今天在北京成立。

    With the aim of promoting Chinese culture internationally , the China Traditional Martial Arts Imperial College and the China Traditional Literature Imperial College were established today in Beijing .

  9. 双方表示,电子竞技将加入2017年阿什哈巴德亚洲室内与武道运动会、2018年雅加达亚运会和2022年杭州亚运会。

    The partners said e-sports will be added to the 2017 Ashgabat Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games ( AIMAG ) , the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games and the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games .

  10. 结合日韩武道精神,分析了武术散打武德及行为规范的现状,认为重订武术散打练习者的行为规范以重建散打运动的武德,是发挥武术教育培养功能的一条重要途径;

    This paper analyzes the present status of morality and behavior criterion of Wushu Sanda based on Wushu spirit of Japanese and Korean , suggests that rebuilding morality and behavior criterion of Wushu Sanda is important to exert the education function of Wushu ;

  11. 终其一生,鹖冠子早年研究军事,随着楚国政治的没落和国力的衰竭,他选择了弃武学道的道路,后来成为道家的著名学者。

    He Guanzi studied the military in his early life , afterwards because of Chu State 's defeat , started to study the Taoism philosophy , and became a renowned scholar in Taoism .

  12. 最近我们注意到李小龙及之武学截拳道知名度大大在中国增多。

    It come to our attention the popularity of Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do has increase tremendously in China .