
  1. REP-PCR分型结果提示D群比B群的遗传多样性高。结论志贺菌导致武汉市社区获得性腹泻的比例较低,优势血清型发生了变迁。

    REP-PCR revealed group D has more gene diversity than group B. Conclusions The rate of community acquired diarrhea caused by Shigella was low in Wuhan and the superiority serotype changed .

  2. 结论武汉地区社区内STM对喹诺酮类药物的耐药性严重,其主要机制是喹诺酮类耐药决定区(QRDR)的基因突变,特别是多个位点同时突变导致高水平耐药;

    Conclusions The resistance of STM from community acquired infection in WuHan is very severe . The resistance mechanism was associated with mutations of the quinolone resistance-determining regions .

  3. 目的描述武汉市社区人群血浆同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)在不同性别、不同年龄段分布水平和分布特征及采用多元逐步回归分析方法分析人群Hcy的主要影响因素。

    Objective To study the serum homocysteine ( Hcy ) distribution and characteristics in different sex and age groups in the community residents in Wuhan , and to analyse its associated factors with multi-stepwise regression analysis .

  4. 武术在武汉市社区体育中的发展现状及对策研究

    The Study of Present Development about Wu-shu in WuHan Community

  5. 武汉市社区卫生服务机构门诊病人满意度研究

    Study on the Outpatient 's Satisfaction of The Community Health Service in Wuhan

  6. 武汉市社区居民参加武术健身的动机调查分析

    Investigation on Motivation of Community Residents Participating in Wushu Exercise in Wuhan City

  7. 武汉市社区卫生服务发展概述

    Development of Community Health Services in Wuhan City

  8. 武汉大学社区高知人群心血管病危险因素分析

    Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor in Senior Intellectuals Crowd in Community of Wuhan University

  9. 武汉市社区开展大众健身操活动的影响因素及其对策研究

    Influence Facts of the Development of the Masses Aerobics Dancing of Wuhan Community and Its Suggestion

  10. 体育舞蹈对促进武汉市社区体育文化建设的研究

    The Study of Dance Sports Promotion to the Construct of Sports Civilization of Community in Wuhan

  11. 武汉市社区就诊患者双向转诊意愿比较以及影响因素分析

    Comparative Analysis of Patients ′ Desires on the Two-Way Referral and the Relative Influential Factors in Wuhan

  12. 武汉市社区卫生服务居民满意度评价指标体系实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Evaluation Index System of Residents ' Satisfaction with Community Health Services in Wuhan

  13. 我国社区矫正试点工作中的问题与对策&对武汉市社区矫正试点工作的实证调查

    The Problems and Countermeasures on the Program of Community Correction in China & Empirical Investigation of the Pilot Program of community correction in Wuhan

  14. 武汉市社区人群血浆同型半胱氨酸分布特征及影响因素的多元逐步回归分析

    Study on the distribution of serum homocysteine and on multi-stepwise regression analysis of the associated factors in the population of community areas in Wuhan

  15. 第二部分,笔者分别从宏观和微观两个层次,描述了武汉市社区老年卫生服务的基本状况。

    In part 2 , the author describes the conditions of the community health service for the elderly in Wuhan city by macro approach and micro approach .

  16. 武汉市社区教育的现状可以概括为一元投入、二个体系、三支队伍、四类对象、五大特点;

    The status of community education in Wuhan city can be summarized as one yuan input , two systems , the three teams , four targets and five features .

  17. 本研究调查了武汉市社区居民应对突发公共事件的能力,并进行了培训,培训后其减灾防灾能力大大提升。

    This paper investigated the community residents ' coping ability to public emergencies , and trained them ; the result shows that the coping ability is grate improved after training .

  18. 采用整群分层抽样和访谈等方法对武汉市社区卫生服务信息系统的现状进行了详细的调查研究,找出系统流程中存在的问题和瓶颈。

    We Used cluster stratified sampling , interviews and other methods had detailed to survey on status of Wuhan City Community Health Service Information System to find out problems and bottlenecks of system process .

  19. 此标准体系着重于构架一个逻辑清晰、分类明确的信息标准体系,侧重于卫生信息的交换、共享和利用等,是建立武汉市社区卫生信息系统的基础和前提。

    The information standardization of CHS is logic and classified clearly , which pays attention to the exchange , share and use of health information , and also is the premise of the construction of information standardization about CHS in Wuhan .

  20. 目前武汉市社区卫生信息化建设中存在着多种卫生信息不规范现象,导致信息孤岛以及信息资源的浪费,为解决这一问题,研究并构建社区卫生信息标准体系成为迫切需要。

    At the present , a lot of irregular information exists in the informatization construction of CHS in Wuhan , which leads the information silo and the waste of information resources . It is need badly to study and construct the information standardization in Wuhan to solve the problem .

  21. 选举行为背后:投机博弈&以武汉市C社区居委会直接选举为例

    Behind the Elective Behavior : Game of Speculation & Take Direct Election of C Community in Wuhan for Example

  22. 武汉市城市社区健康相关问题调查与对策分析

    Knowledge and Behavior About Health of Urban Residents in Wuhan

  23. 武汉市居民社区卫生服务满意度调查

    A Survey of Levels of Satisfaction with Community Health Service in Wuhan

  24. 武汉老城区社区环境更新探索

    The Research on Traditional Community Environment Development in Wuhan

  25. 香港与武汉:城市社区服务比较

    Wuhan and Hong Kong : A Comparative Study of Their Urban Community Services

  26. 武汉市部分社区社会体育人口的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Social Sports Population of Some Communities in Wuhan City

  27. 随机抽取武汉市某社区中60岁以上的老年人,采用个人访谈法对家庭结构类型与老年人的身心健康进行了初步研究。

    355 elderly over 60 years of age from a community of Wuhan were studied .

  28. 武汉市部分社区卫生服务中心创建权竞标浅析

    A Preliminary Analysis of Competition Tenders in the Creation of Some Community Health Service Centers in Wuhan

  29. 香港的社区服务经费是政府资助为主、社会筹募为辅,武汉则是社区经济养社区服务、有偿服务补无偿服务;

    As for the expenditure on the service , Hong Kong is financed mainly by the government and partly supported by public donations while Wuhan subsidized by community industries , with free services supported by charged services ;

  30. 方法以武汉市三个社区的全部人群作为研究对象,对Hcy的分布特征及相关影响因素进行统计学分析。

    Methods The population under study was from three community areas in Wuhan . Demographic distribution and the correlation with other risk factors of serum Hcy were analyzed statistically .