
zhènɡ jiāo hán shù
  • orthogonal function;orthogonal coefficient
  1. 用n次多项式与基于正交函数的最小二乘拟合法,分别建立多点拟合模型。

    The multi point-fitting criterion models were built respectively with n-times polynomials and least squares fitting criterion based on orthogonal function .

  2. 本文报告了用正交函数法直接测定辅酶Q(10)注射液含量的方法。

    This paper reports that the content of coenzyme Q_ ( 10 ) injection can be directly determined by orthogonal function spectrophotometry .

  3. 基于Chebyshev正交函数神经网络的混沌系统鲁棒自适应同步

    Robust adaptive synchronization of chaotic systems based on Chebyshev orthogonal function neural network

  4. 提出了一种基于离散Fourier正交函数系与离散Chebyshev正交多项式的图像正交矩。

    A new set of orthogonal moment functions were introduced based on the discrete Fourier functions and the discrete Chebyshev polynomials .

  5. 该方法利用Dirac-δ函数定义描述反应体系的有关分布函数,并利用正交函数进行广义Fourier展开,从而推导出总反应速率表达式。

    The distribu - tion functions which are used to describe the reaction system are defined by using Dirac delta function , and approximated with generalized Fourier series .

  6. 本文将一次U系统的正交函数系应用到商业票据防伪中,给出了一种新的数字水印算法。

    A one degree orthogonal function of U system is applied to the anti-counterfeit of commercial bills , and a novel digital watermarking method is put forward .

  7. 通过该正交函数模型,从理论上推导出了PCF的色散估算公式。

    Using this orthogonal functions model , an approximate formula of dispersion in PCFs was deduced in theory .

  8. 针对二维抛物化稳定性方程(PSE)在法向上采用正交函数展开法进行了计算。

    Two dimensional parabolic stability equations ( PSE ) are numerically solved using expansions in orthogonal functions in the normal direction .

  9. 作者利用经验正交函数(EOF)方法分析了南汇南滩近期冲淤特征,表现为随着时间推移在空间上纵向与横向的两种波动。

    Using empirical orthogonal function ( EOF ) method , this paper discusses the characteristics of topography change on Nanhui Nan Shoal .

  10. 应用自然正交函数分解(EOF)方法,分析了甘肃省庆阳地区春末夏初干旱的综合评价指数DH的空间分布特征及随时间演变规律;

    The temporal-spatial distribution of drought index D H in late spring and early summer in the eastern Gansu Province is analyzed by EOF .

  11. 二是引进了semiReinhardt域的概念并求出了它的完备标准正交函数系。

    Another one is to introduce the notion of semi Reinhardt domain and to compute the complete orthonormal system for the semi Reinhardt domain .

  12. 本文在Glenn正交函数法的基础上,发展了一种计算机辅助褶合曲线分析法。本法可对混合物中各组分同时进行分别定量。

    A computer-assisted convolution curve method has been developed based on Glenn 's orthogonal function treatment for the determination of multicomponents in mixtures .

  13. 与用经验正交函数(EOF)对模式气候作分析不同,球谐波谱分析能清晰显示大气波动的物理图像,尤其是全球大气低频波。

    In comparison with model climate analysis by use of the EOF , the spherical harmonics spectral analysis can better reveal the physical pattern of atmospheric waves .

  14. 经验正交函数(EOF)分析的主要空间型反映了赤道中太平洋、热带西太平洋、阿拉伯海和副热带西太平洋地区的积云对流活动存在一定的关系。

    The EOF analysis indicates the relationship of the cumulus convection between equatorial middle Pacific , tropical western Pacific , the Arabian Sea and subtropical western Pacific .

  15. 利用自然正交函数法划分了东亚自然天气季节以后,本文应用K均值聚类法对各个自然天气季节内部的500毫巴候平均环流进行了分型试验,得到了一些有意义的结果。

    After dividing NSS over East Asia by the method of EOF , an attempt of pattern classification of the mean pentad circulations at 500 mb level for each NSS is made by the method of K-mean cluster analysis . Some interesting results have been obtained .

  16. 方法提出一种由正交函数(OF)与多元线性回归法(MLR)相结合的方法,并把它用于复方甲硝唑注射液二组分的同时测定,并与多元线性回归法所测的结果进行比较。

    Methods The method was applied to simultaneous determination of all the components in the compound metronidazole injection . At the same time , the method was compared with MLR .

  17. 通过选择其中不同的正交函数K(x,t),可以得到不同的积分变换式和不同的信号f(t)重构式,而香农采样定理仅是这种采样理论的特例。

    Under complete set of orthogonal integral transform , by choosing different orthogonal function K ( x , t ) , the various integral transforms and the various f ( t ) signal reconstruction forms could be obtained . Shannon sampling theorem only is a its application .

