- military attaché;officer;military officer

(1) [military attaché]∶外交代表的军事顾问,为国家军事机关派驻外国的代表,是使馆组成人员之一
(2) [officer]∶指军官
The Ming Dynasty military officer groups both large and complex .
The third part introduces systems Guyuan Town Officials , it discussed from the three parts respectively , namely the civilian officer system , the military officer system and the supervision officer system and the set up of " Trilateral total system of government " .
After the Awacs deal , Prince Bandar became military attach é at the Saudi embassy in the US , and was later promoted to ambassador .
He was appointed as an equerry to the queen mother .
Where peron had spent the eariy war years as a Miiitary attache .
The sour candy made me pucker up .
He expelled two American military attach é s.
Saw Khin Soe once served as a military attache at the Burmese embassy in Tokyo .
and thy captains as aides-de-camp .
When I was naval attache in Germany , sir , he happened to use me on jobs involving high security .
Captain Joyce , the American naval attache , a jolly Irishman with a knowing eye , asked Pamela to dance .
America 's naval attache in Nazi Germany is certainly somebody . You could strike a blow for preparedness , or a two-ocean Navy .
And these valuable servants ? Not equerries or other royal minions , but her trusty patent leather shoes , the unsung heroes of the Royal household .
The military is also reaching out to counterparts around the world through a network of overseas defence attach é s and a growing list of formal exchanges .
His army career has included a peacekeeping mission in Sierra Leone , presidential security and a posting as defense attache on the Middle East based in Pakistan .
On the local military system of the later Tang and historical changes of Tang and Song ; The cast iron was melted and poured into sand moulds .
The adjutant , by his elaborately formal courtesy , seemed to wish to guard himself from any attempt at familiarity on the part of the Russian adjutant .
The site is located in a suburb northeast of the city of Anyang , on the high bank of the Huan river north of Houjiazhuang and Wuguancun villages .
My Grandmother Keller was a daughter of one of Lafayette 's aides , Alexander Moore , and granddaughter of Alexander Spotswood , an early Colonial Governor of Virginia .
However , in an interview with a local paper , Yoon Jong-gu , who once served as a military attach at the Korean Embassy in Moscow , denied the rumor .
It did not give specifics about the expelled diplomats , but an official in the Polish Foreign Ministry said they were three military attaches and one employee in the embassy 's political section .
The Royal Cemetery is located in the northwest suburbs of Anyang , on the northern bank of the Huan River in an area known as the northwestern high ground above Houjiazhuang and Wuguancun villages .
Five minutes later the adjutant returned , and with marked courtesy , bowing and ushering Prince Andrey before him , he led him across the corridor to the private room of the war minister .
KELEMEN : But one of her colleagues at NTI , a former U.S. air attache to Moscow , Robert Berls , says it 's been difficult talking to his Russian counterparts about these and other issues .
Mr Lo was recruited by the Chinese in 2004 while a military attache in Thailand , and came under suspicion only at the end of last year , when the military was investigating a separate spy case involving a lower-ranking army official .