
  1. 王斌是罗江县鄢家镇人,目前在一家公司当保安。

    Wang Yan is the county home town , when in a company security .

  2. 他投汨罗江自杀了。

    He committed suicide in Miluo river .

  3. 汨(mì)罗江是湘江在湘北的最大支流。

    Mi - ( m ì) LUO Jiang-Xiangbei in the Xiangjiang River is the largest tributary .

  4. 由于无法获得国王的重视,屈原在忧郁的情况下投汨罗江自尽。

    Unable to regain the respect of the emperor , in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river .

  5. 最后,然而,他是如此的沮丧,因此他投入汨罗江,以结束自己的生命。

    At last , however , he wasso discouraged that he had to end his life by throwing himself into the Miluo River .

  6. 当他听说楚已被秦国打败,他陷入绝望,投汨罗江自尽。

    Hearing that the Chu had been defeated by the Qin , he fell into despair and threw himself into the Milou River .

  7. 李调元,罗江文星镇人,清代著名文学家、戏剧理论家、诗人。

    Li tiaoyuan , people of Wenxing town of luojiang , is a famous litterateur , a drama theoretician , and a poet of Qing dynasty .

  8. 他非常热爱祖国,当得知祖国战败后,他非常绝望,投汨罗江自尽了。

    He loved his country so much , that after hearing that his country had been defeated , he fell into despair and threw himself into the Miluo River .

  9. 罗水发源于岳阳县芭蕉乡坳背里,西南流至汨罗市大丘湾入汨罗江,长88公里,流域面积595平方公里。

    Luo water originated from Yueyang County plantain Au Pui Township , southwest flow to Miluo City , Bay Hill into the Miluo River , 88 km long , the valley area of595 square kilometers .

  10. 昌江河又名梅仙水,源出平江县西北部幕阜山西麓傅家洞,于杨梅港入汨罗江,长84公里,流域面积670平方公里。

    Chang also known as Mei Xianshui rivers , source to screen Fu Ping Jiangxian northwest Shanxi Lu Jia-dong , in Yangmei in Hong Kong to Miluo River , 84 km long , the valley area of670 square kilometers .

  11. 为了纪念爱国诗人屈原,居民为了不让跳下汨罗江的屈原尸体被鱼虾吃掉,所以在江里投下许多用竹叶包裹的米食(粽子),并且竞相划船(赛龙船)希望找到屈原的尸体。

    In order to commemorate patriotic poet Qu Yuan who jumped into the Miluo river , and avoid his body to be eaten by fish and shrimp , so people cast many of bamboo rice ( rice dumplings ) in the river , and compete to row ( acetate ship ) hoping to find the body of Qu yuan .