  18. 根据山东省81个地面站1961&1998年共38年的降水资料,应用自然正交函数展开(EOF)方法,分析了山东省38年春季月、季降水量的时空变化特征。

    Based on the precipitation data at 81 surface stations of Shandong Province during spring of 1961_1998 , EOF method is used to analyze spring precipitation of the Province in this article .

  19. 而以既包容了导数光谱法和正交函数法、又与PLS相结合的褶合光谱法结果最好。

    Furthermore , the convolution curve method , which embodies simultaneously the derivative method and orthogonal function and combines PLS , gives the best results , and is worthy of a more broader application in practical work .

  20. 应用正交函数系级数展开法分析结构的理论,以带附加补充项的Fourier级数作为挠度函数模式,求解了Pasternak地基上自由边矩形板的弯曲问题。

    In this paper , through structure analysis by means of orthogonal function system expansion , a Fourier series solution for the bending problem of the rectangular plates with free edges on Pasternak foundation is reached .

  21. 本文提出了一个用大气自由振荡解析的垂直正规模为正交函数系构成一个完备的Hilbert空间,利用广义Fourier展开的概念,在垂直方向进行广义Fourier展开,对大气数值模式进行垂直积分。

    This paper develops a technique of vertical integrations of numerical models of the atmosphere using generalized Fourier expansion in which orthogonal functions are analytic vertical normal modes , that construct a complete Hilbert space , two systems of vertical normal modes are used .

  22. 采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解、奇异值分解(SVD)及相关、合成分析等方法,分析了太平洋海温异常分布与东亚大气环流及长江中下游降水的关系。

    By using the methods of EOF , SVD , correlation and composite analysis , the relationship between Pacific SSTA pattern and rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is investigated .

  23. 由于端点系有集中质量的弹性杆的振动问题的边界条件不是斯特姆-刘维本征值问题所要求的边界条件,分离变数所得到的函数系{Xn(x)}不是正交函数系,故求解十分困难。

    It 's very difficult to solve the oscillation problem of elastic rod with concentrated mass on the end because the boundary condition in this case is not the one required by Sturm Liouville eigenvalue problem and the functions { X n ( x ) } are not orthogonal ones .

  24. 作者对热带印度洋上层洋流作了空间的三维经验正交函数(EOF)分析,揭示其与印度洋偶极子和ENSO循环的关系。

    Three dimensional EOF ( Empirical Orthogonal Functions ) analysis is applied to the upper current in the tropical Indian Ocean in order to investigate the relationship with the IOD ( Indian Ocean dipole ) and ENSO circle .

  25. 扩展经验正交函数(EEOF)及其在月、季降水预测中的应用

    Extended Empirical Orthogonal Function ( EEOF ) and Applications to Monthly ( Seasonal ) Rainfall Prediction

  26. 利用中国东部25°N以北28个站1880-1999年夏季季降水序列,用旋转复经验正交函数(RCEOF)方法,研究了中国东部地区百年干湿的时空演变规律。

    By applying rotated complex empirical orthogonal function ( RCEOF ) analysis on 1880-1999 summer rainfall at 28 selected stations over the east part of China , the spatio-temporal variations of China summer rainfall are investigated .

  27. 推广完备正交函数系(OFSE)展开方法,应用它研究冕环中无耗散扭转Alfven波和快波耦合的时变过程。

    Complete Orthogonal Function Series Expansion ( OFSE ) method is generalized and applied to make research about the time evolution coupling process of fast and Alfven waves in coronal loops .

  28. 借助于正交函数逼近方法研究了线性定常分布参数系统的最优控制问题,将Haar小波正交基应用于分布参数系统的最优控制,获得了性能较好的最优控制逼近算法。

    In this paper , based on orthogonal function approximation theory , the optimal control of distributed parameter systems has been investigated . Haar wavelet transform has been employed to solve optimal control of DPS , and the approximate control algorithm for DPS has been proposed .

  29. 采用1961-1990年逐年年平均气温资料,运用旋转经验正交函数(REOF),将中国大陆划分为8个气温变化区。

    Based on the data of annual mean temperature from 1961-1990 , the Chinese main land was partitioned to 8 regions by Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Functions ( REOF ) .

  30. 本文选用青海南部高原13个气象站的1971-2000年的春季(3-5月)和冬季(10-2月)降水资料,进行经验正交函数(EOF)展开分析。

    The spring 's precipitation ( March ~ May ) and the winter 's precipitation ( October ~ February ) time series of 13 weather stations of the Southern Qinghai Plateau in Recent 30 Years ( form 1971 to 2000 ) are respectively analyzed by the EOF method .