
zhènɡ ɡuī jūn
  • regular army;regular armed forces
正规军 [zhèng guī jūn]
  • [regular army] 国家正式编制的有组织的战斗部队(如陆军、海军或空军)

  1. 代表们还讨论了把他们从游击队武装改造为正规军的问题。

    Delegates also discussed transforming them from a guerrilla force into a regular army .

  2. 政府希望把他们改编为正规军。

    The government wants to turn them into a regular army .

  3. 至少有17个非正规军部队参战。

    At least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war .

  4. 该手册指导CIA“非正规军”构造不同的被设计来博得敌人的恭敬、信任和对其的影响的“假面”构造。

    The manual instructs the CIA " guerilla forces " to engage in different " false front " organizations designed to win the respect , trust , and influence ofthe enemy .

  5. 随着支持Ouattara的战士不断向南推进,他们几乎没有遭遇忠于巴博总统的正规军的公开抵抗。

    As the pro-Ouattara fighters move south , they meeting very little resistance from the official state forces publicly at least remain loyal to President Gbagbo .

  6. 这部分公寓是大学生公寓市场上的正规军。

    This apartment is part of the regular college dormitories market .

  7. 这是一个众所周知的地方陷阱正规军。

    It is a well-known place to trap regular armies .

  8. 我们有3队非正规军。

    We 've got three gueriiias with fiashiights set up .

  9. 那些在这里抵抗的部队不是高丽国的正规军。

    Those who fought here were not from regular army of balhae .

  10. 不像正规军的损伤那么有限。

    Nor were the losses limited to the city 's professional soldiers .

  11. 巴登的正规军参加到起义军方面来了。

    The regular troops of Baden joined the insurgents .

  12. 在一些国家,警察有辅助正规军的职责。

    In some countries the police have paramilitary duties .

  13. 志愿军被正规军替换。

    The volunteers were displaced by a professional army .

  14. 法国军人的制服在表面上看来与中国正规军的制服相仿。

    The French uniforms bore a superficial resemblance to those of Chinese regulars .

  15. 战争期间,斯科特对正规军的整顿使正规军地位显著上升。

    During the war , Scott 's reorganization of the regular army upgraded its status .

  16. 非正规军已经接管了警局了。

    Paramilitaries have taken over the police .

  17. 在我看来也是非正规军。

    Seems to me guerilla , too .

  18. 游击队伏击了一个排的正规军;

    Guerrillas ambushing a platoon of regulars ;

  19. 同年,哈里森又将兴趣转向军队,加入了正规军第一步兵营。

    In that same year , Harrison switched interests and joined the First Infantry of the Regular Army .

  20. 游击队和正规军的领导者们,都应明确地认识其作用。

    The commanders both of the guerrilla units and of the regular forces must clearly understand this role .

  21. 因此,一切正规军均有扶助游击队向着正规部队发展的责任。

    Hence all the regular forces have the responsibility of helping the guerrilla units to develop into regular units .

  22. 一般说来,不从正规军里抽出入人来做骨干,便很难发动群众拿起武器。

    Without support of a few regular troops , the people generally are not encouraged to take up arms .

  23. 这种目的,在有正规军派遣支队或派遣干部的地方,是能够比较顺利地达到的。

    Where detachments or cadres have been sent in by the regular forces , the goal can be achieved more easily .

  24. 他们说命令是由白宫直接下达的。他们动用了一支被称陆军生化快速部队的非正规军全权处理这次事件。

    He says it comes straight from the White House . They 've activated something called a Biological Rapid Response Team .

  25. 独立战争时期,正规军和民兵并行的军事体系使美国赢得了战争。

    During the War of Independence , the militia army and the regular army help the United States win the war .

  26. 今后三年要求我军歼敌正规军三百个旅以上。

    In the next three years it is required that our army should wipe out 300 or more brigades of enemy regulars .

  27. 本地以军事方式组织起来的团体(尤其是用来代替或辅助正规军)。

    A group of civilians organized in a military fashion ( especially to operate in place of or to assist regular army troops ) .

  28. 它是由独立检察委员会编写,独立检察委员会是政府设立的独立的审查北爱尔兰辅助正规军的和安全形势的小组。

    It was written by the Independent Monitoring Commission , a government-created independent panel that looked at the paramilitary and security situation in Northern Ireland .

  29. 并且正规军分散作游击战,集合起来又可作运动战,八路军就是这样做的。

    Moreover , such regular forces can conduct guerrilla warfare when dispersed and mobile warfare when concentrated , as the Eighth Route Army has been doing .

  30. 他的部队在那儿。他已经脱离了某某民兵团,加入了正规军,你大概也知道吧。

    His regiment is there ; for I suppose you have heard of his leaving the & shire , and of his being gone into the regulars .