
  • 网络forward voltage drop
  1. LED正向压降随温度的变化关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of the Change in Forward Voltage with Temperature of Light Emitting Diode

  2. 结果表明,该功率二极管具有低的正向压降,较少的存贮电荷,其性能远远超过Si的同类型结构。

    The simulation results indicate that the SiGe / Si heterojunction switching power diodes have low forward voltage drop , low stored charge and the performance is much better than the similar structure of Si devices .

  3. 应用计算机测定PN结正向压降的温度特性

    Measuring forward voltage drop characteristics of PN junction with temperature using computer

  4. 通过计算分析了俄歇(Auger)复合、载流子间散射、禁帚变窄和端头区复合等各种因素对p~(+in+)结正向压降的影响。

    Auger recombination , carrier-carrier scattering , bandgap narrowing , and end regions recombination are analyzed by calculation .

  5. 运用平均开关建模法,建立非理想PWM开关的非线性大信号平均模型,包含全部寄生电阻和二极管的正向压降。

    Using the averaged switch modeling approach , a non-linear large-signal averaged model of non-ideal PWM switch is derived , taking into account all parasitic resistances and threshold voltage of diode .

  6. 根据负载LED的正向压降和输入电压选择工作模式,可以让驱动器最大限度地工作在高效率的1X模式下,有效地提高了驱动器的LED效率。

    The paper describes a method which improves the compatibility of forward voltage drop . The new auto-adjustable charge pump can keep the charge pump working in high efficient 1X mode as long as possible .

  7. 得到较为理想的反向击穿电压VBR,正向压降VF,反向恢复时间trr三参数之间的折衷。器件性能优良,可靠性高,样品通过150℃/168小时的高温反偏实验。

    The excellent selections of breakdown voltage , forward voltage and reverse recovery time were obtained and the reliability of the device was pretty good .

  8. 数值模拟表明,该器件的tf~VF折衷关系优于采用非局域寿命控制的器件,在相同关断速度下其正向压降可降低0.6~1.4V,避免了阳极短路结构的正向快速返回现象。

    It is demonstrated by numerical simulation that the trade - off is superior to the devices using unlocalized lifetime control , the forward on-state voltage can be reduced by 0.6-1.4 V at the same turn-off speed , and it can avoid the snap-back phenomena of anode-short structure .

  9. 本文给出了一个改善2CK正向压降一致性的方法。

    The paper describes a method which improves the compatibility of forward voltage drop .

  10. 并接扩散电阻的BE结正向压降温度系数的研究

    Study of temperature coefficient of forward voltage for BE junction with diffusion resistor in parallel

  11. 本文对大功率可控硅的阻断电压问题、正向压降问题、光刻掩模板的设计问题、控制极特性问题以及动特性问题进行了分析。

    This paper analyses the blocking voltage , forward voltage drop , photoresist mask design and gate-triggering and dynamic characteristics of high-power thyristors .

  12. 此外,还采用正向压降法测量了不同腔长激光器的热阻,并与理论曲线进行了比较。

    In addition , the thermal resistances of the devices with different cavity lengths were measured by using positive-going voltage method and compared with the theoretical curve .

  13. 由于优化在器件的漂移区之外,所以,击穿电压的升高而比导通电阻、开关特性、正向压降等几乎没有变化。

    This buried layer can increase the breakdown voltage of the LDMOS almost without influence on the specific on-resistance , switching characteristics , forward drop voltage and so on .

  14. 研究中采用了具有独创性的双层石墨舟液相外延技术,并改进了电极制作技术,使发光管的正向压降显著降低。

    In this study , the LPE technology with the novel two tiered graphite boat is used , and the improvement of electrod fabrication technology lowers the forward voltage of LED obviously .

  15. 通过理论计算,着重分析了大、小注入下基区少子寿命间的定量关系及其对正向压降的影响;

    It also analyses emphatically the quantitative relation between the minority carrier lifetimes in the base region under the different conditions of injection and their affects on the forward voltage drop by the theoretical calculation ;

  16. 本文详细分析了横向多晶硅p+p-n+结的温度特性,给出了正向压降温度变化率的理论表达式和实验测量值;

    The temperature characteristic of the polysilicon p + p - n + junction 's foreword bias were analyzed in detail . The theoretic expression and experimental data of the temperature rate of change of forward voltage drop were presented .

  17. 一个理想的功率器件,希望其在关断时具有非常高的耐压能力,在通态时具有较低的正向压降;不仅能够承受非常大的电流密度,还具有较高的开关速度。

    An ideal power device is designed to support a very high voltage in the off-state , possess a very small voltage drop in the on-state , support a very high current density , and be capable of switching at a very high speed .

  18. ZQ正向饱和压降的研究

    The Study for forward Saturated Voltage - drop of ZQ

  19. 采用高能质子辐照既能提高开关速度又能尽量降低正向导通压降。

    However , accompanying beneficial reduction in switching speed there is a deleterious increase in forward voltage drop .

  20. 在分析晶闸管正向导通压降的温度特性基础上,对不同温度下变流器均流系数Kimax做了分析、计算和试验。

    Based on the analysis of temperature behavior of forward conduction voltage drop for a thyristors , the current balance coefficient K imax ( CBC K imax ) of a converters are calculated and tested .

  21. 指出,通过合理的设计可以使该种新器件具有很低的截止态高温泄漏电流,很高的截止态击穿电压,足够大的正向导通电流和足够低的正向导通压降。

    It is indicated that excellent characteristics of off state leakage current at high temperatures and very high off state breakdown voltage and sufficiently large forward current and low forward voltage drop may be obtained by reasonable designs .